The Untold Story of Quasar Chapter 2

The Untold Story of Quasar Chapter 2

A Chapter by Sarah Buchanan

Aislinn Walker doesn't know what she's getting herself into as she asks her friend, Justice, to bring an antique Witch board to her welcome home party. Aislinn and her high school buddies, as well as a few new friends, learn a dark secret about their home



Chapter 2

The doorbell rings.

“Well I guess I’ll go get that.  Don’t kill each other while I’m gone.”  Aislinn says.

“We’ll be in view of you the entire time.”  Justice says.

Aislinn glares back at her as she walks towards the door.  She shakes her head before answering the door, to shake off that gloomy look that Jonathan created.

She opens the door and a smile spreads across her face.  Standing there in front of her is a gorgeous dark haired beauty and a tall dark and handsome man.

“Hey Deirdre and Desmond,” Aislinn says, and then give each a hug.  “It’s so good to see you both again, especially together.”

“Aww thanks sweetie.”  Deirdre says.

“So how have you been?”  Desmond says.

“Alright, I’ve just been doing the whole college thing, concentrating on my classes and ignoring guys.”

“Ah yeah I heard about you and Jay, I’m so sorry.”  Deirdre says.

“It’s alright; we’re just taking a break.”

Deirdre gives Aislinn another hug.

Aislinn pulls away.  “Oh you brought guests too?”

“Yeah, sorry I forgot to introduce them.”  Deirdre says.

“It’s okay.  Jonathan brought someone too.”

“Oh cool.  This is CJ.”  Deirdre says as she pulls him forward.

“He’s a tiny little fellow, definitely not someone who we could’ve asked to move the couch.”  Aislinn thought.

“And this is Tavon.”

A tall, muscular, dark skinned guy steps forward.  The two guys are complete opposites.

“Well come on in.”  Aislinn says.

“Thank you.” Deirdre says.

The four of them step into the entry way where the others are waiting for them.

“Hey Jonathan, what’s up?”  Desmond says.

“Not much, buddy how have you been?”

“Not bad, yourself?”

“Same,” Jonathan says.

“You didn’t find any lucky ladies at college to bring home?  I see you brought a guy, did you decide you don’t like women after all?” 

“Um no, this is my FRIEND Colin.  And the girls there really weren’t my type, a*****e.”

Colin chuckles.

“What was that for?”  Jonathan asks.

“You know damn well what that was for.  Out of all that time living with you I never heard you once even talk about a girl.  Every time you tried for a girl they rejected you.  I think it was more that you weren’t really their type.  And Desmond he’s not my type either.”  Colin says.

“Good one.”  Desmond says.

“Oh s**t, um shut up.”  Jonathan says.

Everyone busts out laughing.

 “Umm did your ego just get bruised?”  Aislinn asks.

“No.”  Jonathan says as he pouts.

“Don’t be such a baby.  Maybe if you were more of a man you could get a woman.”  Justice says.

“What would you know?  You’re not even a woman.”  Jonathan says.

“Just because I can lift better than you doesn’t mean I’m not a woman, it just means that you aren’t a man.” 

Jonathan blushes.

“So umm I guess you must be Justice.  Aislinn has told us so much about you.  My name is Deirdre and this is Desmond and these two are CJ and Tavon.” 

“Ah yes I’ve heard about you two.  Wow so I guess you are still together.”  Justice says.

“Yeah of course we are.”  Deirdre says.

“I don’t mean any offense by it.  College just changes people and most relationships that existed before college don’t last throughout it.  You’re lucky.”

“Thank you.”

“You don’t talk much do you Desmond?”  Justice says.

Jonathan, Deirdre and Aislinn laugh.

“He talks when he’s awake.  He hasn’t woken up yet.  He’s a night owl, always has been.”  Deirdre says.

“Ah night owl’s good, especially for with what we have planned for a select few later tonight.”  Justice says.

“Shh,” Aislinn says.

“Oh, what’s this all about?”  Jonathan asks.

He perks up as does everyone else.  They stand waiting for an answer, but they get none.

“You gonna tell us or what?”  Desmond asks.

“He speaks.”  Justice says.

The others laugh.

“Well what is it that you have planned tonight Ms Aislinn?”  Deirdre asks.

“It’s a surprise.  You’ll find out about midnight tonight.”  Aislinn says.

“Only if we’re part of the few selected though?” Jonathan says.

“Oh you all are included and you know it.”  Aislinn says.

“Better be.” Jonathan says.

So Deirdre and Desmond, how long have you known Aislinn?”  Justice says.

“Forever, she and I were the best of friends growing up.  Everyone used to say if you saw one of us the other one was not far behind.”  Deirdre says.

“Yeah that was before Jay stepped into the picture.”  Desmond says.

“Hey now, don’t blame it all on Jay.  You know there’s more to that than just him.”  Aislinn says.

“Yes there is more to that sweetie.  A lot of it we never shared with the rest of you.”  Deirdre says.

“Really, you’ve kept secrets from me?”  Desmond says.

“I am capable of doing so when it is necessary.”  Deirdre says.

“Uh huh, then why’d you have to blurt out to Joel about his SURPRISE birthday party?”  Desmond says.

“I was excited and I’ve apologized to you about that how many times already?”

“I know sweetie.”

He bends down and gives her a kiss on the lips.  She kisses back.  Everyone in the room turns away.

“Oh God, you guys are still cheesy love birds I see.”  Jonathan says.

“I’ve come to the conclusion that they’ll be like that till the day they die.”  Aislinn says.

“Did you hear that?”  Deirdre says.

“Yeah they’re just being hateful.”  Desmond says.

