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Chiloquin, OR
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About Me

I'm William, 18, yeah (sarcasm) I like writing poetry, and I tend to look at my life, feelings, and the music I listen to for inspiration. If you haven't already found out from reading my poems I tend to write in the moment, with my feelings.


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Posted 13 Years Ago

no i don't mind you calling my hopeless :) its part of my name lol
thanks for the review!

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Posted 13 Years Ago

oh yeah no problem :)

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Posted 13 Years Ago

i really like the poem that you submitted to the going to california contest! :) would you mind posting it in the group writings as well? i think everyone else would love to see it as well!

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Posted 13 Years Ago

their loss to skip seeing such a piece of art... srry typo

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Posted 13 Years Ago

you are truley welcome, because you diserve it. it is a lovely piece, and if anyone tries to cencor you, just flip them the bird, its not their place to say what you can and cant write, and if they dont want to see it then its their loss to see such a piece of art.
and what ever you do, dont let the world discuorage you.

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Posted 13 Years Ago

just wanted to say thanks for the review on my erotic writing. so many people have discouraged me after they read my work. but i've always found it fun to write, and i love the positive responses i get. anyway, i will send you a read request when i write another. thanks again for the encouragement, it means alot! :)

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Posted 13 Years Ago

weird... because that was intense... I could imagine myself standing amongst the crowd in the pouring rain... that is a true writing skill... something that many lack, and few give to the rest of the world.
And might I be able to nudge you to tell me your dream? Becasue there are very few people that I know that can Lucid dream.. I can but I prefer my dream free form. But i would like to hear (read?) about this dream of yours because well to say the least, im interested.

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Posted 13 Years Ago

Haha, To answer your review... I have no Idea, sometimes I am just bombarded by scenes and I decide to write them out. Usually on paper, but that one weaseled it's way onto the computer. You think that's strange you should hear what I was coming up with in my sleep last night... (yes I lucid dream)