The Untold Story of Quasar Chapter 1

The Untold Story of Quasar Chapter 1

A Chapter by Sarah Buchanan

Aislinn Walker doesn't know what she's getting herself into as she asks her friend, Justice, to bring an antique Witch board to her welcome home party. Aislinn and her high school buddies, as well as a few new friends, learn a dark secret about their home



Chapter 1

Aislinn walks in the house and puts everything down to start sorting through.  She sits down and opens one bag.  The doorbell rings.  She answers; on the other side of the door stands Justice.

“Hey girl,” Justice says.

Aislinn smiles at her.  “Did you bring it?”

Justice pulls an old beat up box out of her bag.

“Of course, did you get the supplies?”

“Duh,” Aislinn says.

The two giggle and head upstairs with the bags.  They stop in front of the nearly empty room.  The two give each other a look and head in.  Aislinn puts the bags down.

“Where are the candles?”  Justice says.

“Umm there right there on the table.”

“Ah got it.”  Justice grabs the bag.

“What’d you need all this stuff for anyways?”

“For protection of course; oh wait, I keep forgetting you’ve had a Christian upbringing.”

“What’s that gotta do with anything?”

“Well it’s a pagan thing.”

“Explain!” Aislinn says.

Justice sets up five of the candles around the Witch Board.

“Well,” Justice pauses.  “Hmm to you what does that formation look like?”

Aislinn stares at the candles for a moment.

“I don’t know.  It’s like a deformed circle.”

“Oh Goddess give me patience.  Aislinn if you draw a line connecting the dots you’ll see it’s a pentacle.” 

“Oh okay, but why white candles?”

“It’s a color that’s used for protection.  The color is also used for other things, but we don’t need to get into that now.”  Justice says.

“Um okay,” Aislinn says.

Aislinn’s curiosity is fulfilled for the time being, so the two start on the room.  Aislinn darkens every part of it.  She covers the walls, floors, windows and anything else in the room with thick black fabric.

“So why all the black fabric?” Justice asks.

“I’m just trying to make the room seem smaller than it is.  Plus it’s kind of creepy looking.  I thought that might be cool.”  Aislinn says.

“Ah cool.”

“Why so many candles?”

“Well it’ll probably be the only light we’ll have tonight.  Also for the extra protection and it adds to the atmosphere.”


“Finished!” Both say.

The two of them stand back in the entrance way and look back at their work.

“So does it look good?  Do you think it’ll be too creepy?”  Aislinn says.

“Oh I’m sure it will, but you do realize this is no game.  There might actually be a spirit that answers you.”

“Are you kidding?  There’s no reason for restless spirits in this town.  There have been no murders, no suicides and no battles.  Hell I don’t even think there are any Indian burial grounds around here.  I don’t even think I ever heard a ghost story growing up.”

“It sounds like your town has a lot of secrets.”

“What makes you say that?”

“No town is that perfect.  Usually it means they have something to hide.”

“Naw, I doubt it.  If there was a secret to be uncovered I would have figured it out by now.”

“Oh yes I forgot you like to figure out mysteries and hunt pretend ghosts.  You better be careful though, because you never know when a ghost might just hunt you.”  Justice says.

They both laugh, thinking that nothing back could possibly happen.  Little do they know what is gathering around them.

A dark force is lingering outside the house.  It is gaining power, waiting for the portal to be open so it can come back.

The girls, clueless as they are, go downstairs to get the rest of the house ready.

“So do you think your friends will mind that I’m pagan?”  Justice says.

“I doubt it.  They aren’t that closed minded, just because they are Christian.”  Aislinn says.

“Alright I was just asking.  Even people in my hometown have rejected us because of our beliefs.  I’m used to not being understood or accepted.”

“No one should ever have to get used to that.”

“Yeah, but the real world is a cruel one.  Remember my kind was once burned at the stake.  It’s ironic really.”

“Why’s that?”

“In the beginning the Christian priests were the ones who took paganism in and practiced dark magic.”


“Yeah, but they don’t teach you that in history class.”

“Hmm, interesting, um do you think we should move the couch out into the entry way?  It’ll give us more space for the sleeping bags.”  Aislinn says.

“That sounds good.  You want to walk backwards or you want me to?”

“I’m such a klutz, you know that.  So you walk back.”

“Hehe alright then.” Justice says.

The girls grunt as they struggle, trying to lift the couch.  Aislinn drops her side.

“I can’t do it.  I’d say slide it, but mom would get pissed off if I fucked up the floor.  S**t, how are we gonna do this?”  Aislinn says.

“Maybe one of the guys will arrive soon and help me lift it since you are no help at all.”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah, some friend you are.”

The two laugh again.  This time, their laughter is interrupted not by a crazy idea, but by a ring at the door.

Aislinn and Justice look at each other.

“Who could that be?”  Justice asks.

“Um I have no idea.  No one’s supposed to arrive yet.  Maybe it’s a guy.”

“Well you gonna answer or what?”

“Of course I am.”

The two head towards the door.  Justice hides behind the door just in case.  Aislinn opens it.  A loud long screeching scream comes out of her mouth.  Justice jumps.

