Caseypowers : Writing

Tree of Knowledge

Tree of Knowledge

A Poem by Caseypowers

I noticed the lovely tree1when I stopped for a smoke2outside my car3covered in prolific ivy4gracefully winding up her5convoluted trunk6a stairway to h..
Weathering the Storm

Weathering the Storm

A Poem by Caseypowers

Dark cloud follows me now,finger reaching shadows,grabbing,Only I dodge its grasp.But the things that don'tnormally bother mehaunt me now.Swallowing d..
One Glance

One Glance

A Poem by Caseypowers

Across crowded room Our eyes meet Gaze smoldering stomach swells Hopscotchbelly flops How I often thought of that look And remembered Image of i..
Someone's Life

Someone's Life

A Poem by Caseypowers

The shade is drawn down low Guess there are some things you need to know But why expose the glaring light Complications All not gone right Torm..
The Old Man

The Old Man

A Poem by Caseypowers

See how he Hobbleslittle skip and jumpGlad not to move that waywith feeble spiritbut behold hisDeterminationemulate hisPerseveringRiversflowing uphill..
Would Flicking on the light Release Her?

Would Flicking on the light Release Her?

A Poem by Caseypowers

She’s an all alone girl I saw her standing there In the dark window corner Back-dropped by night sky And wondered why Such a youn..
The Salute

The Salute

A Poem by Caseypowers

The soldier sweats one lonely river From the corner of his eye While a tributary drop forms Rains of pain For his wounded comrade N..
The Bouquet

The Bouquet

A Poem by Caseypowers

Teardrops fall A smile lifts And now my weary roses Weep their heads Beautiful in the dying bow Petals drifting To ground below ..


A Poem by Caseypowers

Boy peers anxiously Through cinderblock opening Hand clutching Loose stones Gripping Trying to hold onto something After everyth..
The Leaning Trees

The Leaning Trees

A Poem by Caseypowers

One rowStretching gracefully into WinterSee how light playsCamouflagepatchesDipped in sunshine paintDotted by artist's handSee how their bark peelsAnd..

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