Chapter 2: Hanging With Dougie

Chapter 2: Hanging With Dougie

A Chapter by Emmaline Skyes

Chapter 3 coming...Comment, it helps! Thanks!



Chapter 2
Hanging With Dougie
Emma woke up to her alarm clock going off, her cell phone ringing, and Bailey running in the room excited. She looked at the clock it was 6:00 a.m. What was going on, she swore she’d set it to 7 but it was going off at 6. Something wasn’t right. Bailey jumped on the bed and started pulling the blankets off Emma.
“Get up! Get up! Get up!” She started screaming.
“Why?” Emma asked half awake.
“You have a date with Dougie! Duh!” Bailey said pushing Emma.
“Not for another few hours.” Emma groaned. “I was going to get up at 7 and get ready. Did you change my alarm?” She asked yawning.
“Yeah. You need up earlier then that. I mean it’s Dougie!” She screamed.
“No I don’t, 7 is early enough.” Emma groaned again.
“Well if you don’t get up I’m going to see what that message from Dougie says.” Bailey said going for Emma’s cell phone.
“No!” Emma said jumping out of bed. She pushed Bailey out of the way and dove for her phone. She grabbed it and ended up falling on the floor. She started laughing then.
“You ok?” Bailey asked laughing.
“Yeah I’m fine.” Emma laughed as she opened her phone. She opened the message from Dougie which said: ‘Good morning beautiful. Can’t wait until 10. XOXO, Dougie.’ Emma smiled to herself. “This is going to be a good day, I can feel it already.” She said grinning at Bailey.
“What’s it say?” She asked grabbing the phone. She read the message and handed the phone back. “Aww that’s so cute!” She said laughing slightly. After a moment she got up. “I’m going to go make coffee.” She said practically skipping out the door.
Emma laughed and shook her head. “Ok have fun with that.” She said getting up. She headed to the shower then. She didn’t know what she was going to wear yet, but she’d figure that out after the shower. After her shower she wrapped herself in a towel and headed back to her room figuring it was empty. She shut the door and went to the closet, not paying attention.
“There’s nothing good in there.” Bailey said suddenly.
Emma jumped and screamed slightly. “God, Bailey!” She said turning to face her. “Thanks for the heart attack!” She said breathing a little hard from the shock of that.
“Stop being dramatic, you’re fine.” Bailey said laughing.
“Once my heart starts beating again, sure I will be.” Emma joked.
Bailey just laughed and shook her head. “So I have a few ideas for what to wear.” She said pointing to a few outfits on the bed.
“Me too. I’ll just dress like myself.” Emma said looking at them.
“Come on it’s Dougie.” Bailey said.
“Yeah and if he’s going to like me, I want him to like me for me, not for how I dress.” Emma said. She went over and grabbed one of her new Hurley shirts, which was blue, and black board shorts. She went into the bathroom then and changed into it. While she was in there she brushed her teeth and hair. She also put on her normal makeup and put her contacts in like normal. She came back out then. “How do I look?” Emma asked.
“Like yourself. You need to dress up more.” Bailey said sighing.
“Good, then I’m exactly how I want to look.” Emma laughed.
“Fine.” Bailey sighed. “There’s coffee if you want some.” She added then.
“Thanks.” Emma said rolling her eyes. She went out and grabbed a cup of coffee. She then went back to her room and pulled on ankle cut socks and black MacBeth flats with white skulls and crossbones on them. She took a sip of her coffee and stood up again. She headed back out to the living room to find Bailey watching TV.
“You ready?” She asked smiling at her.
“Yeah, a few hours early too.” Emma laughed. She sat down and they watched TV, talked, and drank coffee. Around 9:30 Emma’s phone rang, it was Dougie.
“Hello.” She said answering it, she was smiling to herself.
(“Hey. So I know I’m like really early, but I’m here. If you’re not ready yet I can wait though.” He said)
“I’m ready. I’ll be out in a second.” Emma said.
(“Ok cool” He said.)
After a second they hung up. “He’s here. I’m going to go.” Emma said standing up and grabbing her jacket.
“Ok have fun. And remember; don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” She said grinning at her.
Emma laughed. “Thanks mom.” She said heading out. She got out there and saw Dougie waiting by the main gate of the house. She smiled and headed over to him. “You know you could have rung the doorbell.” She said laughing slightly.
“Yeah I know. But I didn’t feel like walking all the way up there.” He joked.
Emma nodded. “Ok. So where are we going?” She asked.
“It’s a surprise. So no questions.” He said smiling at her. “Just come with me.” He said taking her hand and leading the way.
Emma laughed. “Ok.” She said going with him. They headed to the train and got on. They sat together and headed off on the train, Emma not sure where they were going. She didn’t really care though as long as she was with Dougie. At one station the train stopped and Dougie helped Emma up and started walking with her.
“Ok so I figured we’d walk around a little, and I’d answer any questions you have to start.” Dougie said smiling at her.
