RANDOMNESS.com : Writing

Trader Johan arrives

Trader Johan arrives

A Chapter by RANDOMNESS.com

The group of riders left to guard Berk waved farewell to the riders flying off in the distance. Astrid still looked slightly peeved at being lef..
The Secret is shared

The Secret is shared

A Chapter by RANDOMNESS.com

After he stashed the bundle, Urso began to close all the shutters on his Windows. Just as he finished, and was about to lock the door, Harla walked i..
invasion of the outcasts

invasion of the outcasts

A Chapter by RANDOMNESS.com

Harla woke with a jolt as she heard the sound of screaming villagers from outside. "Let's go skyclash!" She cried out as she leapt into the saddle. Th..
The riders return

The riders return

A Chapter by RANDOMNESS.com

The next morning, Harla didn't disturb Urso. She had seen him go into his stall, and knew he would sleep in. She and Skyclash flew off to the gre..
the wedding

the wedding

A Chapter by RANDOMNESS.com

For the dancing and the dreaming belongs to DreamWorks How To Train Your Dragon 2.
strangers upon the shores

strangers upon the shores

A Chapter by RANDOMNESS.com

Urso felt like all was right with the world. Hiccup and Astrid were living together happily, and he had made a big score with Trader Johan. The..
the peace feast

the peace feast

A Chapter by RANDOMNESS.com

Urso was still annoyed with the way that the Irish had gawked at him like a monster. He removed the large fur mitts and tossed them on the floor next..
an order for a chest

an order for a chest

A Chapter by RANDOMNESS.com

As Urso worked on the knitted chain. He heard a familiar voice. It was Harla talking to Skyclash as the made their way over to his stall. Harla..
Journey to Ireland

Journey to Ireland

A Chapter by RANDOMNESS.com

Oh it'll be done in four to six weeks he'd said. It won't be a problem he'd said. Urso was mentally abusing himself as the village healer gothi b..
Throne of the Irish king

Throne of the Irish king

A Chapter by RANDOMNESS.com

approaching the castle, Urso banged on the doors. a slot slid open to reveal the face of a guard. "State yer business!" He demanded. Urso leaned down..