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Re: Mystic Academy

11 Years Ago


Lee was put to the front, coming to the dungeons which were bare of all prisoners; including the one she knew still lived. She inspected the cell, finding blood and claw marks on the concrete walls. 
"They moved him." Lee whispered. 
"Any others traces?" Larkspur asked. 
Lee shook her head no. 
"Judging by the situation, Lance should be having him fighting or protecting himself." Aurum said. "Maybe he's that strong." 
"True, when I was spying they gave him a double dose." Lee explained. "But he could die, another dose is like injecting poison in your veins. So I wouldn't be shocked." 
Lee seemed saddened at the thought be didn't show it. She led them out and inspected all the others, which were either empty of only held corpses. 
"This'll be a good time to split into teams." Lee said. "Since the castles is low on guards, finding the Goblin King should be a breeze." 
"Leave him to me." Larkspur said, volunteering himself. "I can take Max and Giselle with me." 
"Fine by me, how bout you two?" Lee replied, looking to the two unfamiliar faces. 
"We'll go." Giselle replied. 
"Good, Aurum, Clover and Luis can follow me. I need back to knock out the Dark Knights." Lee instructed. 
"Got it." Clover said. 
"Jason, Dean and Chuck, the Air force will be a hindrance to thous outside. Travel to higher ground and take them out, it would really help." Larkspur said. 
"On it!" the boys said and began making their way upstairs. 
"What if we come across the knights?" Luis asked. 
"Put them in a sleeper hold." Lee instructed. "They stay unconscious for almost two hours, but they really throw their weight around with those giant weapons. Don't kill them!" 
"We understand." Luis said. 
"Good." Lee said. She led them down the hall, coming to a fork in the halls. Larkspur turned and went right, calling "I'll find the throne room and await the battle!" 
"Good luck Larky!" Aurum replied and followed her group as they took separate ways.
~ * ~
Larkspur, Giselle and Max stayed close to the walls, Larkspur keeping an ear open for any goblins that might be left in the tunnels. Max and Giselle were doing the same. They came to large doors where two Dark knights were standing. Larkspur turned to his companions and whispered "Remember, we're not to kill them."
"Understood." the two said. Larkspur peeked past them, freezing time in place so the two remained there. Giselle and Max sprung, locking the knights head and Larkspur resuming time. The knights toppled over and soon passed out, in a deep slumber. Max tried stretching out his arm and said "Harder than it looks." 
"Come on, help me with the doors." Larkspur said, pushing the doors open and finding it bare. The three walked inside, looking from one place to the next. 
"Is he on the battle field?" Giselle asked. 
"No, he'd never risk his life like that." Larkspur said before the doors suddenly slammed shut behind them. Eyes appeared from the shadows and the biggest (and ugliest) Goblin appeared with weapons ready in in his...four hands?! Max and Giselle were shocked to see the sheer size of the beast, bigger than any goblin they ever faced but Larkspur remained strong. 
"Ello...fae's." The King said, his voice deep and resonating as he charged at them for battle. 
~ * ~
Jason, Chuck and Dean had knocked out a handful of knights, leaving a trail almost as they remained asleep. The air force was crowded, awaiting orders apparently to take flight when the attacks down below became a disadvantage. Chuck looked around, not wanting to draw attention. Shadow magic would've been nice. 
"Up there!" Dean whispered, seeing the burning torches light the room. 
"Leave that to me!" Jason volunteered and with speed, snuffed them out. The three boys then sprung.        

Christmas Day is here!! XD

11 Years Ago

Marry Christmas everyone~ ^-^

Re: Mystic Academy

11 Years Ago

Merry Christmas! XD
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Re: Mystic Academy