“No not that, the noise.”

“No I didn’t hear any noise.  Are you alright sweetie?”

“It was a scratching noise.  Wait.”  She pauses.  “There it is again.”

A scratching noise is coming from right underneath of her.  The others look at her like she is crazy.  All they hear is the silence in the room.

Colin stands up and then says, “Have a seat.”

“Thank you.”  Deirdre says and then she heads to the couch to take a seat.

Desmond walks with her and sits next to her on the arm of the couch.

“Colin, how did you meet Jonathan?  You seem like too much of a gentleman to hang around a guy like him.”  Aislinn says.

Jonathan scowls at her, but she ignores him.

“Uh, we were college roommates.”  Colin says.

“Oh duh, that’s how Justice and I met too.”  Aislinn says.

“Yeah I figured as much.”  Colin says.

Deirdre gasps.

Everyone turns to her.

“Everything alright sweetie?” Desmond asks.

She looks up at him. 

“A storm is coming.” 

Everyone looks towards the window.  The sky outside is clear. 

“I checked the weather earlier today.  No storms are coming.”  Aislinn says.

“Why is everyone so worried about a storm?  Thunderstorms aren’t that scary.”  Colin says.

“Dude if you’ve been here during a summer storm you would not ask that question and would not think that way.”  Jonathan says.

“So they’re like really bad here or something?”  Colin says.

“We get lots of deadly thunder and lightning.  The winds get so strong they could almost blow you away.”  Jonathan says.

“Deirdre’s mom died in one of those storms a few years back.”  Desmond says.

“Aww no wonder she’s so shaken up.  I’ll go get her a glass of water, be right back.”  Justice says.

Justice heads towards the kitchen.

“Where’s the remote at?”  Desmond asks.

Aislinn scrambles looking for it.  Everyone else joins in, in the search.  They dig through everything.  Tavon lifts up his hand.

“Found it.”  He says.

He hands it to Desmond.

“Thank you.  Now let’s see what the weather channel says.”  Desmond says.

They read the words on the screen.

“The computerized voice says, “Tonight we’ll have clear skies with the temperatures in the upper seventies.”

“See sweetie no storm.”  Desmond says.

Justice hurries back into the room with a glass of ice water in her hand.  She heads towards Deirdre and hands the glass to her.

“Here you go.”  Justice says.

Deirdre looks up at her and says, “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

Everyone stares at Deirdre.  She drinks from the glass.  She sets the glass down and clears her throat.  Everyone stands frozen, waiting to see what she is going to say next.

“A storm is coming.  Go check the temperature outside.  The weather channel was wrong.”  She says.

Aislinn heads towards the front door.  She pauses at the door.  She turns around and looks at everyone.  They stare back at her, tense wondering if Deirdre is right.

She opens the door.  Her whole body shivers.  She turns her head to look at the thermometer.

“Forty-Five degrees.” She whispers.

Aislinn heads back to the others.

“So what’s the temperature?”  Jonathan asks.

“Forty-Five,” Aislinn says.

“S**t, that’s cold for here, especially this time of year.  What the hell’s going on?”  Jonathan says.

“Maybe a cold front’s moving through faster than expected?”  Justice says.

“Would a storm come from that?”  CJ asks.

“When hot and cold collide it tends to create a storm.”  Aislinn says.

“How do you know that?”  Jonathan asks.

“Some of us actually paid attention in Earth Science class.”

“Earth Science was like ninth grade.  I don’t remember that far back.”

“Hmm that explains a lot.”  Justice says.

“Hey, no one asked your opinion.”  Jonathan says.

Desmond interrupts, “Alright you two that’s enough.”  He turns to Aislinn.  “How much food do you have, just in case?”

“Well mom’s going to be out of town for about a week or so.  I loaded up for the party and that.  I’d say that equals about 2 weeks worth for 10 people.  Unless we’re counting Joel, Dru and Cory, then it would only last two days.”  Aislinn says.

“Alright that’ll work and if worse comes to worse we’ll throw those three out.”  He pauses.  “Do you have any candles in case of a power outage?”

“Yes plenty of those and I have extra blankets and sleeping bags.”

“I think everyone brought their own sleeping bags, but that’s good.”


Desmond looks at Deirdre.  “See honey, everything will be alright.”

She looks up at Desmond.  “The storm didn’t kill my mother.  It was the thing within the storm.  Don’t touch me right now, just listen.  This is just any storm.  This is that same storm.  The sound I was hearing was her trying to warn me.  I know it was.  But it’s too late.  We have nowhere to go anymore.”

“It’ll be okay because we have each other sweetie.  Please don’t do this.  Everyone will be here shortly.  Come on let’s go upstairs and lay down for a minute okay?”

“Yeah okay,” she says.

The two head upstairs.  Outside the sky darkens as a chill fills the air.  No one knows what is going on with Deirdre, but the only worry they have is for her sanity.  Silence fills the room. 

© 2009 Sarah Buchanan

My Review

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oh i was expecting some other some party to do some magic ..but it turned out you are moving things another direction ..its like those friends are in for a big surprise ..a big storm on its way and i see they are arranging to get stuck in that place for a while,nice turn of events ..this sounds exciting too..lets see how you direct this scene ..this still going nicely..and i can see some big surprises coming along..
nice write

Posted 15 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on February 18, 2009
Last Updated on February 20, 2009


Sarah Buchanan
Sarah Buchanan

Dublin, VA

"The oldest and strongest emotion of mindkind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown." --H.P. Lovecraft I'm just another aspiring writer. I'm 28 years old. Work.. more..

Preface Preface

A Chapter by Sarah Buchanan