JE Falcon : Writing

The Witch with an Itch

The Witch with an Itch

A Poem by JE Falcon

HeadyMcdowel, The one-eyedsow, The Witch from County Kerry Could not find a Bow So wouldn't you know She found a Zombie to marry. ..
Together, All Alone

Together, All Alone

A Poem by JE Falcon

National Parks, Reflection, and maybe Bison.
Vagabond Poet

Vagabond Poet

A Poem by JE Falcon

Poems in sand.
Limericks for Summer

Limericks for Summer

A Poem by JE Falcon

It is hot outside.
Budding --- Nicely

Budding --- Nicely

A Poem by JE Falcon

Springtime Vertigo

Springtime Vertigo

A Poem by JE Falcon

There is springtime in the air Like a thinly veiled disguise, Like a pixie playing spinning games. 'Tis vertigo, I surmise. We need not b..


A Poem by JE Falcon

A sudden storm.
Limericks Confessions

Limericks Confessions

A Poem by JE Falcon

Summer's Return

Summer's Return

A Poem by JE Falcon

A 5-7-5 Story

A 5-7-5 Story

A Poem by JE Falcon