11 Years Ago

(You forgot about Cylus but I’ll put him in somewhere) Meanwhile the war outside was still taking place…..:           Chuck, Dean, Jason, and Cylus had returned to lower ground taking out the Air Force. They were a bit battered but it wasn’t anything new. “Come on, onto the beast that  murdered half the village,” Dean said as he patted everyone’s head. “Where are they though?” Cylus asked. Chuck shut his eyes as his neurons ventured on out. “They’re….they’re….they have to fight alone,” Chuck said finally as he then opened his eyes. “What?” Jason asked turning to his brother. “Not alone, but take it one at a time, we’ll wear ourselves out, if we fight it all together, plus it gives us time to heal ourselves after he have been injured from the beast, in addition, I think we all want a punch at the beast,” Chuck explained. “Then what do we do, cheerlead meanwhile?” Cylus asked. “No, but get you and your brother-in-law and sister your powers back,” Dean said grabbing a few materials. Cylus frowned: “How on Earth will you do that?” Dean held up a few slabs of rock. “I’m still confused,” Cylus stated. “Nope,” Dean said as the materials started to take new form of herbs. “The power of….powers,” Dean said. Now, lie down on the ground now, we have to start this immediately before Giselle and Luis fights anyone. Cylus nodded his head as he lied down on cold stone floor. “Hear let this sit on you tongue,” he said handing Cylus a green herd. “Is that weed?” Cylus asked sniffing the material. “Course not,” Dean said raising the herb to Cylus’s nose. “It’s catnip, I guess…weed for cats,” Dean elaborated. Jason and Chuck snickered but then stopped after 2 seconds. “What are we going to do about Luis and Giselle though?” Jason asked. “Chuck’s on it,” Dean explained. Jason looked as Chuck was seated his legs crisscrossed sitting perfectly still. “What will he do?” Cylus asked feeling an ease of tranquility overcome him. “He’s telepathic, sending a message to be tranquil and calm can eventually convince the body to be in such a state,” Dean explained. “That can happen?” Cylus asked his eyes dropping closed. “A human was able to convince herself with breast feeding milk, but you have to really concentrate,” Dean explained. (that’s a true fact you guys :D )
  Giselle staggered back and Luis collapsed to the ground. Max turned to Larkspur who nodded at him to take Giselle to the side to keep her safe. The sprite picked Giselle up and then laid her down to the side and tried to wake her up through electrocution. “Giselle? Are you-“
  “-okay?” Aurum asked shaking Luis’s shoulders. His cold eyes however were closing and showed no sign of paying attention to Aurum’s voice. “We have to keep moving,” Lee warned, knowing it wasn’t safe to remain in one place. Clover walked over and then picked up the 19 year old over his shoulders. “We can wake him-“
  “-UP!” Max shouted. However it wasn’t working and the battle had begun. Larkspur was in a vicious battle with the gargantuan beast. With time manipulation the beast was easily getting beat, however Larkspur became slower and more tired with his movements, thankfully the beast had a terrible vision. He was able to slice at the beast as it grabbed at him but couldn’t see very well. It was angered at hated pesky fairies. Finally, the beast silence itself and then staggered back awkwardly as if one leg femur was larger than the other, it walked backwards into the stone walls. Its body sank into the wall taking its color of pale white. The stature began to shrink a bit, until it reached a lengthy 12 feet. Its head became bald and clear, like a white never see nor displayed on a paint pallet. No eyes. The neck looked twisted, it’s torso showed the bloody insides and bones were displayed like if freshly carved. Its ears were bleeding; it’s lower half of the body, the same of an elderly man of 85 years. Larkspur grimaced at the sight and wasn’t sure of how dangerous this creature was. Finally it unleashed a terrible scream, making the fae cover their ears causing them to bleed a little as the beast started to abnormally climb the walls. “Who said bigger was better?” the beast asked as it was climbing over the walls. Its body was going into contorted positions as it hid behind railings of the dome overhead. Larkspur drew his sword out, the creature was hideous and he wasn’t sure on how to defeat it. Finally he heard a voice overhead. “I’m your worst nightmare come true,” it growled on all fours and then disappeared from one side to the next. “I’m everything you fear,” it hissed. Larkspur held onto his sword but then looked overhead. He found balloons, bleeding red ones. “Let the fun begin!” the goblin said with great joy and happiness as it pulled a chord and then released the balloons overhead. Larkspur held his ground. One landed in his hands and then popped splattering blood all over his eyes. Larkspur covered his eyes and wiped the thick fluid off his face. Looking over on the other side he couldn’t make out the image of what was happening. He saw two familiar girly feet. And then golden strewn hair at the top. “Aurum?” Larkspur called. After blinking a few times he heard a cry. Looking over again, he then nearly vomited watching as the goblin was devouring with fury Aurum’s insides, her rib cages were exposed, a pure white. The goblin used its sharp black claws to doggy paddle into her body, her once unscratched stomach now nothing but shredded like a canvas. Guts and organs flew out of her body still warm and steaming; splattering