John Alexander McFadyen : Writing

Reflections on a Life

Reflections on a Life

A Poem by John Alexander McFadyen

Reflections on a Life There I lie in the distant hypnagogic visions of my mind. Oh so many breaths taken and exhumed. Oh so many bridg..


A Poem by John Alexander McFadyen

Propagation I will not bend to the will of Satan anymore for in me now is the will to resist her taunts. I have built a barricade of confid..


A Poem by John Alexander McFadyen

Foursquare If my expressions of love are too much, if my emotions overwhelm and suffocate, then I apologise. For in me is a tumult; a..
With Respect

With Respect

A Poem by John Alexander McFadyen

With Respect I do not deny the frailty of my mind, for I am acutely aware of my own psychosis. My delusion that the world is a good and s..
Some Pigs

Some Pigs

A Poem by John Alexander McFadyen

Some Pigs Specifically, what is it you want from me? Am I a mere pawn in your game of world domination or am I a player? When the chi..
Into the Depths

Into the Depths

A Poem by John Alexander McFadyen

Into the Depths The decaying smell of shell-fish, hanging on brisk breezes, putrid yet purified by the salt of the ocean. The sea's..
The Decay

The Decay

A Poem by John Alexander McFadyen

The Decay Mangled wreck of rusted iron. Once a life's built work-horse, a bright gem for a bluish Magpie to adorn in a garden beyond..
Isatis Tinctoria

Isatis Tinctoria

A Poem by John Alexander McFadyen

Isatis Tinctoria Streaked tear tainted flesh, woad stains still fresh as the clearances and imperial invasions pre-empted an empir..
Fighting Still

Fighting Still

A Poem by John Alexander McFadyen

Fighting Still The bleak beaks of authority peck my flesh, and I slip unadorned towards that dark stain, placed upon my soul by Ad..


A Poem by John Alexander McFadyen

Moribund Thick cobwebs of doubt ensnare each fly of thought in the sticky black, bitter molasses of life's entanglements, until I..