Brandon Mathis : Writing

My Regrets

My Regrets

A Poem by Brandon Mathis

So many thoughts that I can’t let go I wish you would help me to know How I could go on I’ve lost so much That I can’t g..
Heart To Heart

Heart To Heart

A Poem by Brandon Mathis

So many questions that are running through my mind I don’t know if I have enough time To let this world know who I am Show them all tha..
Your Shining Star

Your Shining Star

A Poem by Brandon Mathis

For my momma
Kill Me Softly

Kill Me Softly

A Poem by Brandon Mathis

I’m swimming through the dead Blood thick as my regrets No one was prepared of what happened next Drowning in this life This is my l..
Invisible Reflection

Invisible Reflection

A Poem by Brandon Mathis

I tricked my memories Into thinking that you never hurt me I’m taking your heart hostage Proceed with caution All I ever wanted ..


A Poem by Brandon Mathis

I guess you forgot where you came from An egotistical prick is who you have become You tell me to look at what I have done I live in my own f..
Save Me For Tomorrow

Save Me For Tomorrow

A Poem by Brandon Mathis

Save me now Don’t wait till your times ran out Give me your hand Help me pick up my legs and stand There’s no time to waste ..
Open Heart Confession

Open Heart Confession

A Poem by Brandon Mathis

This is the way I am Hold my hand Maybe I can Make you understand A connection of us An electric of love Sparks fly out your e..
Consumed In Fear

Consumed In Fear

A Poem by Brandon Mathis

Acid rain on the tip of my tongue My hearts been broken Using crutches to stay up There’s no way of making this end I drop my la..
With One Breathe

With One Breathe

A Poem by Brandon Mathis

We live and we are lost Close my eyes as it all goes by Floating like ash As the wind Carries me farther As the ground I’m ..