camryn hernanez : Writing

Look Away

Look Away

A Poem by camryn hernanez

When someone ask are you okay? You smile and say yeah, hidding the invisable tears and sorrow, but when thhey turn around and look away you wish t..
the begining

the begining

A Chapter by camryn hernanez

Have you ever met a person with a secret, and if the secret got out it could kill every person, once it got into them. Well you just did; I'm Luna, on..
The Horror

The Horror

A Chapter by camryn hernanez

It was a normal Friday after noon, around 3:30. Me and my twin brother Diablo, and my older step brother Jose were playing outside. Then the air chag..
The Woods

The Woods

A Chapter by camryn hernanez

We were two miles into the woods. “Do you hear that?” Diablo said. I listened hard. It sounded like an animal, so I took out my pocketknif..
The Blood Shaw Flow

The Blood Shaw Flow

A Book by camryn hernanez

one girl, and two boys go looking for the girls brother because he was stolen by the governmeant because of his blood
the search

the search

A Story by camryn hernanez

a vampire and a human go looking for their friend camryn the werewolf. she went missing.