blood everywhere. After digging, it doves its head into Aurum’s stomach, releasing disgusting sounds of rips of tears. The beast’s head looked up releasing a grin, with its bloody covered mouth. Its hands held Aurum’s intestines and liver: “Chewy,” It said merely. Larkspur paralyzed in his state looked back at the head and saw it was now Juno. Juno’s head looked up with demonic features: “What are you waiting for?” she asked smiling and then laughing madly. Max in the background saw what was happening and was choking on his breath. “Larkspur! Snap out of it! He’s feeding off you with fear!” Max warned. Larkspur clapped his hands one more time and with that collapsed onto the ground puking. He had to make sense of all this. The Goblin was using fear, the beast uses fear, and alright that’s a start. It paralyzes people I their state and then what? Larkspur looked around and saw paintings of the beast only, with remains left over. Larkspur kept thinking and was on the verge of passing out from exhaust. The beast was dealing with psychos. He thought a little more, okay okay….Aurum and Clover, the mare…the encantado, all to insanity; instead of fighting he drove them insane and then ate them. (Sorry guys, I’m terrible at battles, I’m all psychology considering that’s what I study :(  so…yeah if the battle isn’t to your liking I’m so sorry >_<  Okay. Where was I…?) Larkspur had to get his hands on that bloody b*****d before it did anything else. He looked over to Giselle, who was frozen, passed out in Max’ arms. Over the swarm of balloons was the beast…or it was…just there a few seconds ago…when time had resumed. Larkspur resumed time and was met with the sight of the disgusting creature and then froze time where it had disappeared at the same time. The beast…doesn’t exist, and then what the hell was he fighting? He then staggered back a bit a shock running into him. Recovering, the Prince of the Resistance looked around and then resumed time and kicked the double doors open. Max looked up confused. “What the f**k are you doing? You can’t leave!” he shouted. He was sweating bullets, seeping through his clothes as he was shaking the fae awake. This was proving harder and harder by the minute. “Stalling,” Larkspur called as he ran down the hall and watched as the beast started to crawl up the all onto the ceiling as it started to chase afterwards. Larkspur made a run for it.
  Dean was able to use material manipulation and made a syringe out another slab of rock injecting astragalus, barely, and maitake into Cylus’s system. “Boosting the body’s natural defense,” Jason said as he carefully filled the syringes with the right amount of herbs. “Or the defense taken away,” Dean added. “How’s Chuck?” Jason turned around and saw Chuck was either dead asleep…or really deep into thought. “He’s really thinking,” Jason said turning back around handing Dean another herb. “Just a few more,” Dean said as he inserted the few last injection of herbs.
  “He’s weighing down on me,” Clover said as he shook the body slightly referencing towards the weight that was added onto the unconscious body meanwhile. “What do you mean?” Aurum asked turning to the elf and then towards the unconscious one. “Hopefully not what I think it means, check him,” Clover asked as they continued to walk. Lee turned around and saw Aurum was checking Luis and then shook her head. “He’s hasn’t soiled himself, so he’s not dead,” Aurum said. “Then what-”
  “-the hell is going on?” Max asked still holding onto Giselle’s body. Everything was going black outside as he could see through the glass dome overhead. “Oh gods…oh gods, oh gods, oh gods, oh gods, the world is going to end,” he spat, out of breath and in fear. “Larkspur please-”
  “-hurry up Cylus! Chuck! Are they in place?!” Dean shouted knowing Chuck was in deep concentration. “Yes,” he responded holding onto his temples as if grasping onto the threads that connected the four together. “This is 99.99% impossible,” Dean said wiping the sweat bead from his brow. “Yet, there was that .01 percentage of it being possible at all,” Jason commented. “Alright, Chuck don’t let go!” Dean instructed. “I’ll…try…hurry though, we can’t hold onto each other for so long,” Chuck added.
  Larkspur was running and healing himself continuously, but just far enough into another room. Catching, Chuck’s telepathic message that had him stagger a bit from the shock blow; to stall, he had to leave so that the beast wouldn’t interfere with Giselle’s recovery. Larkspur dashed in and skidded to a stop and then turned around. He breathed in heavily, his armor still covering his body, still in his ethereal appearance, grasping tightly onto his sword. Substantially, the best had entered and with that, Larkspur had braced himself as it entered fully shutting lock the doors. “Are we done running?” it asked. “Are we done playing?” Larkspur countered. The goblin hissed in returned and then galloped over the ceiling heading on over to Larkspur. Larkspur watched as the stone ceiling cracked as the beast’s hand broke through it in travel. Larkspur held his ground however. The animal roared graciously and then jumped and pounced. Holding onto his theory, Larkspur stood perfectly still as the beast went right through him. Skidding to a slide, the beast turned back Larkspur. “I see you’ve figured out my game,” the beast spoke in old tongue. Silence. “I like to play with my food first, but you’re a terrible toy,” the beast hissed. It then returned to regular form as the four armed giant it was before.

