CLCurrie : Writing

The Talon Family The Assassination of Two Part 7

The Talon Family The Assassination of Two Part 7

A Chapter by CLCurrie

Helbis wasn’t sure if she wanted to trust Kirk or Decker, who they now knew were Ironblood, but they seem like they wanted to help. Kirk told ..
The Talon Family The Assassination of Two Part 8

The Talon Family The Assassination of Two Part 8

A Chapter by CLCurrie

There were two men Helbis had to take out before getting on the ship and they had no idea what hit them. She moved up behind them like a cat moving to..
The Talon Family The Assassination of Two Part 9

The Talon Family The Assassination of Two Part 9

A Chapter by CLCurrie

“When can your men --” Kirk started to ask but dropped to the ground as Helbis shot him with a bolt. The plan was to make the Voice beli..
The Talon Family The Assassination of Two Part 10

The Talon Family The Assassination of Two Part 10

A Chapter by CLCurrie

By the time Lohengrin and the Paladin agents arrive at the ship Ironblood, and Kirk was long gone. The cars swarm the place with Gabriel and Helbis si..
The Madness at Koresh Manor­ Part 1

The Madness at Koresh Manor­ Part 1

A Chapter by CLCurrie

Colorado, The Talon Maison Time: 2219 Raphael Talon would never tell any of his family members the dark thoughts running around in his head ..
The Madness at Koresh Manor­ Part 2

The Madness at Koresh Manor­ Part 2

A Chapter by CLCurrie

Karalius was different then what Raphael remember her looking, back when they dated she was a tall black hair Cherokee girl from North Carolina who pl..
The Madness at Koresh Manor­ Part 3

The Madness at Koresh Manor­ Part 3

A Chapter by CLCurrie

The Next Night Patmos, Canada Time: 1934 The streets of the small town almost looked like any small town in American except for the feet ..
The Madness at Koresh Manor­ Part 4

The Madness at Koresh Manor­ Part 4

A Chapter by CLCurrie

Raphael sat down on the hard bed watching Karalius head for the iron stove to warm her hands. Hands? He questions himself or does he call them paws no..
The Madness at Koresh Manor­ Part 5

The Madness at Koresh Manor­ Part 5

A Chapter by CLCurrie

A knock woke Raphael from a deep sleep he didn’t know he was in went he shot awake. He looked around the room trying to remember where he was ..
The Madness at Koresh Manor­ Part 6

The Madness at Koresh Manor­ Part 6

A Chapter by CLCurrie

At first, Jimmy thought Raphael was joking about the snowball fight, but they ended up a great big battle with the children of the small town. The ch..