Roleplay X : Forum : The warrior king

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The warrior king

11 Years Ago

In an underground society, there lives vampires, werewolves, zombies, and only the mightest of humans... And a warrior king rules it, but recently the warrior king died. It usually goes in a cycle Vampire, Human Wrerewolf. Though there are humans, no one from the royal human bloodline remains. It is believed there is a royal human air, but he was kidnapped by Dracula's grandson Dracool son of Alucard. 

Slayer: The grandson of Salvatore who slayed Dracula, and saved the society. Salvatore wasn't exactly human by the end of his quest, but the disseases didn't infect Slayer... being born from Salvatore's kin made him immune. So growing up Salvatore taught him how to weild knives, and daggers. Slayer now is an air to the throne but, every air to the throne only gets one chance to be king, but the cycle called for a werewolf when he was able. 
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Re: The warrior king

11 Years Ago

Name: Ismene Wood, Appearance: long white hair, red lips. Eyes: Very very bright golden cat eyes, Age: immortal, but appears 17. Breed(?): she's the granddaughter of the Vampire Queen Rose Wood therefore she does have some werewolf blood in her. Though she's suppose to be Rose's Heir to her werewolf power when she died but Ismene has never been able to channel her werewolf half. Normal Vampire family, normal vampire friends. her family is nobility by birth so she's always lived well off. Or at least she believe it was that way. Her family had gained power at the downfall of Dracula but now his grandson is taking power, or trying to. He blames the Wood bloodline for his grandfathers death and with good cause. However this puts her family in a tricky situation. Most of her siblings have sided with Dracool but Ismene doesn't see the good in that. She knows that it's the Age of Human rule now. All she needs to do it hunt down the true Heir to the Throne.
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Re: The warrior king

11 Years Ago

Name: arista howl, Appearance:when human she has long red hair that is sometimes curly and frames her face,her eyes are a vibrant green,she is tall and tough.when in wolf form:her pelt is a reddish gold color,her eyes are a tawny gold with green slits,she is bigger than most were wolves,her nose is black and the insides of her ears are pink.Age: immortal, but looks 17. Breed:werewolf.personality:she likes to get into fights and her exceptional strength, speed, agility, and balance helps her win them.she has been a loner ever since her parents kicked her out and has yet to find a side to fight for or against.she taught herself how to fight, sneak and assassinate.she is very beautiful but she only uses that as a decoy to distract her victims.she roams around looking for assassination jobs she is a master of stealth and secrecy.she was a theif for some time but picked up on assassinations because they pay better. Bio:her father was a demon and her mother was a a result she gets her werewolf side from her mom but on both hands she has razor sharp claws that are straight instead of curved but can bend like fingers she inhereted from her dad.they can heat up approxamately 10 times hotter than a lightning strike.when she is mad or wants to use them they get hot and start to glow bright orange.when not in use they are deep red.the claw on her right hand is longer than the rest and is her main weapon.acostsher claws at all costs.
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Re: The warrior king

11 Years Ago

In the Romanian castle of Bran (Braşov, Hungarian) Slayer lay captive by Dracool and his followers. Alucard had a ward he help raise along side Dracool. They were like brothers they did everything together including learn the families secrets. If there was anyone Dracool could trust it was Vladimir Seance. Vlad was a cunning breathe of vampire, appearance was that of an 18 year old Scandinavian boy. He had piercing red eyes, they would burst into a blush of crimson when he peered upon the sight of blood. Due to the climate in Romania his skin was white but you could see his dark veins lurking underneath his skin like the cracks on an iced river. Deception and strategy were Vlad's strong suits. He would do the unthinkable for the house of Dracool, no remorse, no emotion. Just a hollow being with an ambition to sit besides the most powerful being that will ever rule. In his eyes Dracool is the true king, the heir of heirs. If he would have it his way he'd slit Slayers throat then and there and watch the blood drip off his majestic dagger as he slid  the sharp blade over his tongue for a taste of royal blood, but Dracool had other plans, plans far greater than the notion of Vlad's simple mind to murder and rise. "Serving the darkness has a sense of pride and there is no being more proud than a vampire," Vlad would always say.. 
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Re: The warrior king