Re: Mystic Academy

11 Years Ago

0-0 not even sure how to add but I will figure something out>;D but not today sadly, probably tomorrow or the day after

Re: Mystic Academy

11 Years Ago

Lee peeked past the corner and spotted Lance, conveniently walking along the halls. She wanted to wait for Aurum and Clover who were carrying an unconscious Luis along the way. Lee didn't have the time ask about the details. 
"I'm going in." Lee whispered and sunk into the shadows. 
"Lee-" Clover called but she had already disappeared. 
Aurum looked over, Lee's shadow self slowly making its way over toward Lance. Looking closely, Lance was limping looking a little pale as well. Lee's weapon formed in her hands, a black death scythe appearing in her grip as she appeared beside the shadow of Lance and rose the blade up. Clover and Aurum could only watch as the blade came down and 
"Huh?" Aurum whispered. 
Lee's shadow was stopped short, Lance swirling around and grabbing at the shadow and pulling her from her hiding place. Lee was able to wiggle herself free. 
"Thought you could sneak up on me eh?" Lance asked, he sounded out of breath. He gave a short lived laugh then coughed. 
"You shouldn't be acting all cocky now Lance." Lee replied. "Your weak and vulnerable, don't think I can't kill you." 
Lance sneered, snapping his fingers. Rumbling could be heard coming from the darker halls, Clover and Aurum nearly loosing their footing. Lee looked into the darkened halls, preparing herself for what was to come. A large knight arose, the armor spiked and showing gold horns on the helmet. Despite the shadow concealing its identity, the soulless eyes struck fear in them. But to Aurum, they appeared familiar. Feelings she thought she left behind were beginning to rise up all over again. 
"Pull yourself together." Clover said, nudging her. 
Luis gave a groan but remained unfazed to all that was happening around him (I have no idea what's going on with Luis, Max, Gisselle, ect...i leave that to u internet mom). Lee though remained where she was. 
"ATTACK!" Lance ordered, the knights guarding him charging in with their weapons raised. Lee's scythe returned to her shadow and she pounced, weaving in and out of the throwing blows of iron and weight. She was able to knock out her diseased people who tumbled to the ground. Lance was getting over his limp and trying to scurry to the stairs but Lee was close behind. She lunged, hand outstretched and ready to grab at the golden robes till a large hand grabbed her wrist. Looking back it was the biggest that had entered who seemed to be spectating her maneuvering around the smaller ones. For his large weight and heavy armor, he moved without making a sound. Lee tried worming her way out, but was stuck. She could even travel back into the shadows, something was blocking all attempts. The large beast lifted her off her feet and threw her down to the ground. Clover stood up, accidentally dropping Luis in the process and screeched "LEE!" 
"And the mate arrives." Lance said with disgust as Clover raced over, grabbing onto the large brute and slipping on a dragon scale gauntlet *wink wink* The orb glowed and Clover punched the large beast in the side of the head, making it screech in pain as it released Lee and stumbled back. Clover was thrown off, the force of the Leaf stone in the gauntlet was much more powerful then he expected. Lance's eyes grew large with shock as he asked "Where did you get that?" 
Clover pushed himself up, Lance ordering "KILL IT! KILL THE CRETIN!" 
The beast seemed to pause before trudging over. Lee, regaining from the hard throw, had one of her tentacles wrap around its ankle and cause it to trip. It tumbled down and Lee fazed into the shadows, grabbing Clover and retreating back to behind the halls. 
"Stay here! Somethings strange about that one..." Lee whispered. 
"Why couldn't you escape?" Aurum asked. 
Lee looked to her wrist, it was bruised and a mark of the intense grip was left on her wrist. She then sprinted up and bolted, Aurum screeching "WAIT!!" 
Lee lunged, the large beast trying to grab but Lee landed on the shoulder, gripping the helmet and pulling. The helmet popped off, a black smog pouring from the armor until a whirlwind began to form. The armor peeled off till nothing but a figure remained, tainted in black. 
"I was saving the surprise for last." Lance said, a dark chuckle rising in his throat as the blackened figure began to take form. "Ladies and Gentlemen, I present-" 
The black slowly began to fade as a familiar body began to form, black bangs covering the white hair, black shirt and jeans with a brown jacket over. Aurum's eyes widened and Lee mumbled "That's how he knew." 
"The Omegian Prince returned from the Grave; Ragnarok." Lance presented, Ragnarok standing before them. 
~ * ~
Juno was leading a wave as another suddenly sprung, Skylar was zooming from one place to another as the Goblins tried shooting him down, ranting about how Dragon Meat was a rare treat. Juno, fed up with being limited to the ground, whistled and Skylar heard it as he became nothing but a blur to the human eye and found his place beside Juno. 
"I need a ride, and call Eld back I've got a plan." Juno said and Skylar took flight.  Letting out a roar that reverberated across the sky, Eld was summoned. She was scorching a Goblins jugular until he seized movement before dropping him. 
"You called?" Eld asked. 
"Send a rain of fire down if you please." Juno replied with a smile. 
Eld returned it and lifted her finger to the sky, a ball shooting from her finger and into the sky before exploding. A showed or molten rock came down on the goblin army, having them retreat and giving the fae's the upper hand. Juno laughed as she threatened "NEVER mess with an elf."
(that was so much longer then expected but i think i got a good idea. I decided to bring in the fight between Ragnarok and the others now so that it wouldn't go on for too long:D either way, next part may be epic!!) 
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Re: Mystic Academy

