Shanna (Renae)

Shanna (Renae)


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Sunshine Spokane, WA
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About Me

I'm the older sis of Jane. If she's not Jane anymore, don't worry about it. She has a thing about experimenting with new names. She's crazy, but awesome and we're the best of friends. She actually set this page up for me without asking. Oh well.

I'm part of the lazy group of writers. I only write if I love what I'm writing about.

Sometimes I help Jane with her plots. My one strong point.

I am a Christian and am seeking God with my whole heart.

My fav way to spend my time is laughing in the kitchen with my sisters.

P. G. Wodehouse (plum) is the best author ever! (you know you're desperate for Plum when you'll read "Golf's Best Short Stories" to get it.)

I like country music, Sinatra, and Gershwin.

I can sing Italian arias, but prefer broadway.


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Posted 14 Years Ago

Dear Writer,

it is my wishes that you have a wonderful Valentine's Day. Whether you have one or not, my words are always here to strengthen and encourage as a writer and a friend.

Happy Valentine's Day.

S. W. Scaggs

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Posted 14 Years Ago

BOO!! Hey sister. Just saying hi. :D

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Posted 14 Years Ago

lol, doing well. I am working full time at my new facility. They finally hired me on. Other than that life continues as it has for some time now. I am glad you are enjoying the ranching life... minus the cows :-) It is good to hear from you!

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Hey friend just wanted to say hi and see how you are doing hope to ttyl!

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Posted 14 Years Ago

pretty good, just really busy with school starting and such, I worked at a summer camp all summer and after getting back had like one week and then school :

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Posted 14 Years Ago

thanks : lol :p so how have you been?

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Me neither. Gonna be so cool. :D

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Yes, I have read it! LOVE IT! Probably my favorite book of Terry's, besides perhaps Going Postal or Guards! Guards! I love Moist too, definitely my favorite protagonist in Discworld.
He's coming out with a new Moist novel soon, a third one; Raising Taxes. I positively CANNOT WAIT for it. :D

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Oh no, VBS was fun. Really fun. I always look forward to it. :D
But I was tired when I wrote that 'sigh'...and...*yawn* I think I'm tired...right...
*Plops down, asleep*

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Pretty good. Very busy at the moment but shouldn't be this weekend. I've been doing Vacation Bible School at my church every day for the past week.