11 Years Ago

Real quick before I reply, I want to say anyone can join at anytime!   Slayer: I sat in a chair as I saw lightning give the dark room I laid captive in dim light for just seconds at a time. Before they tied my hands together, they stripped me of everything I was carrying. I was trying to find exactly all of who's helping them, but more important matters are at hand.
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Re: The warrior king

11 Years Ago

Vladimir: No one has ever escaped the dungeon of Castle Bran and no one ever shall. Don't get ideas royal pig, for if you do it will be my utmost pleasure to drive a dagger through your beating heart, so I can count the seconds it takes for it to beat no more. Tell me Slayer, is there anyone looking for you and also i'm curious to know why Slayer, why do they call you so? 
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Re: The warrior king

11 Years Ago

Slayer: I smirked. "Undo my binds, and you'll see why they call me Slayer!" I answered, trying to find a way to cutt my binds. I looked through the room for glass, but it didn't seem like there was.
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Re: The warrior king

11 Years Ago

Arista-another arrow shoots by my head sticking the fabric of my shoulder to the tree behind me.I yank at it desperately but I won't come loose."c'mon c'mon!,"I plead with the arrow.I manage to yank it free just as my attacker rounds the bend.before he can loose another arrow I lunge forward sinking my claw into his chest right through his heart.he slumps to the ground and I yank my claw out of his chest.I strip him of any money or weapons and then keep moving on through the forest.
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Re: The warrior king

11 Years Ago

Vladimir: As the sun set completely, I walked out of the dungeons through the maze of intricate tunnels castle Bran provided towards the Lair of brother Dracool. "Yes my lord, you summoned me?"
Dracool: "Indeed Vlad, a serpent whispered in my ear about a girl in the woods, ruthless, agile and cunning."
Vladimir: "Sounds like some sort of assassin/thief."
Dracool: "I can feel the wolfs blood flow deep within this one"
Valdimir: Walking towards the huge window, I started looking outside at the mist and dark landscapes Romania had to offer my eyes. "Then you consider us recruiting this child of the devil?  I questioned Dracool with a stern voice. 
Dracool: "Indeed it is time to pick out the leaders from the average hordes we will accumulate."
No one said a word after that, but you could read the presence of the room. It read with one giant wicked smile. 

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Re: The warrior king

11 Years Ago

Slayer: I sighed in relief, seeing he had left. This was my only chance to escape. I stood though my body still tied to the chair, it made me slump, and it was hard to walk, but I had to manage. There was only one way to cutt myself free, breaking the window. I rammed the chair into the window, shattering the glass everywhere. A shard still remained in the frame. I rubbed the rope that was binding my hands together on the sharp shard until broke, setting my hands free. My feet, and body were still tied... I spotted a chest across the room, maybe some of my equipment was there! I managed to get to the chest, and picked the lock with an oddly shaped shard of glass. No daggers, nor knives. But my armor was there. My gauntlets had spikes, and my shoulder guards had sharp edges as well.. I was in luck. I used the gauntlets' spikes to cut me the rest of the way free. I changed into my armor quickly, and exited into the hall
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Re: The warrior king

11 Years Ago

Ismene: An aroma that was sweet, almost to sweet, hung in the air as I moved through the echoing stone halls. Yet not one emotion could be seen, not one smirk or grimace flickered over my smooth pale skin and large golden eyes. I felt it though. The raw burning that clung to the back of my throat daring me to run the flesh of my tongue along the white teeth that hid dangerously behind red lips. I knew what I would find if I did this; I could feel the fangs pushing their was into existence as my body lusted for that sweet fragrance. Blood. It hung in the air was like a mistress of temptations as it always did in this cold, dark castle. Blood was like a lover to the high arches, gray stone, and gloomy passages of this Palace of torment. This was Dracool's castle after all, and I had been a guest here for nearly three turns of the moon but had not yet laid eyes on the Heir of Dracula. I let my eyes search the grounds outside the windows finding nothing but a misty night with a half moon glowing yellow in the sky above.
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Re: The warrior king