11 Years Ago

  (OH MY GAWD THE GAUNTLET THINGY *wink wink* and that’s okay, I didn’t plan for you to know, I was going to finish it off in this post.) “Look he’s twitching! Stand back! Chuck are they ready?” Dean asked.  “Yes,” Chuck let out in his lotus position. “Alright,” Dean said as he and Jason stood back. Cylus was on the verge of awakening his dormant powers; technically they weren’t taken away that is genetically impossible they were just put to sleep and set aside, some would consider taken away but that was not technically correct. Chuck was able to connect the minds of Giselle, Luis, and Cylus, they’re bodies were acting in unison as they were both imitating each other even without the herbs, it was possible. Cylus was starting to twitch a little and soon enough purple sparks appeared at his fingertips. “Chuck let go!” Dean ordered. Chuck’s dark blue eyes bolted open and he let go of the telepathic connection of the three.
  Max let go of Giselle’s body as blue sparks flared out from her hand, he was a little worried but then set her down as he watched the swirls spiral around her. Her eyes flickered open.
  “R-r-raggy…” Aurum let out her eyes bolted wide open having the urgency of wanting to crash into his arms, but the other half of her withstood. “That’s the Omegian Prince?” a familiar voice asked from behind. Clover and Aurum bolted around and found Luis looking at Ragnarok wide eyed a bit in fear. “You’re awake,” Clover said surprised. “Yes, anyways,” Luis paused as he whispered something into Aurum’s ear. After pulling away, Aurum waited 2 seconds and then quickly dodged to the side as Ragnarok’s tentacle went in for an attack but missed and then disappeared. Aurum swallowed hard and was worried of what was to happen next, she gripped the plutonium that she made sure she still had, was beneath her armor gripping her staff as well.   (Just letting you know, Luis regained his power and it’s being able to see into the future during battle for 10 seconds.)
  Larkspur caught Chuck’s message that Giselle should be awake so it was now okay for him to battle full out. The gargantuan beast was terribly blind like all other beasts, so Larkspur remained perfectly still. “Where are you?” the beast asked trudging forward. Closer…closer…closer. The beast was charging at him, Larkspur charged and then pounced onto the wall get a hoist to jump up at the beast and dug his sword straight through within the beast’s left shoulder arteries. Larkspur landing on the other side watched as the beast roared and then back around roaring and grabbing at anything. He grabbed at the columns that were sculptured in the room and flung them at the fae. Larkspur jumped over a few and ducked under. The room became destroyed like an obstacle course of thrown around temple columns and shafts. “Here comes years of cattle herding,” Larkspur said as he picked one shaft up and then flung them back at the beast. The goblin king surprised dove under and then attacked charged at Larkspur. Larkspur dove under and over the maze as the beast threw everything out of its ways making a pile. Looking up, Larkspur saw they were in a cave like environment; meaning stalactites were above them….very thick ones.  Larkspur ran in a full blown circle and then climbed up and then jumped onto the pile and pounced to higher ground. (Just a reminder: when fae are in their ghostly appearance that means they’re in their original form and have honed their full power meaning the power of the original Guardians! OOOOH GAWD IN MY LIST OF NEED TO BE DRAWN! Sangi, Hara, Emm, Juun, Luz, Pati, Smaiin. Meaning really really fast speed…but not as fast as Clover….lol nope Clover just beats ALLL!!!! And super senses too….yes even stronger then Clover’s strength :P Ok yeah….) Grabbing onto the stalactite, Larkspur slashed at and then braced himself jumped up and then slashed at the boulder with a kick at it. The great rock formation cracked and broke and then found a landing within the beast’s spleen. Larkspur was running out of breath and getting tired strangely he looked around and then knew what had happened. “Giselle, Max!” he yelled seeing the beast slice the boulder out and flings it at them. (Giselle is an empathizer, meaning whatever the aura is given off from her friend say Larkspur she feels the same like weak and her aura is given off into the entire room mainly towards Larkspur so he feels Larkspur, it’s an advantage of but also disadvantage unless associated with her brother Cylus, who is a sympathizer or just another word for spiritual/physically/social healer they can give energy to anyone through aura.) Larkspur then disappeared for a little while and when he did he caught the giant boulder and slammed it against the wall, the boulder breaking into great pieces. Behind his back he held arrows and pulled them out of the container. Larkspur ran and then released all arrows from his hands the thick metal tipped crafts flying and then showering down on the Goblin King.

