Relic : Writing

The eyes.

The eyes.

A Poem by Relic

Car Haiku

Car Haiku

A Poem by Relic

An old rusted carfound sleeping in the dense woodsI dreampt of its past.
Two separate trains

Two separate trains

A Poem by Relic

Long days at work often lead to daydreaming ~ do they not?
The moon hovers

The moon hovers

A Poem by Relic

The moon hoverswith incessant brightness.It’s a beautiful lady of space,out for a strollacross the empty sky. And Iobserve no differentt..
Abandoned Writers Cafe

Abandoned Writers Cafe

A Poem by Relic

Empty rooms in empty halls.


A Poem by Relic

It's a white gravel road,laid down the middle ofdark green grass withsun splotches andtrees that look likebroccoli florets.Her house isover a hill wit..
A resolution

A resolution

A Poem by Relic

Like an ensembleoscillating through nature'soctaves; a harmonious matrimonybetween instrumentand earth,a duration of wordlesscompositions dedicated to..


A Poem by Relic

Venomous people will always hunt. They'll slither a neighbor's mind, always ready to bite. They spread noxious poison. Malevolent, remorseless, th..
Silently it Spoke.

Silently it Spoke.

A Poem by Relic

~From a crack in the sidewalka tiny fragile flower bloomed.IIts firm courageand determination to growin the most unlikely placeon its own termsgave me..
The Dance

The Dance

A Poem by Relic

In the beginning We were kindred spirits. Our hearts danced like Fred Astaire and Ginger Rodgers. We shared compliments, ac..