“Oh my God, what are you doing here so early?”  Aislinn says.

Justice smacks Aislinn.  “Ugh b***h, you scared me half to death.”

“Sorry, I was just excited.”

“Yeah I can see that now.”

The person at the door clears his throat.

“Oh sorry, Justice this is Jonathan, Jonathan this is Justice.”  Aislinn says.

“Pleasure to meet you.” Justice says.

“No, the pleasure is all mine, I assure you.”  Jonathan says.

“Um awkward.” says Aislinn.

“Oh sorry, Aislinn.” Jonathan says as he reaches out to hug her.

“Wait who is this that you brought with you?”

Standing behind Jonathan is blonde haired, blue eyed boy.  He blushes as Aislinn takes him in.

“Ah this is my friend from college, Colin.”  Jonathan says.

Colin is very handsome, but quiet.  Aislinn is mesmerized by his eyes. 

“Why hello there Colin.” Aislinn says.

“Hi.”  Colin says.

“You gonna invite us in or make us stand out here the entire time?”  Jonathan says.

“Of course come in.”  Aislinn says.

They head into the house.  Aislinn closes the door.

“It’s a bit messy right now.  We haven’t finished getting ready yet.  You’re early.”  Aislinn says.

“Oh I know.  I figured you could use some help.”  Jonathan says.

“Well actually we could use your help, or should I say, I could use your help.  Aislinn is no good with lifting.”  Justice says.

“A woman shouldn’t be good at lifting.”  Jonathan says.

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Just what I said, women shouldn’t lift stuff.  It’s too hard on their delicate bodies.”

“Alright well you lift that side and I’ll lift this side, a*s.”

“What did you just say?”  Jonathan says.

“Oh nothing, just lift!” Justice says.

The two lift it, Justice lifting higher than Jonathan who is struggling to hold onto the couch.  They make it to the entry way and put it down.  Jonathan crashes on it, while Justice just rubs her hands together, to get off the dust.

“What are you some kind of dyke?”  Jonathan says.

“Ugh, what you are some kind of dick?”  Justice says.

“Alright you two, I can tell who’s going to f**k in the future.”  Aislinn says.

The two blush and turn away from each other.

“Don’t be ridiculous.”  Jonathan says.

“Uh huh” Aislinn says.

They sit around for a bit, waiting for the rest of their friends to get there.  There is tension in the air.

Colin says, “So how long have you and Jonathan been friends?”

“Oh God, for forever it seems.” Aislinn says.

“Yeah I think we met in like pre-school or something.”  Jonathan says.

“Um yeah, or maybe even before that.  Remember our moms were friends back then, although they aren’t anymore.”

“Oh yeah I forgot about that.”

“What happened between them?”  Justice asks.

“It was a fight over a guy, stupid stuff.”  Aislinn says.

“Ah,” Justice says.

“Remember that awful time when we actually thought we would be good as a couple?”  Aislinn says.

“Oh yeah I remember that.  God we were terrible as a couple.  At least we didn’t let it destroy our friendship.”  Jonathan says.

“I don’t think the others would have let it destroy our friendship.  Although they thought it was a bad idea to begin with.” 

“Yeah that’s true.  They were watching us like a hawk that entire month.”

“Then Jay came along and swept me off my feet.”

“Yeah, after he knocked Deirdre off of hers.  He ruined your friendship.”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah everyone already made me feel guilty about that, but I still state that I did nothing wrong.  They were broken up for over a month when he and I started dating.”

“I’m not saying you did anything wrong, he was the one who fucked up.”  Jonathan says.

“Uh huh, whatever.” Aislinn says.

“Speaking of which, do you still talk to him?”

“Occasionally, we still talk.  Eventually we’ll probably get back together, but for right now it’s just too much.”

“Alright dreamer.” Jonathan says.

“Don’t be so cynical.”

“I have every right to be.”

“No you don’t.  You don’t know s**t.”

“Aislinn don’t be so naïve.”

Jesus Jonathan why can’t you ever stay the f**k out of things?  Just shut the f**k up already.”

Everyone is really quiet.  It is a little out of Aislinn’s character to tell anyone to shut up.  It is a bit of a shock.  Jay is a sore point for her.  Jonathan had given her a hard time about it from the beginning and she did not want him to be right.  Jay had been her one true love, but college is hard on relationships, so they separated for the time being.

They sit in awkward silence, waiting for someone else to come in and break the ice that freezes over the room.

© 2009 Sarah Buchanan

My Review

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yes i think this is a nice beginning,i always liked those weird writing about witchcraft..some do write about them in a wonderful way some strange events are stuffed in turning the whole scene into something so exciting..i think this looks well from the beginning..and i look forward to read more,sounds good..
nice write

Posted 15 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on February 18, 2009
Last Updated on February 20, 2009


Sarah Buchanan
Sarah Buchanan

Dublin, VA

"The oldest and strongest emotion of mindkind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown." --H.P. Lovecraft I'm just another aspiring writer. I'm 28 years old. Work.. more..

Preface Preface

A Chapter by Sarah Buchanan