Summer Mendez

Summer Mendez


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Durango, CO
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About Me

All you need to know is that Im a writer and mostly philosophical in a lot of what I write (even if some makes absolutely no sense to anyone but myself) and that I see words to a level of which sometimes even I cannot fathom the depth. I'll write until my fingers are so swollen and numb that I can no longer bend them, im passionate to the core and will spend my life doing the things I want to do, not what others say I should do. My life is not a decree based on what another has posed. For that is what all these "rules" are. Supposed meaning to corral a group of people into one catagory of which nothing is emitted but the same brainwave strained through millions of people. Freedom of thought, free to live passionate lives, to explore everything life has to offer. And what do we do? Work our asses off to please those who judge us by how we look on paper, not the spirits of which we should fight to keep the small ember lit, to coax it back to life until the fire blazes through our souls and we can once again live the life we were meant to live.