J. Lynn : Writing

Part 1: Deep thoughts

Part 1: Deep thoughts

A Story by J. Lynn

I am a failure. A failure to myself, my family, my friends, AND my school! It's like no matter what I do I FAIL! I am a smart kid, I know this because..
My Name is Sarah Brown

My Name is Sarah Brown

A Poem by J. Lynn

My Name is Sarah Brown My name is Sarah Brown Throughout my life I wore a frown The word happiness is very vague. “I bruise easily&..


A Poem by J. Lynn

Darkness all around, whispers in the room, yelling harsh words, others crying, for the words, untrue. People laughing, others standing around..
How I Feel Today

How I Feel Today

A Poem by J. Lynn

The secrets,They over come me in ways only some,Will ever understand.The words I am saying,Will only mean something to one,But it’s not like tha..


A Chapter by J. Lynn

"Mom, why the hell do we have to drive 15 hours to a house we've only seen online, in a neighborhood we both have never heard of? Sometimes that's a h..


A Book by J. Lynn

All I can tell you about this story is that a new house is usually fun, but sometimes there is a twist.
These Feelings

These Feelings

A Poem by J. Lynn

Shh,did you hear that,or was that just the wind?I believe it came from here,or is that just my heart,I've never felt this thing before,but today is th..
Can you?

Can you?

A Poem by J. Lynn

Can you hear her cries?Can you see the tears in her eyes?Can you lead her away from her fear,the things that have been done to her all these years?She..


A Poem by J. Lynn

Quiet,silence,the feeling of being alone,these are the feelings,that are always well known.The block of writing,because of the feeling of life,makes y..
The nightmare

The nightmare

A Poem by J. Lynn

written for my step-dad because he is slowly dieing and he means the world to me, and I had this dream and it affected me horribly. :/

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