...As the Last Time... Your words draw Tears...slow...and softly, I Cry, unto such a Beautiful likeness... ...Still... I am to be Still and Linger not..
Truth is... Your Poise is of Deceit, and Blemish can be seen... An Aura is not needed to determine who a person is by sight... I'm seeking for the Dep..
Guard Your Intentions when given unto Me...they will rely upon words, but the Depth thereof is Forfeited... You have Hurt Me...not once...but over pro..
If One...Ever...said things unto You as they have said to Me...I would Break their Memories and Break their Hold... I would turn their Pleasures to To..
The Heavens seem Desolate...Cold...and Empty...My Heart has been rendered Useless, and now Isolated...A moment apart is no more than a Desperate Misfo..