Poem Reviewing group


It is a Poetry Reviewing Group, and I myself is willing to review, but I kinda need everyone to participate. I know everyone will say that they will review others, while they don't. It doesn't mean you, if you aren't the ones, but if you are, then you go to the wrong place, wrong group.

I will love to review your poem, please add it to group writing, but no more than one a time, its something to make sure EVERYONE will have a chance to be reviewed. You'll get a MAIL after I review the writing of yours, then you'll be able to add one more writing in group again!

Its like a cycle :
add writing (1) - reviewing- add writing (1)

Be sure you ONLY add ONE writing per time, or you'll be KICK out of the group, but if you participate in the cycle properly, then you can stay in the group and stay to get reviews again, and again!

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