Forever Nocturne E-zine
Brain Blizzard Central
Brain Blizzard Central16 Years AgoSince we don't have virtual post-its, these forums will have to do. In response to Jinxie's test email, I just wanted to get a few ideas here in the meeting place. -In addition to the novels we eventually publish, I would like to see (or rather, hear) Audio Books. Since LuLu (which I assume we'll be using at first) offers CDs, this seems viable. I know a few people with good recording voices. I think it would be great, because I don't anticpate other start up publishers venturing into that early on. I think if we can do quality recordings, it'll help set us appart. -I'd like to stay away from poetry anthologies. Everybody and their duck puts them out. -I think the four of us should hit the editorial circuit hard this summer, and try to get something published, just to add to our credentials. Even if it's local mags or newspapers, or other online zines. I've seen some sites advertising on the cafe for writers. I just want something more than "Writey McWriterton went to this high school and is an avid shoe wearer" as our credentials. -Let's not discriminate at all in the genres we publish. I know between Nikki and myself we know a lot of people, so I'm sure you guys have creative friends, too. So if we get someone wanting to publish a children's picture book or a coffee table book of photography, bring it. That's all for now. I'm sure I'll be back. =) |
[no subject]16 Years AgoOh hell yeah! I definitely like those ideas. Funny, I was thinking about putting together a book of my photos. =) In regards to hitting the editorial circuit, I'd like to add that if you wish to find an agent or publisher for your novels, now is the time to do so. Everybody in the publishing world goes on summer vacation and doesn't start seriously looking at new stuff until they get back sometime in September! I'm going to try and finish DoD asap so I can send it out before June!
[no subject]16 Years AgoMy SMTP settings for the fullmoonpress e-mail is still not working. GRRR!! But this is what I was going to say in the e-mail: I'm going to try to find an agent for Office Politics by summer. I look at the group forum as our boardroom, and e-mail as a means of sending documents. Since I’m stuck “working for the man” for now, I can’t access my e-mail until I get home, but I can access the WC group from work. Just a thought. We could call our published writers group Inner Circle and make it invite only. Just another thought (I got lots of em. Hehe) I think we should look at trying our hand at publishing books within the next two years. If we can scrape the money together, we can get a block of 10 ISBNs for around $250. I think we should also create stories on the Forever Nocturne profile under each issue, and the story be basically a blurb about whats in that issue and provide a link to the issue. However, advertising is freaking expensive on the WC. Woo-ha!! I just about passed out. |
[no subject]16 Years AgoYeah, I figure advertising won't be in our near future. I think with some good ole word of mouth and a helluva lot of shoe leather we can get the traffic up.
[no subject]16 Years AgoHey, I have some ideas on the advertising subject, as Jesse and I discussed in our long conversation last night that about killed my phone. LOL I might talk to Wookie and see if Club Tattoo would like to buy some ad space. That'll bring us some revenue to do our own advertising. How much was it on here, Sio?
[no subject]16 Years AgoIf you do 1000 clicks at $.50, we're looking at $500.
If you do $2.50/day, we're looking $17.50 a week. Still not sure if I understand the whole thing, so it oculd be more than that. Much better, but if you're on a shoestring budget like us...
And Brain Blizzard Central...LMFAO!! |
[no subject]16 Years AgoYeah, I figured it'd be something like that. We'll have to wait until some revenue comes in for ads. That's fine. We're not in a huge hurry. =p BTW, you should be able to check your email from work if you use the webmail. =)
Oh, and sorry about my long-a*s signature. LOL |
[no subject]16 Years AgoSorry, stepped out. =p
Also, when do we get our super cool and super long job descriptions? I need to put the gratuitous b**b shots on our staff page. |
[no subject]16 Years AgoLMFAO! I think you're the only one with the b***s young enough for those shots. =p
But yeah, job descriptions? Hmm.... |
[no subject]16 Years AgoI don't think you have a wide enough camera lens for these b***s. LOL
Sorry about the unexpected vamoose--damn Windows thinks it needs to restart everytime I sneeze. Too much of a chore to log back in at 10:50 pm. hehe
Also--don't shoot me--I was thinking I don't so much like the format of the second page, even though I picked that template from Publisher. I may just play around with Word to make a template we can use. It just seems too busy and the text too small. I'd also like to make the Contents interactive (hyperlinks to the story). Should be relatively easy to do, especially if we're making this in Word and saving as a PDF.
Another thought I had (God, someone stop me! LOL): If we have the Author Bio in the top left corner at the start of their work (Kind of like my graphics for OP at the top left of the text. Again, I'll make a template It would just seem cleaner.
