Hunter C. Brown : Writing

All's Fair In Love And War

All's Fair In Love And War

A Poem by Hunter C. Brown

All's Fair in Love and War,Or that's what they say.Most of the time this isn't a bad thing to live by,But it can be.You can lose your friends,And lose..


A Poem by Hunter C. Brown

They call me Geek,They call me Nerd.All because I'm smarter,Than they would want to be.They say life is random,It deals the cards without looking.Some..


A Poem by Hunter C. Brown

Inspiration,A fickle thing.It comes when least expected,It listens not to yourwhims,Only to its own.It doesn't care for timing,Sometimes it seems that..
Life is Cruel

Life is Cruel

A Poem by Hunter C. Brown

Life is Cruel,Or it feels that way.It gives you something good,Something Great.But there's a catch,There's always a catch.Even the best things,Can end..
White the Color of Death

White the Color of Death

A Poem by Hunter C. Brown

White,The color of clouds,Paper,And Death.When most think death,They think,Black.But no,Death is White.What is the color your skin turns after death,W..


A Poem by Hunter C. Brown

Waiting,O how long I have sat here.Waiting,For something to happen.Waiting,Life is to short.Waiting,The seconds tick by.Waiting,Long hours pass.Waitin..
Life Without Love

Life Without Love

A Poem by Hunter C. Brown

my first and hopefully only love poem


A Chapter by Hunter C. Brown

The day was hot, very hot. Sweat poured down my face as I trudged through the endless sand of Egypt. The unbearable thirst I was experiencingwas a re..
The Art of Lying

The Art of Lying

A Poem by Hunter C. Brown

Lying,Though it is used to get yourself out of a bad situation.It usually leaves you worse off than you started.If you tell to many lies it will entan..
Chapter 1: Captivity

Chapter 1: Captivity

A Chapter by Hunter C. Brown

Miraculously, against all my wishes, I did wake up the next day. Thirsty, hungry and sore sure, but still alive. Near the door of my small stone cell..

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