"a delight"
they said,
and by "they" no one really knows,
but it sounds good,
and we tire of normal food,
so "a delight" sounded wo..
my alarm blares
and flashes a violent red,
blinking and blasting,
like someone's in trouble,
though Lassie's nowhere to be found.
taken as a threat,she's wrapped in gauzeand submitted as prisonerfour hundred sixty seven,though there are onlyabout half that many aboard,living.it's..
he spends all day in the fields
and would probably spend all night
at one with the horses and the hills
and the openness of the space.
their watching eyes,dissecting your every movementand analyzing every action,causing paranoiawhen you'd rather not be.of course,one cannot count on th..
enfolded in a haze,images blurand outlines condense,all is serene.where there were edges,before,now lay melted puddlesand soggy tranquility.he's flyin..
bright and blindinga glare, as the screaming wheels area cause to hiss and spitand flee beneath the city.to the dark, the damp,the studded, craggy hal..
exploding catalystic entities,brush their fingertips over you softly,exciting nerve cells and blushing brilliance,ruddy cheeks redden in plain sight,l..
a crash or a clatter,
a pow or a bang,
a noise like no other,
and then nothing's the same.
for the shot was first sounded
and h..
climbing up, and up,
oblivious to those who
ask her why she's standing on chairs
instead of sitting in them.
ignoring those who brin..