Re: Mystic Academy

11 Years Ago

(HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!! i'm writing cause i'm trying to stay up:D Okay this part will slowly bring the war to an end i guess. Or just totally lead it on)

Lee couldn't believe it either, Ragnarok was alive. She wanted to screech with happiness, she wanted to cry, she wanted to bop her brother over the head and scold him for giving her a near heart attack. But the black eyes told her her brother wasn't standing before her. Lee then saw a blur of black come at her and Luis screeched "DUCK!" 
Lee went to the floor, the tentacle maneuvering and shooting back at her. Lee rolled out of the way, Lance slowly backing out. He then turned and made a break for the lower tunnels. 
"He's getting away!" Luis said. 
Clover raced over but a tentacle snagged at her shoulder and threw him back. Ragnarok stood in his way, black eyes locked on him and ready to kill. Lee was about to fight till Clover called "We'll fight him! Go for Lance!" 
"But I-" 
Ragnarok then lunged, out stretching his hand and it suddenly morphed into a liquefied substance. Lee jumped back, making it past her brother by jumping over. She landed a kick to his cheek, sending him back and stumble. Lee bolted after Lance, Lance just about to make it inside till Lee roared. Lance turned, eyes wide with fear as Lee tackled him and the two tumbled down. 
"Lee!" Clover called, Ragnarok regaining himself and rubbing his sore cheek. Despite the forming bruise, he rose back up. Aurum got her spear ready, trying to fight back the urge to hug him. This may look to be like Ragnarok, but it couldn't possibly. 
"Aurum, he's gonna pounce." Luis said. 
"SHUT IT!" Ragnarok growled, tentacle veering past Aurum and latching around Luis's neck. Luis gagged, Clover and Aurum turning back to their comrade as he was lifted from his feet and brought to Ragnarok. Hand out and catching the unprepared fae in his clutches as he squeezed. Ragnarok's black eyes showed no mercy as he cracked a wicked grin and whispered "Wonder what fae blood looks like." 
"PUT HIM DOWN!" Aurum ordered, taking charge and tackling her boyfriend to the ground. Luis was released, coughing and taking in lungfuls of air. Clover spotted the two brawling on the ground, Aurum's hands lighting aflame and having a death grip on his forearm. Ragnarok gave a cry making Aurum back off him. 
"REMEMBER HE'S NOT WHO YOU THINK HE IS!!" Clover called, trying to help Luis. Aurum backed away from Ragnarok who was holding his head in pain. He groaned, eyes closed and totally exposed. 
He's right...This isn't my Raggy...He's- 
"Ouch..." Ragnarok mumbled. He looked up and his eyes were as they were, no longer coated in black as he looked around "Where?" 
"Raggy?" Aurum asked, had she snapped him out of the mind control? Ragnarok blinked, then gritted his teeth in pain. 
"Ah..ouch!" Ragnarok said, rising up and Aurum could see his veins pulsate. Ragnarok looked at Aurum with a pleading look as he said "Aurum, ya love me right?" 
"Yeah...Yes, of course!" Aurum said, she was wiping her eyes furiously. 
"Good." Ragnarok said with a laugh though he was convulsing in pain. "Then...I need you to-AAHHHH!!" 
He was breathing sharply, looking at Aurum with the same soulless black eyes. Aurum got her spear ready but right before Ragnarok was fully lost, he breathed "K i l l  m e ." 
~ * ~
Juno was healing those who had fallen, Eld taking the lead with Skylar who was shooting from above. She wrapped the injured in bandages, giving them aroma therapy to take the pains of either decapitation or injections for draining the poison. She could only hope Lee had reached Lance in the catacombs. If he was gone, then the knights would be restored and maybe they could take them out from all sides. She tied a knot and moved onto another patient. 
~ * ~
Lee bit into Lances shoulder, Lance giving a cry as he shoved Lee off him and the two skidding a good distance. 
"It's just you and me princess." Lance mocked. 
Lee got her scythe ready and said "Prepare to meet judgment."   
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Re: Mystic Academy