“Ok, cool.” Emma said smiling back at him.
Dougie nodded. “So any questions about London?” He asked laughing slightly.
“Yeah, first question.” She said laughing slightly. “Where do you get the best coffee around here?”
Dougie laughed. “Oh. Well you can get it from a few places around here but the best comes from over there.” He said pointing to a coffee shop.
Emma nodded. “Ok I’m going to remember that.” She said laughing.
“You want coffee now?” He asked.
“Sure, we can get coffee.” Emma said nodding.
Dougie nodded and led her into the coffee shop. They got in line and got two coffees. Dougie paid for them, and they headed out after that. They walked around talking and sightseeing for awhile. Around lunch time Dougie walked with Emma to Hyde Park.
“You hungry?” He asked looking at Emma.
“Yeah I am.” She said smiling.
“Ok let’s go get food and then we can eat here.” He said going up to a food stand. He got them food and they found a spot by a tree to sit down by and eat. While they were eating a few girls came up to Dougie and asked for his autograph. He sighed and signed some stuff for them. “Sorry, that happens quite a bit around here.” He said smiling slightly at Emma.
“I see.” Emma laughed. “At least it’s not me. It’s always happening to me in LA.” She said looking at Dougie.
“Really? That’s cool.” He joked.
“Yeah, so cool.” Emma said shaking her head.
After they finished their lunch, they stayed there for a little before they stood up and headed back to catch another train. Again Dougie wouldn’t tell Emma where they were going, but she didn’t mind. She was having a great day. Not long after they’d got on they got off again and Dougie led the way. After a very short walk they stopped in front of a big house.
“So this is the McFly house.” He said looking at it then at her.
“Really. Wow.” She said looking at it then smiling at him.
“Let’s watch a movie.” He said grabbing her hand and heading into the house with her. Once they were inside he took her to the living room. “Pick a movie while I make popcorn.” He said going into the kitchen.
“Ok.” Emma said going over and looking at all of them. She wasn’t sure what she wanted to watch. While she was looking at them she realized it was quiet, meaning the rest of the band probably wasn’t here. “Where’s the rest of McFly at?” Emma asked over her shoulder.
“I don’t know. Probably out shopping or eating or just hanging out.” Dougie said putting the popcorn in the microwave.
Emma nodded. Finally she decided on a movie, Boogeyman. She never seen it but she’d heard it was good. Just as she pulled it off the shelf Dougie came in with the popcorn.
“Did you pick a movie?” He asked sitting the popcorn on the coffee table.
“Yeah I did.” She said holding it up.
“Cool. Never seen that one. I think its Harry’s or something.” He said laughing and taking the movie. He put it in and went over to the couch and sat down.
Emma nodded. She went over and sat down by Dougie. He started the movie then and the two of them started watching it. About halfway through Emma was leaning against Dougie watching it. He had his arm around her. They were both having fun watching the movie and making remarks about it. When the movie was ending the door to the house opened and after a minute closed.
“Dougie you here?” Someone asked.
“Yeah, in here.” Dougie yelled back but he didn’t move because the movie hadn’t completely ended yet.
Three guys walked into the room then. They looked at the TV screen then at Dougie and Emma on the couch.
“So you must be the girl Dougie met yesterday.” Danny said coming around the couch and sitting down.
Emma looked at him and sat up when he came around. “Yeah. I’m Emmaline, but it’s Emma for short.” She said shaking his hand when he held it out.
“Cool. I’m Danny, but you probably already know that seeing as Dougie said you already knew who McFly was.” Danny said smiling.
“Yeah, I did.” Emma said laughing slightly.
Tom came back from the kitchen with a beer. “I’m Tom, if you didn’t know.” He said sitting by Danny. He shook her hand then.
Emma nodded and looked up as Harry came in as well and shook her hand.
“Harry.” He said.
“Yeah. Its nice meeting you guys though.” She said smiling at all of them.
“So you wrote a book, right? Remember Always?” Tom asked.
“Yeah. You’ve heard of it?” Emma asked.
“Yeah it’s all over TV.” He said shrugging.
“So Dougie tells us you’re in a band?” Danny said then.
“Yeah. Canadia!” Emma said nodding.
“Cool.” Harry said. “I like the name.”
Dougie stood up and grabbed the bowl that did have popcorn in. “Emma, are you hungry?” He asked looking at her.
Emma shrugged. “A little.” She said looking at him.
“Ok. Do you want to go out, or stay here and eat?” He asked.
“You should stay here and make Dougie cook.” Danny said grinning at her.
Emma laughed and then looked back at Dougie. “I don’t care, whatever you want to do.” She said smiling at him.
Dougie thought for a moment. “We can stay here.” He said.
