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About Me

I'm working on multiple stories and slowly reposting everything back up. Please read and reveiw and i will return the favor!

I am an animal loving person with a wild imagination! I am 16 years old and i absolutly LOVE to read, write, and sing. My name is Samantha but many people call me many things, such as Sam, Sammi, Samsam, ect. I am a Wiccan, please dont hate, it's not as bad as many people think. I'm an amateur writer who is still learning every day and very frequently you will see my posts with notes asking for ideas/help/ect. My writing varys in many different things and a majority of it i wouldnt exactly know how to catagorize, so bare with me if you can. I litterally squeal with joy every time i get a reveiw, good or bad because im happy to see people reading what i work so hard on (for fun, usually) and telling me why they liked it or how to improve. I love getting my writing out there. Message me and i would love to chat!

Other websites to find/contact/add me on:
DeviantArt: xXLil13Xx
Aim (instant messaging): xXLil13Xx
Yahoo: [email protected]

Everything to know about me and more by zahannah
The Basics
name: Samantha
Age: 16
B-day: July 11
Hair color: Brown or dirty blonde
Eye color: Hazel green/brown
Height: 5'3
Shoe size: 7 and a half, i think
Current mood: Pretty good
Any siblings: 1. She is the devil.
Any pets: 1 female pug, Ginger, one female cat, Momma cat
Any Tattoos: Nope, but i want a pawprint on my shoulder
Any pirrcings: Just my ears
Occupation: None
What are you listening to: Breathe Again - Sara B.
What do you curently smell like: Hazelnut cream (Because of the scented candles in my room)
Your Favorite...
Place to be: Grantpass, Oregon.
Place to visit: Florida
Place ot chill: My room
Drink: Water
Alcoholic Drink: R&R and Coca Cola. Its gross but it gets the job done
Shampoo & Conditioner: I prefer something that smells nice. Thats about it as far as preferences go
Color: Green
Season: Summer
Holiday: Halloween. I love dressing up ; )
Perfume/Cologne: Dont know the name of it
Video Game: Conker live and reloaded
T.V Show: Futurama? I'm not sure, i have alot
Smell(s): Kittens (When they are clean, they smell wonderful)
Book(s): Thats alot to list
Car: Trucks and vans, for the mass amount of space
Day of the week: S-A-T-U-R-D-A-Y NIGHT!
Number: 23
Time of day: Night. I'm slightly nocturnal
Song at the moment: Under my bed - Meiko
Clothing Store: Hot Topic
Time You Cried: No idea. Thats a good thing
Movie you watched: Boon dock saints.
Time you read a book: A few days ago
Time you met someone new: A loong time ago
T.V show you watched: Scrubs
Time you took a shower: Last night
Thing you ate: Burger King chicken frys (yum)
Do you....
Store thinngs under your bed: hell yes
Daydream: hell yes
Own a cell phone: f**k yes
Do Drugs: legal? yes. Illegal? Why do you wanna know?
Drink Alcohol: Maaaaybe. Didnt you already ask what my favorite alcoholic beverage is? Doesnt that answer this question?
Dance: Only when no one is watching
Sing: Every day
Party: Pfft! Please! I am the QUEEN of parties! I'm the one throwing them!
Get Along With your parents: .... Sometimes.
Think Your Acctractive: Sometimes. Depends on the day.
Swear: F**k no
Smoke: nope
Get Motion Sickness: Only when i'm already sick... so no
Where Contacts/Glasses: Nope
Have You Ever...
Ram Away From Home: Only my dads.
Lied To Someone: Who doesnt?
Been Lied To: Who hasnt?
Kissed Someone: I'll do that right now. My boyfriend thanks you (He's playng video games next to me. We work so well together)
Been On A Date: Yep
Been To A Pary: I thought we already discussed this. I THROW the parties.
Been In Love: Twice. This is my second time. I love love, and i hate it. It's a wonderfully beautiful sucky thing.
All Time Favorite Artist: My aunt Jen
All Time favorite Song: Changes too much to pick just one
All Time Favorite Raido Station: Kiss 106.1
Your Favorite Band(s): I dont favor bands, i favor songs.
New Favorite Singer: Adam lambert. I like to pretend he isnt gay cuz dear god that boy is H-O-T HOT!
