Role Play : Forum : The Great Elven Division

Re: The Great Elven Division

11 Years Ago

Gilrin: I had changed into a green silk elven dress and had placed my tiara on my head. If I was to be a guest and representative of my father and my people I'd have to dress like it. I was after all the Lady of the Forest, Lady Adorn with Stars, and all of those titles my people had placed upon me. I head off to find Dachian and enter when he's talking to some woman, "Oh, You have a guest?" I say looking over the Elven, "I did not know you had hired swords. If you needed extra hands my people would serve just fine, and we would not have to be paid to protect our brothers." Though the forest and snow elves didn't have and fights it was clear we didn't get along. Father still secretly blamed them for the storm that blew through the forest killing many with it's icy clutches. "I'll come back at a later time." I state.

Re: The Great Elven Division

11 Years Ago

Fëa- "Yes yes there's enough room in my coup for us two eagles. And My Lady Caliliel will find a place for you to stay."-----Berendir- I walk through the halls of the castle, looking at all the tapestries and paintings that show the history of the castle.----Caliliel- I look up from my book hearing footsteps coming down the hall. I get up from the bench at the window to see who it is and see Berendir. "Sight seeing are we?" He looks at me and smiles. "Well I don't know when I'll next be in here. If I ever will be in here again. So I'm just taking a look around." He says to me.

Re: The Great Elven Division

11 Years Ago

Tara- glare at the forest  elven some"   just  paid by food and medical reasons is all we need for pay meant since our supply's are low" tell her before she leave" and I don't think your fighters can  go up against mine" whispers low

Re: The Great Elven Division

11 Years Ago

Gilrin: "Is that so, that's not what it sounded like. Money is what I heard drive a cold heart." I say without turning around, "and let me remind you. It was my warriors that beat your in the Great Elven Wars and in ever battle since." I give a shrug, "Lord Dachian, If you will I'll take my leave."

Re: The Great Elven Division

11 Years Ago

Taoshira-"That is most generous of you,"I say,"I'll be thankful for any accommodation I can get"Ramil lets out a low whine that means he will stay with me wherever I am",as for Rain i suppose she can stay in the stables"she nods her head in agreement."are you sure your hostess won't mind?"I ask. Peri-"I could use a place to heal properly without hunters."I say, "it's nice to meet one of my own kind I haven't seen any in quite a while"

Re: The Great Elven Division

11 Years Ago

Tara-"do you really what to go the tre huger because from as i see it. I am in top know for the snow elven since my father has passes from a pack if wolves that came from your area .. as i see it my people are a lot better since i have taken. Control over my people have you.. or do they still run around huging trees"smiles at her and sends a ciold chill her way

Re: The Great Elven Division

11 Years Ago

Gilrin: "Your little chill trick won't work," I point out, "And if it wasn't for the trees that you seem to not respect you and your people would be dead. No oxygen. No life. And for another fact, wolves originated from the larger Gray wolf species; who, as a matter of fact, were born in the forests and woodlands of my ancestors. They thrive in the forest, woodlands, grasslands and desert; it's rare to find them in the mountains and most are unable to live in the harsh and cold climate. You clearly have only advanced in the art of war but not that of education. Which you will need in society."

Re: The Great Elven Division

11 Years Ago

Fëa- "Of course she won't mind. Come." I say leading the way to the city and castle.-----Caliliel- "I understand. You can learn a lot from these old treasures." I say looking up to the paintings on the walls.----Berendir- "Yes I suppose you can." I say

Re: The Great Elven Division

11 Years Ago

Tara-" it is not just the trees that help us live it is also the ocean that makes the most oxygen" smiles at her" and we  have been working on out education  the reason why we do not have much at first was because it was hard to  do  so up there.. but I think I could just have another storm hit the forests again. but wait I cant since my father and  my kind did not do that to the forest"

Re: The Great Elven Division

11 Years Ago

Gilrin: "Touche, but the ocean and forest give off about the same about," I say, "And, so you may not have sent the storm. But when we pleaded for your help you didn't give it. Maybe we didn't have enough to pay you." I leave the room and head off toward the stables to go for a ride.