I also think each editor (that would be all o' us, in case you're confused) should have their own page for their "Editor's Notes" regarding their section. Er...have we ever divvied up the sections yet??? Here's my thought on that, thinking back to some of the things we've discussed doing before: Young Writers & Short Stories (Jinx); Chapter Fiction & ? (Siobhan); Poetry & Lyrics (Jesse); and Articles & Blogs (Tams). JUST MY HUMBLE OPINION, DON'T SHOOT ME! LOL
[no subject]16 Years AgoHmmm... I would be more comfortable actually if I didn't have poetry. I don't mind taking lyrics under my wing at all (big surprise there, right?), but I'm very lenient with my views on what is decent when it comes to poetry. I react to how the piece made me feel. I'd rather handle something of the fiction arena, or the blogs. We'll save poetry for when Rachael comes on board. ; ) |
[no subject]16 Years AgoWell s**t, Sio, it would've been nice to know you didn't like the second page before we finished it! =p That's why I kept sending it to y'all. The Contents area should be interactive. I just kept forgetting to do it. LOL It is fairly easy. I don't know about doing it in Word, though. The entire doc is in Publisher and the two won't mesh together well. It all needs to be in one format in order to PDF the whole thing. What percentage are you viewing it at that the text is too small? Too busy? Really? I suppose it is, but it's not bad for the first try, eh? We'll clean it up for the next issue. We're getting a lot of compliments, by the way!
Regarding the Author Bio in the top left corner... If it's done right, perhaps. Design something and send it to me so I can see what you mean. Try to do it in Publisher because it's much easier to work with than Word when putting an entire 'zine together, pleeeeeeease. =) I like the "Editor's Notes" idea, but don't give Poetry to me. I'm about as good at reviewing that as Jesse! LOL No, we haven't divvied up the sections yet. I'll definitely take the Young Writers and Short Stories. Perhaps Jesse can do Short Stories as well. We could split up the genres or something. Don't mind me. It's late and I'm exhausted from teenage girl drama over the weekend. =p Sio, you can take the Poetry until Rach comes on board, since you have a little question mark there. =) Tams, do you want Articles and Blogs? Blogs will only be written by staff, by the way. At least, that's what I was thinking. I figured Tams and Jesse are the master bloggers, so they can split that creation between them. In the next issue, the initial Editor's Letter will shift to one of you three. So, who wants to design the next issue? Whoever wants to do it, I'll send you all that I have (pics, files, etc.). Jesse, that higher res heading is MUCH better!!! Do you have the cover in higher res? I need it. Don't ask why. =p |
[no subject]16 Years AgoOK, sorry for the delay in getting my fat cheeks over here. I've been busy with life and kids and taxes and all that other rot we do. As for divification or vivisection of odd magazine parts gimme. Just gimme. I don't care if it's poetry or shorts or leftover ramblings just gimme - and gimme parameters and I will read till my eyes cross. At this point - I'm just happy to work my a*s off for nothing. So you all tell me what you need - and I will be tickled to do it to the best of my ability. Publication - agents. I am working on both so I agree - the more we can get ourselves as seperate entities out there - the more it can help the joint effort and vice versa. Advertising. Since we are a free zine with no money - I concur with word of mouth. I am happy to blog, post links and email ad nauseum. I wonder if approaching vertigo creations for the october issue might be plausible. Perhaps they would want to buy adspace. I've posted the link in my blog, and am also trying to figure out how to get it on my personal website. I've put it up here at WC - and I plan to post a blog about it - the Ezine at least monthly. Have we thought about a newsletter - maybe monthly to keep the zine - in the view of people? Something simple...a one pager? Tam has MS as for designing the next issue....I am more than happy to help. Like I said, I am happy to do what ever you need me to do. I just want to see this baby go as far as it will go. Soooooo. which way do I go? (: |
[no subject]16 Years AgoOh yes, a monthly newsletter is a good idea. It can be added writing in the 'zine profile and can be archived on the website--ahemJesseahem--like the 'zine issue will be. If it's a one-pager, it can be done in Word, I guess. =)
[no subject]16 Years AgoWell, Jinx, I didn't really know that I didn't care for it until I kept looking at it. LOL
As for Publisher and Word not meshing, they don't have to. It can all be done in Word, and just as easily (you forget, I'm highly trained. LOL). I have some mock-ups in the works. Looks outstanding so far.
Ah hell--I don't know what to do with poems either. I guess we'll figure it out. hehe
OK, newsletter is a great idea. Bring it on!
[no subject]16 Years AgoFine, Miss Highly Trained. Do you need images? I have some higher res ones. I'll email what Jesse just sent me. =)
[no subject]16 Years AgoLOL - You're not nearly as shady as you'd like to be, Jinxie. I'll email over what you asked for. As for the divvying... I think it may be a good idea. As you can see, we've already got a slew of submissions coming in. We might go crazy when we get bogged down with work, what with real life (that w***e) invading all the damn time. If no one else but Tammy wants to tackle poetry, I'll go ahead and do it. For the record though, I'd like short stories, or chaptered fiction or poetry/lyrics. Also, we should think about divvying up the production duties. We don't want to be running around like chickens with our heads cut off. We'll all be taking editing duties, of course, but let's figure out the zine duties. I'm sure it's safe to say I'm the graphics department. =) |
[no subject]16 Years Agoahem... you're not the entire graphics department. =p Some others of us have graphics training and capabilities. For now, how about web development? Web maven? I know, web mistress? Are you good enough for "mistress"? =p
Ok, I'll be online Sunday night to discuss matters further and I WON'T have a psych paper due! YAY! |
[no subject]16 Years AgoStu thought so. Bua ha ha ha ha! |
[no subject]16 Years AgoBUA HA HA HA!