In a Boy/Girl
Hair Color: Brown, blonde, or black
Eye Color: Blue or Brown, but i REALLY love the greens
Hight: Taller than me
Style: Dont care. Just dont cheat on me
Boy/Girl: Boy
Skin Color: This makes me sound racist. White. Though i DID date a half mexican. He was a dick. I like white boys with a tan.
Do They Have To Want Kids or No: I'd prefer no, but if i change my mind about them they better deal with it.
Do You Want Kids: On some days. But i only want one. A boy.
Are you Crushing On Someone: I'm in love with someone.
If So Whats There Name: Jeff
What Are You Thinking Rite Now: Wow, the person who made this quiz spelt "right" wrong.
What Song Makes You Cry And Why: Alot. Many different reasons. They just have to resonate with me in a touching way.
What Do You Do When your Bored: Eat. But i only have a little bit of love handles, so thats ok.
Do You Like Michael Jackson: I'm nuetral.
If So Why: I honestly just dont care. His musics okay and he likes little boys. I have no opinions on either cuz drama is irritating unless it is fictional.
And Whats Your Favorite Michael Song: None
What Song Fits You: Any song can fit me, but it changes every day
Do You Believe In....
God: Not really, no
Religions: You just want to start fights, dont you?
Aliens: Yep
Ghosts: Yep
Vampires: I believe every mythical creature at least existed in some point in time
Witches: I am one
Angels: I'm that too... And part demon
Magic: I practice it
Zombies: Patiently awaiting the zombie apocalypse. I'm ready. Are you?
Yourself: Sometimes.
Giving Up: Sometimes
This Or That
Justin Bieber or Zac Efron: Neither
Michael Jackson Or Elvis: ELVIS ALL THE WAY!!!!
Ashlee Simpson Or Ashlee Tisdale: Niether
Twilight or This Is It: Twilight. Shut up, i'm allowed to be nerdy
A Walk To Remember Or Note Book: Note book, though i didnt cry for either. I'm just a heartless b***h like that
Black Or White: Depends
Love Or Hate: Depends
Family Or The One You Love: Ouch. Thats a touch one because i dont like alot of my family. I wouldnt mind if they got shot. Ecspecially my sister.
Panic At The Disco Or Pearl Jam: Panic at the Disco
The BETs Or Teen Chice Awards: Idc
On The First Date
There House Or Ur House: Some where else. Like a park.
Movie Or Party: Either one.
Single Date Or Group: Depends on person.
Talk Or Makeout: Talk first, makeout is for later dates =)
Meet The Family Now Or Later: Later. They are NUTS. Like, worse than me. I know, right? Thats REALLY bad.
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Posted 13 Years Ago

For one I absolutely loved your comment. Second, I've been wanting to see Tangled. Even though its Disney, and I don't like Disney that much it stills looks funny to me. (: Can't wait to watch it now.

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Thanks a lot for reading, "When the Sun Dims".
Your review totally got me into a great mood :)

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Posted 14 Years Ago

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Thanks so much for the reviews ^^ yeah rhyming...I love doing it personally, although I think my free verse is so much better than my rhyming. Also...I LOVE YIRUMA, KELLY CLARKSON AND EVANESCENCE. So your playist is amazing haha. One last thing, I see the twilight book covers on your bio, so I was wondering if you were a vampire fan. If so you may like my book, and I'd love it if you'd check it out.

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Posted 14 Years Ago

you are so welcome...i really think it is a great story! i'm glad you are sharing it with all of us!

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Thanks for the review ^^ glad you liked that one, I was kind of afraid to post it considering I was basically insulting parents...

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Hi Samantha! It's nice to meet you! My screen name is Surreal but strangely enough my name is Samantha too! I hope you enjoy Writerscafe!

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Posted 15 Years Ago

these are the days I believe you are a wee bit high :)