11 Years Ago

Arista-i keep trecking through the forest looking for a particular hut.I finally see it a dingy brown shack with a slanted roof.I walk up to the door and knock."who's there?"a grumpy voice snaps."it's me you idiot, I did the job now where's my pay."I retort. "Oh yes your reward come in I have something for you."he says but something is off so I open the door warily.something flashes at me and my left hand shoots out to grip the man's wrist holding a dagger just above my throat.I press on his wrist at a certain spot,he shreiks and the dagger falls to the right hand coils around the man's throat and I realease his wrist."tsk tsk tsk "I say shaking my head"you really are an idiot."I tighten my grip crushing his wind pipe so that the only sound to be heard is a strangled gasp when I dig my unlit left hand killer claw into his chest. He slumps to the ground spewing blood.I shake my head in disgust.I step over the body and rummage through the house finding only a few coins and a some silver shillings.I sigh "he never did plan to pay."I mentally slap myself for believing scum like him could pay for my I head back towards the door I see the man seems to have on a strange necklace of sorts it is thick and black with little purple pulsing orbs in it.I slip it off his neck and find that on the end is a black knife sheath.I pick up the dagger he had and find that the cool black handle is black ivory.the blade is a gleaming silver,i see why he chose to use this against me and almost laugh.thanks to my demon father ive built up an immunity to silver and many other werewolf charms.I find that the blade slips easily into the sheath and I place it around my own did scum like him get this beauty I wonder.I shrug off the thought and ignite my killer glows neon orange and I barely prick the man on the shoulder.the area turns orange and giant red boils pop up all over the man's body then pop secreting a substance much like lava and the man bursts into flames.the flames catch on the hut and the entire place goes up in smoke.I casually walk away humming to myself.
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Re: The warrior king

11 Years Ago

Hades: I appear just outside of Dracool's castle. My Presence here has probably alerted every vampire and werewolf in 2 miles, but i had a job to do. " Why is it that they think they can escape me? No matter I'll see each and everyone of them return to Tartarus." I knock on Dracool's Door and wait patiently for someone to answer.
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Re: The warrior king

11 Years Ago

Ismene: A shiver rolls through my body as a presence appears. Looking across the entrance hall that I had just entered I hear the echoing knocks and narrow my eyes. A servant was approaching the door but was waited outside was something far more... dangerous... then anything that servant had ever seen before. I slide into the shadows of the hall, disappearing from sight, to watch.
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Re: The warrior king

11 Years Ago

Hades: I notice that the servant is a vampire and sigh. I had my work cut out for me." I have an appointment with your master." The servant must have realized who i was and immediately slammed the door in my face. "Well, that was rude." I summon my black flame and destroy the door and destroy the servant in the process. The entire hall is consumed in black flames. " Now I have to find my own way around. Thanks for nothing." I put my hand over the ashes of the servant and takes it's soul. then continue onward. 
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Re: The warrior king

11 Years Ago

Ismene: I make a face as the hall erupts in black flames and twirl out of the room just before the shadows that I had been hidden in were engulfed in the dark fire. Standing gloomily in the doorway I wrap my hands around my elbows and watch the figure.
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Re: The warrior king

11 Years Ago

Hades: I sensed something watching me. It's a half-breed. I smirk at the realization."Interesting, and who are you half-breed, and why shouldn't I sent you to Tartarus? "  I say when i find the Half-breed blocking my way.
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Re: The warrior king

11 Years Ago

Ismene: I don't waver in my feelings as I tilt my head to the side and remain silent. The flames were licking at the hem of my skirt as a soft wind brushed through the hall but no fear took hold. After a moment of thought I unfolded my arms and turned to the side, "You've no reason not to." I say simply as I turn my back to him.
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Re: The warrior king

11 Years Ago

Arista-i feel something strange and the hairs on the back of my neck stick up.I growl instinctively and look around but nothing's there.
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Re: The warrior king

11 Years Ago

Hades:" I have plenty reason. You ancestors, the original vampires and were-wolfs were allowed out of Tartarus on the condition that they not hunt Humans. Now Zeus has ordered me to bring back every vampire, were-wolf, or something between with out mercy. Now, try again. I snap my fingers and the gates of Tartarus explode out of the ground and towers over the castle. " Or i could just drag the entire castle back."

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