Kimmi Frost : Writing

Meeting the Raggedy Man

Meeting the Raggedy Man

A Story by Kimmi Frost

The story of when Andi Rey met the Raggedy man called the Doctor


A Screenplay by Kimmi Frost

Jaime goes to therapy and tells Bill how much her life sucks but when she gets back home there is a even bigger surprise waiting for her, one thing sh..
Would you love him

Would you love him

A Story by Kimmi Frost

If you were them, would you love him?
2 sentences

2 sentences

A Story by Kimmi Frost

There once was a girl who liked a boy, but she was shy, she then saw an old woman sitting on a memorial bench alone, the girl realized this and told h..
Chapter 1: Katie

Chapter 1: Katie

A Chapter by Kimmi Frost

Katie Foster was 17 when she met him. She was playing her current favorite game, Lord of Ultimo, when she decided she needed help. She had been busy s..
Chapter 2: Gale

Chapter 2: Gale

A Chapter by Kimmi Frost

Gale Walker was 21 when he met her. He was sitting at his computer playing Lord of Ultimo, surrounded by the endless supply of Lucozade. Staring at ..
Chapter 3: Katie

Chapter 3: Katie

A Chapter by Kimmi Frost

Katie read his reply and laughed. ‘Typical guy’, she thought, ‘Probably some awkward kid who spends too much time online’. Sh..
Chapter 4: Gale

Chapter 4: Gale

A Chapter by Kimmi Frost

Gale sat there for a few minutes staring at the screen, this was so unlike him. He never asked to talk to someone again. ‘Ah well, she’s..
Chapter 5: Katie

Chapter 5: Katie

A Chapter by Kimmi Frost

Katie’s alarm clock went off at precisely 7am with the Doctor who theme tune, which she knew would get stuck in her head all day. She yawned a..
All Of Me

All Of Me

A Book by Kimmi Frost

When Katie logs onto her favorite RPG game and finds out it's been destroyed she asks for help and finds it in the form of Gale, only they do not know..