Nipplegrinder : Writing

Joined In The Dance Of The Ages

Joined In The Dance Of The Ages

A Poem by Nipplegrinder

**EROTICA** *Contains Mature Subject Matter*


A Poem by Nipplegrinder

When the shadows of sorrow Cast pall and gain purchase When the stillness causes shudder When the gnashing of teeth Brings pain to jaw Silence S..
Given A Gift I May Keep

Given A Gift I May Keep

A Poem by Nipplegrinder

*Contains Mature Subject Matter*
Where The Exalted Lie

Where The Exalted Lie

A Poem by Nipplegrinder

I walk on gilded stilts somehow amongst mirthmen, storied statesmen, and heroes. Amongst glorious honor Unfathomable disregard Indefatigable wills..
For I Shall Be Undenied

For I Shall Be Undenied

A Poem by Nipplegrinder

I will weave it seems Dreams of dark desire Carnal undertakings And delicious tastes of salacious activity for all of us who hunger Whom are not ..
Possession Is Fleeting

Possession Is Fleeting

A Poem by Nipplegrinder

Shattered stillness Waves wash beach Tide tells time The lotion on her skin Rubbed on and within Wafts into willing nostrils As the sun rises T..
That Which I Carry Every Day

That Which I Carry Every Day

A Poem by Nipplegrinder

She writes sonnets to share Short snippets Leaves little notes in a lunch Makes life easier Carries herself to and fro Worries me to no end Embo..
Puddled Upon Pillow

Puddled Upon Pillow

A Poem by Nipplegrinder

Chasing sunrises into day Searching sunsets as night envelopes Her elusive man ever hides in shapely shadow His cuffs and collar beyond the silver ..
May Carry Your Care To Me

May Carry Your Care To Me

A Poem by Nipplegrinder

I'm surprised my eyes could simply close, and sleep while you make your way to us. I've been afraid of Darkness, all my life. I suppose I'm not tru..
In These Places

In These Places

A Poem by Nipplegrinder

In her shelved dreams Her silent smiles Her nights forgone Her chances not taken Her unseen and even Unrealized tears In her hearty laughter ..