Emma nodded. She stayed there and talked to Danny, Tom, and Harry while Dougie made dinner for them. She did get up and talk to Dougie for a little too. When dinner was ready they all went and sat down at the table, a first for McFly in awhile, and they sat there eating and talking. Emma was sitting by Dougie at the table. They were really fun to be around and she couldn’t wait to hang out with all of them more. Emma then remembered her party she could invite them to.
“Oh!” She said suddenly, causing the attention to shift to her. She smiled slightly and thought for a moment. “So the day before my book is being released over here they are having this like formal party or something.” She said pausing then. “Anyway they told me I can invite anyone I want, seeing as it’s my party. So I was wondering if you guys aren’t doing anything this Saturday, would you like to come?” She asked looking around at them.
It was quiet for a moment while they thought about it. “Sure, it sounds great.” Dougie said then, smiling at her. The others nodded as well. “We’ll be there.” Dougie added.
Emma nodded. “Ok I’ll tell my manager.” She said smiling back at Dougie.
They finished dinner not long after and headed back to the living room to talk some more. Emma looked at the time then, it was 8 and she still had stuff she needed to do. She sighed then, she didn’t want to leave but she needed to.
“I’m sorry, but I’m going to have to get going. I have other things I need to do tonight.” Emma said looking at Dougie.
“Really? You have to?” He asked sighing.
“Yeah, sorry.” Emma said standing up.
“I’ll take you, I can drive you home.” He said standing up as well.
Emma nodded. “It was great to meet you guys and hang out.” She said looking at the guys. “See you soon.” She smiled and waved slightly.
“See you soon.” Danny said smiling back.
“Bye.” Tom said nodding slightly.
“See ya.” Harry said then.
Emma looked at Dougie and the two of them headed out to his car. They got in the car and drove towards her house.
“So did you have fun tonight?” He asked glancing at her.
“Yeah tons of fun.” Emma said smiling at him.
“I’m glad. So did I.” He said reaching over and grabbing her hand. He smiled at her before looking back at the road.
Emma smiled back at him and looked at his hand. She liked him a lot, more then she should for just meeting him yesterday. She looked out the window then. Soon they pulled in at her house and she sighed. “Here we are.” She said smiling slightly.
“Yep.” He said smiling back. He thought for a moment. “I can’t wait until Saturday. I’ll call you soon though.” He said.
“Ok cool.” Emma said. After a moment of silence they leaned in and started kissing. Emma couldn’t believe she was kissing Dougie Poynter from McFly. She’d liked him since she’d first seen him, this was like a dream come true for her. She didn’t want this to end, but it had to, she had things to do. After a moment she pulled away. “I’ll talk to you soon.” She said quietly, looking at him.
“Yeah soon.” He said smiling at her.
“Ok. Bye.” Emma said kissing him one last time before getting out of the car and walking to her house. She waved at him as he pulled out and she headed into the house. As soon as she shut the door Bailey was running down the hall though.
“You have to tell me everything!” She was yelling.
Emma laughed and turned to face her. “Ok. But first I have a call to make.” Emma said walking around her.
“It better not be to Dougie until you talk to me first.” Bailey said.
“It’s not, I swear.” Emma said. “Just give me a minute.” She headed to her room and called her manager. She set up McFly on the guest list and then finished the conversation. She headed back out to the living room then to see Bailey waiting.
“Ok, everything, now!” Bailey said.
“Ok.” Emma said, sitting down. She told her everything, from the walking around, to eating in the park, to the movie at his house, to eating dinner with McFly, to the car ride home and the kiss. Finally she looked at her. “Oh yeah. I also invited them to the party Saturday and they’re coming.” She said smiling at Bailey.
“Really?! I’m going to meet Danny! I love you!” Bailey squealed, excited.
“Yeah you are.” Emma said laughing. She looked at the time as her cell phone rang. She got a message from Dougie. She smiled to herself as she opened it and read it: ‘I miss you already. I don’t think I can wait until Saturday. Want to go to the movies Friday? XOXO, Dougie.’
“What’s it say?” Bailey asked, realizing it was from Dougie.
Emma laughed and showed her.
“You’re going, right?” She asked like you have to.
“Duh!” Emma laughed. She quickly text him back and got up. “I’m going to go to bed. I’m tired.” She said stretching.
“Ok. See you tomorrow.” Bailey said grinning.

Emma nodded and headed to her room. She got a shower, changed into her pajamas and got into bed. She fell asleep quickly, dreaming about Dougie all night. She was excited about the party coming up and about Friday because she’d get to see Dougie.

© 2008 Emmaline Skyes

Author's Note

Emmaline Skyes
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Added on December 3, 2008


Emmaline Skyes
Emmaline Skyes

Trevorton, PA

Hi! I'm 16 and I love writing and reading. Some of my stories are based off of shows, but some aren't. I am still working on my writing techniques in my Journalism class and such, but I'm hoping you l.. more..
