Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Tuesday, 10 December 2013

A Chapter by Rochelle

letter 5


Dear RHB


Today I woke up and in my head I thought you were alive and I would walk out to you but when I turned my head I saw the picture of you beside my bed with the red cross. My heart sank even deeper and this pain just consumes me every day.


Aaron hasn't come to see us in weeks it's like he doesn't care any more I fell like I haven't just lost you I lost him to. I hate the way he's acting I really wont to hit him but I can't he's my brother and water may be sweet but blood's thinker, no matter how you look at it I still love him. He will always hold a place in my heart just like you but if he doesn't come to his senses my heart just might die.


 As for Brenton he left to work away for 4 mouths I'll miss him even the time we spent after him and Emily broth up I loved every second of it. Christmas is coming and with out him it won't be the same, but most of all I may seem happy about Christmas but in fact I can't stand the thought of celebrating it without you. I feel like this family is breaking apart Nana is in hospital, pa is getting older, Aaron doesn't care about us, Brenton isn't here, mum isn't copping and I'm so lost I can't think properly.

 This family is no longer the same with out you I feel like I don't fit, my heart breaks to see this happening to them I can't cop with this pain it hurts so much it's crushing me inside. I'm dyeing inside it's just not far all I won't for Christmas is may family to be one again. I would do anything even die to make that happen I feel more pain than I let on and it's heard to now that when things get heard I can't turn to you it's suffocating me


From Belle


P.S. I Love You.    

© 2014 Rochelle

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Added on April 23, 2014
Last Updated on April 23, 2014




Hi guys and girls, I don't know how to exactly describe myself as a writer or what I get out of telling complete strangers about my life but I like writing it sets me free, all my worry's or proble.. more..

She's free She's free

A Story by Rochelle