Nami FallingDewdrops : Writing

Sensed Love

Sensed Love

A Story by Nami FallingDewdrops

Love is like the vast stretched sky, spread over everything. Not even a poet can imagine the depth with which the human heart can carry this feeli..
Never Meant To Be Broken...

Never Meant To Be Broken...

A Poem by Nami FallingDewdrops

.. and I heard it many times people telling that “Promises are made to be broken and Lies are meant to be kept” But I do not think ..
Awesomeness Of Being Friends.. A Bitter Truth!!

Awesomeness Of Being Friends.. A Bitter Truth!!

A Story by Nami FallingDewdrops

Just a random experience with the flavour of my imagination.
And Then Changed To Single..

And Then Changed To Single..

A Story by Nami FallingDewdrops

well just got inspiration from a friend.... be happy sweety
Unforgettable That.... Little Red Box

Unforgettable That.... Little Red Box

A Story by Nami FallingDewdrops

The small red box on my desk immediately caught my attention. Between a stack of unmanageable files and the desktop, the red box stood out. My hand..
The Shadow On My Shoulder
There is an angel who sits upon my shoulder who goes by the name of Death...
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Between Rain and Shine..

Between Rain and Shine..

A Poem by Nami FallingDewdrops

All about see the happenings..
Silent Nights..

Silent Nights..

A Story by Nami FallingDewdrops

Just A beautiful leaf from my memories...
Myths Of Medusa

Myths Of Medusa

A Poem by Nami FallingDewdrops

Daughter of Ceto. . Protecteress of the world. . beneath that sheet she posses a monster heart .. Near them their sisters three, the Gorgons ..
My Ocean Blue

My Ocean Blue

A Poem by Nami FallingDewdrops

Ending on that ocean blue.. I lived a life which been so true.. Blinking eyes and shining smiles.. Welcomed me with fireflies.. ..