ShadowBard : Writing

Unrequited Love

Unrequited Love

A Poem by ShadowBard

Love found and not returned
The ME I See

The ME I See

A Poem by ShadowBard

I look in the mirror and I no longer like the face staring back at me. I no longer like ME, the me I see, the me that is ME, you see. Why ..
Take Me!

Take Me!

A Poem by ShadowBard

A by-product of depression is the deep desire to escape this life into nothingness...
A Day Spent in Quiet Splendor

A Day Spent in Quiet Splendor

A Poem by ShadowBard

Walk with me in a field of flowing flowers wild and swaying petals colored and displaying, stems nurtured by the hands of the sun and..
Let Us Write

Let Us Write

A Poem by ShadowBard

“Let us write” she intones, let us scribe, let us intone with words, let us sing with lines, let us harmonize in stanz..
Unequal America

Unequal America

A Poem by ShadowBard

“We Hold These Truths To Be SELF-EVIDENT; That All Men Are Created Equal...” But not in The United States of America!..