Salar Majak

Salar Majak


1745 read requests! better start sooon

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About Me

hey i'm Salar, you can call me Sal, or Aurora
This site has given me a lot, i don't know if i can explain it but, it's the place where i truly was happy for a while, i met genuine friends, loyal incredible life long friends, i've read so many beautiful poems and stories that touched my heart, i grew up on this site, i came here eight years ago and i really can tell you that in this place i found myself, my literary self, i hope you do too

i'm studying to become and electrical engineer!!! and studying to become a pianist at the same time. weird combo huh? XD
i hope you enjoy what i have to offer on this site.


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Posted 1 Year Ago

The new year is here... please, could your soul create more poems and stories for our souls? That would be the happiest new year of all... :)

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Posted 6 Years Ago

It is pure joy to have you back here, Sal!! Hope all is well with your studies, your amazing music, and your poetic soul. :)

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Posted 6 Years Ago

Hello & Welcome back to WC Salar!😊

I just read your "About Me"..And I must say, I can actually feel your words here, since my experience had been the same in the past years.I Hope the comming days turn out to be the good experiences for you as well!😊.

Good luck with your interesting combo, dear.Im sure you're gona do well!!💖

Happy New Year!💕

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Posted 9 Years Ago

Oh, Salar, what a blessing to hear from you! Thank you... from the depths of my heart... Hope you'll be able to find your soul's words flowing soon. My inspirations are coming... but much too untamed.. trying to contain them so I can write them down... Sweet light for you always, my friend... :)

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Posted 9 Years Ago

Hope you are doing okay, dear Salar... and that you're still finding sweet inspiration all around you... You are missed here. x

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Posted 10 Years Ago

This is a friend of mine back here in Tennessee check her out, btw she met Eddie Van Halen among others:) She can rock out with the best of them!

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Posted 10 Years Ago

Btw I like them too:)

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Posted 10 Years Ago

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Posted 10 Years Ago

I finally posted the next Casonia chapter. Second-to-last! OMG! :D
Also, I've decided that I'm going to start drawing little scenes from my books in manga style. Just little random and major scenes and I wanna know what my readers want to see. Any ideas? :)

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Posted 10 Years Ago

Stopping in to say hi and wishing you well. =)