Tags : clouds

Sun and Rain Clouds

Sun and Rain Clouds

A Poem by R.J Calzonetti (SinisterP..

Just a thought that turned into a poem
Life of the Clouds

Life of the Clouds

A Poem by EjMonti

Let me tell you the life of the cloudsWhich undergo changes from time to timejust to fulfill, to show out loudThat their lives revolve, not to survive..


A Poem by Satish Verma

Will you wait for me till the moon parts the clouds
Dream Steward

Dream Steward

A Poem by Dawn

Was I there-- behind the spiraling swells? Peering down through a ubiquitous sky I saw your thoughts unfold like waxing words. Your glassy..
The Forgotten Flora

The Forgotten Flora

A Poem by Lainey

What happens to beauty when it's never seen?
Finding Duff the Man

Finding Duff the Man

A Poem by Maria

This is in regards to the FRIENDLY CONTEST; and I wrote in regards to DUFF and a few others too. Hope you all enjoy.


A Poem by throne

this one's older, but just as pleasant
A beautiful day

A beautiful day

A Book by Bride in chains

Just a moment
A beautiful day

A beautiful day

A Chapter by Bride in chains

A beautiful Cage It is indeed a beautiful day, the sun is shining so bright, I can faintly see the clouds slowly drifting. They look so b..
Fall Migration

Fall Migration

A Poem by Debbie Barry

A captured thought, like a flying bird ... a poem about birds.


A Poem by mayspeller

A poem to appreciate clouds
The Scent Of Fire

The Scent Of Fire

A Poem by Jenna Kay

Icicles drip from the edges of your car, but we're drinking up fire withinI lay back, feeling the clouds swirl around on the inside of my headI'm slow..
In the Clouds

In the Clouds

A Poem by Melinda McQueen

In the Clouds A grey sky overhead Weights down the soul. Filled with anguish Of life’s turmoil. Feeling you ..



Where there's gray cloudsrain entertains its wet gameshopscotch market parking lotupset'n world trademoney fades no alcoladesrain has fangseveryone tw..


A Poem by Simbles

flowing with the birds on winds through the treeslife, moving upon existence so free,its quite the tease with nothing much to interrupt for instan..
Low Hang the Clouds

Low Hang the Clouds

A Poem by Matthew

November, 2017.
Tainted Corruption

Tainted Corruption

A Poem by Seth

You can’t grasp it, you are corrupt

Compartment 114
Compartment 114
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