11 Years Ago

Dean, Jason, Chuck, and Cylus were searching around for the room Larkspur could have possibly been in. They knew where it was, but they just had to search for it. Finally they kicked open double doors and found a beast roaring in anger and pain from a shower of arrows flying straight through it. “Shiiiiit,” Dean let out as he entered with his brothers. “Giselle!” Cylus cried running over to his sister. “Cylus,” Giselle said feeling weakened. “Sympathy, Empathy,” Chuck said as their two auras were finally collided. A burst of energy was given off and then the wave of bright light shone through and sliced at Larkspur. Larkspur’s armor shone greatly upon the light that only blinded the monster. The beast growled holding its eyes and shook his head as if it would improve his vision. It then soared up and then grabbed at the stalactite and then knocked them down having a shower of stones fall down. All fae began traveling under and over the blocks that were ready to smash the living daylights out of the. Finally underneath the stalactites…were more goblins, the powder white ones from before. The armored fae all held for their own and then started to run for an attack. Larkspur was still stuck however with the King fae and with that everyone faced blood splatter. He clutched onto a huge fallen stalactite and then stopped time to be able to climb up the beast and then resumed time and bashed the rock onto of the beast’s head. The beast was angered even more seeing his prey could disappear and reappear rather than using his natural speed ability. Speed would give away plans. The exoskeleton of the Goblin’s head cracked releasing the fleshy insides to be splurged out and the thick blood ooze out and then showers everyone in red. Jason and Chuck were running side by side and had decided to connect their armor back to back so no one could give a surprise attack. After their run of slicing at the Goblins with their scythe and matching daggers, they stopped once goblins came crawling down from the walls and came at the two brothers. Jason sliced at them as he beat at them bending over so Chuck could give death blows with a kick after he had his enemy defeated. Jason shot back up with his dagger sawing through the beast from in between their legs shooting up to the head. Giselle and Cylus swing their chains and started to snap necks off after strategically tying it around. With Javelins, Cylus tied a chain around one and then flung at beasts crawling down from the ceiling and with pull them right out and slam then against the ground; the pressure defeating all bones on impact. Max was severely electrocuting any beast and if any bothered to touch would have the shock reach back at them. He grabbed the beasts and then snapped them in half after banging them on top his knee; he continued to break every bone in their body as best as he could swing them against walls having them spiral and crack. Dean used his anti-gravity at best and telekinesis to be able to fling the beasts up into stalactites as the tip drilled into their bodies. On surprise attack, one goblin tried to pounce at his back, but Dean stopped gravity having the beast stay midair. Dean grabbing onto his kusarigama, swung and then threw it outward and pulled it back towards him as the scythe sliced through the neck. (if this EVER becomes an anime….lord help that I’m making a good image of what is happening lol) Larkspur disappeared and then reappeared and with that showed up with a trident. Using the weapon as a catapult he ran and dug into the stones and then jumped with the pole and stabbed the beast on his back. The beast roared and tried to swing Larkspur off but Larkspur slid the trident down as it sunk all the way down his back leaving long lashes of blood gushing and oozing out.
  “K-kill you, Raggy?” Aurum asked. “GET OFF HIM!” Luis yelled. Aurum’s eyes bolted open and as she did so she rushed out and move out of the way, however a tentacle sprouted and dove for Aurum. Using her shield, Aurum blocked and then disappeared within her ashes. The phoenix then reappeared as next to Clover’s side as they three armored fae watched and eyed the once alien ally. “Move!” Luis grabbed as Ragnarok threatened once again with the attack of the tentacle, however this time, Aurum’s wings sprouted out through her armor as she moved them to higher ground. “Left! Down! Sideways! Diagonal! DUCK!” Luis shouted leading Aurum through the movement. “We have to stop him Aurum, we can’t just keep stalling,” Clover warned as he and Luis were jerked into random directions because of Ragnarok’s attacks. “But I can’t! I just can’t” Aurum cried. “I know you don’t want to Aurum, but maybe we could just weaken him, and then maybe Lee could do something?” Luis suggested. “RIGHT!” Aurum jerked right and then burst to flames with her two friends as the three disappeared.
  Aurum broke to tears: “I can’t lose him again, he’s- he’s my mate. I love him so much,” she sobbed sticking her spear inside of the dirt next to her as they were crouched underground. “Listen to me, Aury; he’s not your mate. That’s not Ragnarok,” Clover ordered holding Aurum by the shoulders. Aurum was still sobbing but kept looking into Clovers’ dark green eyes. “Listen, what exactly did Ragnarok just say to you?” Clover asked gently. Aurum sniffled: “He- he asked, if I loved him.” “You do, don’t you Aurum, very much. What did he say after that?” “To kill him,” Aurum let out in a scared whisper. Clover shut his eyes tightly, he knew this was going to be difficult for Aurum and then held her closely as Aurum buried her head in his armor as he stroked her head and hugged her tightly, kissing her forehead: “We’ll find another way,” Clover whispered. “What if we can’t?” Aurum asked silently as Luis patted her head feeling sympathy for the sprite. Clover didn’t answer. “Don’t let him, get to you,” Luis responded.
   The three reappeared and immediately Luis ducked spotting another surprise attack from Ragnarok. “He’s trying to attack me, he knows I know his every move, I’ll distract him and you guys attack!” the Prince of Nemenesity ordered. Aurum and Clover nodded as Luis made a run for it. Clover swung his morning star around and then let it go as the chain flew and then grabbed at Ragnarok’s neck. “WAIT NO!!” Aurum cried pushing Clover out of the way. “What the hell man??!!” Clover asked getting up and shouting. Aurum jerked her spear and then held onto the Uranium (it as uranium you guys….not plutonium my bad!). The dagger and scythe appeared at both edges and Aurum made her way towards what was once her mate. She raised to the first attack.

