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Wollongong, Australia
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About Me

Welcome to My"writers cafe". My own little spot on the internet.
Im Craig Doherty but you may know me as


one of the other childish nicknames ive earned along the road they call life.
Im from Wollongong which is on the South Coast of Australia,
and although I am overwhelmed with the bug to travel i have no intention of moving away and running from the perfection of what is my life in Wollongong.
Chances are, the differences betwen me and you are many and the similarities are few.
This is not a bad thing.
Im an 18 year old high school graduate
now employed as a apprentice electrical technichian.
My family is the most important to me
I have learnt that it takes more than blood to be a family.
It is not our flesh and blood that makes us family,
but our loyalty to our loved ones.
I know the people in my life love me because they want to and not simply because we are related.

a few things you may not know about me...

I love my sleep, but also love sleepless nights when its raining
I love hot showers but dred the endless walk to my towel when its over.
I love the beach in all weather conditions.
I love tattoo's but hate body art for the sake of it.I like small tattoos' on females but they have to be practical.
I love the feeling i get when i succeed but also love learning from my mistakes.
I love eating till i feel sick!
I love my dog, but hate muddy paws.
I love the fact that im scarred inside and out, reminds me im alive.
Im turned on by pain.
I love the fact that i dont know where im going with life but at the same time wouldnt mind a plan.-
I love being alone, but am happiest when im with my friends and family.
I love saving money but I am having trouble mending that hole in my pocket that help it disappear.-
I like to find meaning behind song lyrics.-
I can honestly say i do HATE wearing undies, i wouldnt even wear em if u paid me
I have been writing poetry for several years now.
I adopted this passion when dealing with issues in my life became hard to handle.
I believe my own and also your actions fuel my imagination.
I believe my words became my friend when i couldnt sleep, lended a shoulder when i was weak and shared memories in success and happiness throughout my life.
I love writing poetry that can have multiple interpretations so it appeals to a wide audience.
I am here for myself,
To finally put forward what i had written and hid in my room with padlocks on my journals.
I write from the soul and most of the time ignore my heart as over time I've learnt its not my best friend.
My poetry has a passion for sorrow and more than ever tears help the process to my best pieces.


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Posted 16 Years Ago

I want to be a genius!!