Write even if nothing comes to mind,Let the pen paint the stories in unjustifiable ink,Unmonitored and unrehearsed set it free.Speak with no cautionar..
I did not ask for this information,I did not plead with some higher authority for this,It crept in through re-activated synapses,Surged through new fo..
I am the king of my own kingdom,The ruler of my intimate creations,The weaver of the fabricateduniversebefore me.The fairytale in my head vivid and re..
I wish i could somehow make you understand. i didn't want this, I didn't wake up one morning all those years ago and say to myself "Right im going to ..
In a sense affection terrifies meThe uncontrollable emotionsThe subtle but definite fleeting sanityThere is an unsettling flutter in my stomachA panic..
Realities a funny thing,Such changeable absolutes,A sort of indescribable charm.A moments glance of complexity,Brushed away with understanding,A simpl..
Time the none existent mistressAn implemented idol counting existence awayWe are on the cusp of evolutionWe are on the edge of certain doomA million s..
Convict on death row.
Something calls me from slumberSomething drags me kicking and screaming back to this worldI close my eyes in desperationto escape , to be free from he..
Ive done it! Ive single handedly torn apart the very essence of what makes me human, its beautiful , brilliant. A perfectly heartlessexistence, draine..