Hunter C. Brown
All's Fair In Love And WarA Poem by Hunter C. BrownAll's Fair in Love and War,Or that's what they say.Most of the time this isn't a bad thing to live by,But it can be.You can lose your friends,And lose.. |
GeekA Poem by Hunter C. BrownThey call me Geek,They call me Nerd.All because I'm smarter,Than they would want to be.They say life is random,It deals the cards without looking.Some.. |
InspirationA Poem by Hunter C. BrownInspiration,A fickle thing.It comes when least expected,It listens not to yourwhims,Only to its own.It doesn't care for timing,Sometimes it seems that.. |
Life is CruelA Poem by Hunter C. BrownLife is Cruel,Or it feels that way.It gives you something good,Something Great.But there's a catch,There's always a catch.Even the best things,Can end.. |
White the Color of DeathA Poem by Hunter C. BrownWhite,The color of clouds,Paper,And Death.When most think death,They think,Black.But no,Death is White.What is the color your skin turns after death,W.. |
WaitingA Poem by Hunter C. BrownWaiting,O how long I have sat here.Waiting,For something to happen.Waiting,Life is to short.Waiting,The seconds tick by.Waiting,Long hours pass.Waitin.. |
Life Without LoveA Poem by Hunter C. Brownmy first and hopefully only love poem |
PrologueA Chapter by Hunter C. BrownThe day was hot, very hot. Sweat poured down my face as I trudged through the endless sand of Egypt. The unbearable thirst I was experiencingwas a re.. |
The Art of LyingA Poem by Hunter C. BrownLying,Though it is used to get yourself out of a bad situation.It usually leaves you worse off than you started.If you tell to many lies it will entan.. |
Chapter 1: CaptivityA Chapter by Hunter C. BrownMiraculously, against all my wishes, I did wake up the next day. Thirsty, hungry and sore sure, but still alive. Near the door of my small stone cell.. |
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