Re: The Great Elven Division

11 Years Ago

Taoshira-'let's go."i say as I mount rain.Ramil jumps up in my lap anticipating her taking flight.she spreads her wings and we join fea in the sky,and peri rests on my shoulder because he still can't fly properly.

Re: The Great Elven Division

11 Years Ago

Tara- sighs some and gets up looking at Dachian" my lord I am sorry for the talking around you and you not  saying  anything. but I think it may be good if my people  go and say out in the  forest to not be in  the way"  turns and starts heading for the doors

Re: The Great Elven Division

11 Years Ago

I wake up being dragged across rough ground. I keep my breathing slow and deep, careful to stay "boneless". I listen for footsteps, and hear only one set. In a single motion I roll out of his grip, a few steps away, grab a knife from my boot, cut the ropes on my legs, and come up facing my used-to-be-captor. I hold the knife in both hands, which were, inconveniently, still tied. "Who are you and why in the world do you want me of all people." I demand, then see an insignia on his uniform. "Look, as flattering as this is, I'm not a mercenary, and I'm not going to fight for some petty little prince who can't even lift his own sword." I tell him. "Oh, you'll fight." he growls "No, I don't think I will." I say sweetly. "Besides, who would be desperate enough to want a scrawny girl like me as a fighter anyhow?"

Re: The Great Elven Division

11 Years Ago

Berendir- I had said goodbye to Lady Caliliel after seeing Lady Gilrin walk briskly out of the castle. I followed up to the stables. "My lady, is everything alright?"-----Fëa- We arrive at the castle, near the top where I stayed at. I sent out a small whistle to Lady Caliliel.----Caliliel- I hear Fëa's whistle and go up to her coup. Then I see the newcomers. "Oh. Well hello there. Who might you all be?" I say

Re: The Great Elven Division

11 Years Ago

Gilrin: "Snow elves have arrived in the city," I say, "Asking for payment in return for their help defending the city."

Re: The Great Elven Division

11 Years Ago

Taoshira-"hello,i'm guessing  you are lady Caliliel,"I say,"I am Taoshira,and these are my companions Ramil,Rain,and Peri."I gesture to each of them in turn.Ramil snifs her curiosly and rain stays behind me.Peri dips his head in greeting.

Re: The Great Elven Division

11 Years Ago

Berendir- "Payment? That's a bit shameful isn't it? I mean are they being paid with money or with some other trading object?"-----Fëa- "I'm sorry for this being unexpected my lady. I found them in the woods with no place really to go. Plus he's hurt." I say gesturing to the other eagle, Peri.-----Caliliel- "Ah ok. Well the eagle can stay here with you then Fëa. And I'll find a place for you all if you follow me." I say leading the others back to the inside of the castle.

Re: The Great Elven Division

11 Years Ago

Gilrin: I shrug and wave it away, "It doesn't matter. Snow and Forest elves have never got alone," I say sourly, "However if she is working with Dachian, then I will have to live with it. Despite the disagreement on duty and payments." I throw myself onto my horse and flick the reins so that the horse sprint off out the gate.

Re: The Great Elven Division

11 Years Ago

Taoshira-"thank you,"I say as i follow her.  

Re: The Great Elven Division

11 Years Ago

"That would be me." I twist into a position where I could see both people "I'm not going to be forced to fight." I tell the new guy standing there "Actually, I'm thinking of going into hideing until this stupid war is over." He smiles "I see you're smart enough to want to avoid us royalty and our petty politics." He says smoothly, completely at ease, as if we were talking at a royal gala instead of out here with a knife threatening him "Yet, I need more soldiers. Besides, you might not be required to fight at all." His eyes sweep me up and down "You're quite young and, as you so blatently put it, scrawny. Perhaps we'd find use for you elsewhere? My youngest brother, who is in league with me, is only a few hundred years older than you, and you aren't unappealing..." I force myself not to gag and shake my head "Um, no. Not gonna happen." I stick the knife's handle in my mouth, cut through the ropes binding my hands, and hold it again, setting off at a run in the other direction. I hear footsteps behind me and speed up. "Mother Maisha," I pray "please let me outrun them."