Author X : Writing

Welcome to Zaphoryth

Welcome to Zaphoryth

A Chapter by Author X

Chapter: 1Da dum da dum da Oh hello! I didn't hear you come in, have a seat please. Would you like some Tea, Coffee, Water? No? Okay then, well I know..
Enter the Witch

Enter the Witch

A Chapter by Author X

Chapter: 2He stared at her taking in her size, stature, aura and her look. She stood 5'10 (177.8 cm) looked to weigh 150 lbs (68.0389 kg) she had a ma..
The Infernal and Witch: Curse of the Dark Queen

The Infernal and Witch: Curse of the Dark Queen

A Book by Author X

Allow me to take you into another dimension one where Lizardmen, Dragon's, Golem's and even Fairy's exist a place where my adventure and story unfolds..