John Alexander McFadyen : Writing

My Protector

My Protector

A Poem by John Alexander McFadyen

In dreams she comes.
Shooting His Mouth Off

Shooting His Mouth Off

A Poem by John Alexander McFadyen

America, the land of the free!


A Poem by John Alexander McFadyen

So easy for politicians!
A Good Employee

A Good Employee

A Poem by John Alexander McFadyen

Always of value.
Broken Sculpture

Broken Sculpture

A Poem by John Alexander McFadyen

How women try shape you.
On the Horns

On the Horns

A Poem by John Alexander McFadyen

People can be impervious to the pain and frailty of others.


A Poem by John Alexander McFadyen

Where is peace if not in death?


A Poem by John Alexander McFadyen

Britain in bloom!


A Poem by John Alexander McFadyen

Parting of the clouds.
Songs of Dusk

Songs of Dusk

A Poem by John Alexander McFadyen

A beautiful summer evening!

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Compartment 114
Compartment 114