Re: Mystic Academy

11 Years Ago

Ragnarok braced himself, his black eyes focused as he easily side stepped and dodged the blow. His face showed pain but his body moved onto attacking Aurum. Aurum was able to escape with Luis's calls and burning to ash. 
"AURUM DUCK!" Luis cried out, Ragnarok having a tentacle lunge and Aurum ducking just in time. 
"NOT THAT ONE!" Luis cried, Aurum feeling something latch onto her ankle and send a volt of lightening through her veins. She gave a screech, the tentacle pulling her in as volt after volt was plunged into her till he vision blurred. Clover came next, morning star in hand as he attacking the tentacle by butchering it. Ragnarok gave an inhuman screech as the tentacle recoiled, soon a mob sprout from his back and coiling around him till he was in his alien form. Putting a large white, leathery hand out, a beam of light was fired. Luis was having trouble on what to predict next, the attacks coming all at ones, from different directions. A vision that had him duck under before the acidic beam of light nearly caught him but the pillar he hid behind crumbled. He evaded and Clover caught him easily. 
YOU NEED TO KILL ME! Ragnarok's voice echoed, the leeches inside them giving off his thoughts. The orb in the center will put me at a stand still, I only have enough energy left to immobilize myself! Take that opportunity to stab! 
"I can't..." Aurum sobbed out. 
It'll be like play fighting don't worry. Ragnarok promised, Aurum could practically envision the smile he was giving her. I promise everything will be alright...Okay? 
Aurum shook her head no. Ragnarok's shoulder's sagged as he turned to Clover and said Do it...If you really love Lee you'll kill me and go to her aid. She's fighting out of blind fury! 
Clover nodded, gripping his two weapons and charging. 
"Luis!" Clover said. 
"Duck, skid to the ground and do a barrel roll to the right!" Luis said. 
"You can't kill him!" Aurum screeched, chasing after to stop him. Clover preformed the instructions, evading a ray of light and tentacle that was trying to grip at any exposed skin till he was sheltered behind the walls. Ragnarok turned, the green markings that used to glow now a hateful red as he prepared to take down their cover. Luis had hidden himself, sending the instructions telepathically. 
He'll be waiting, Aurum's on his right so if you hold him back she might be able to take the opening. 
"Got it." Clover whispered and peeked over, past the wall...But finding Ragnarok gone. He was about to run till a hand gripped her neck, being lifted from his hiding spot and feeling the fingers around his neck strangling him. Tentacles seeped from the white skin and slithered up Ragnarok's arm until latching onto Clover's face. Clover braced himself, kicking his feet and trying to loosen the grip but Ragnarok was charging for a volt that would surely kill him .
"NO!" Aurum screeched, lunging and stabbing Ragnarok in the arm with the uranium in his hands. A gash appeared, Ragnarok giving a screech as he released Clover and staggering away in pain as a blackened blood was gushing from his arm. Aurum was stunned as she held the precious metal in her hands, now coated in Omegian blood...her mates blood. Ragnarok staggered away, holding the gash and leaning against the wall. But he didn't notice the hands creep in and lock around his neck. 
"GOT YA!" Luis said, head locking Ragnarok and cutting the oxygen off from him. The alien form slowly returned human as Ragnarok rammed the prince into the walls but slowly grew drowsy. Ragnarok fell to his knees and collapsed. Luis, banged up from being rammed into the walls and acidic marks on his arms to show Ragnarok had bitten him, released. Luis stumbled a bit back but Clover caught him just before he fell. 
"You okay?" Clover asked, helping his comrade to a sitting position. 
"Y-Yeah..." Luis said. "So now what?" 
Clover turned to Aurum who still seemed frozen in her spot, the metal trembling in her grip as the fresh blood dripped from the tip. She fell to her knees and mumbled "...I stabbed him." 
"He wouldn't wanted you to-" 
Clover was dumbfounded. Luis was trying to catch his breath but the awkward atmosphere was making it hard to breathe. Sitting in the silence, Luis finally said "Lets...tie him up and wait then..." 
"Y-Yeah, so he won't attack." Clover said and looked on ahead. "I'll go in after Lee to make sure she's fine. Keep in contact?" 
"Yeah." Luis said, getting the chains ready to bind the Omegian till Aurum stopped him. 
"Those won't work..." Aurum muttered. 
"Now Aury, I know he's an alien but these metals were carved by the finest of blacksmiths, I highly doubt-"
"Omegian's thrive off metal for nutrition." Aurum interrupted. 
There was that awkward silence again. 
"Well..." Luis said. "I'll find...rope." 
~ * ~
Lance and Lee clashed weapons, sparks flying as Lee evaded every choice of attack on Lance. Lance always seemed to have a dagger up his sleeve, using his own robes to temporarily blind the up coming Queen in her attacks. Shadow travel began working against her and her tentacles just weren't quick enough to latch onto the exiled traitor. Lance gave a laugh as he said "What was that about me meeting judgement?" 
Lee slashed, her scythe scathing his cheek and having him jump back to avoid a more severe gash. Lee came at him, Lance throwing a dagger but Lee shapeshifted into a mouse, the scythe disappearing as well as she escaped through the holes. 
"Cat and mouse huh?" Lance asked, shapeshifting himself into an orange tabby. "I do enjoy that game." 
He lunged, chasing the mouth (Lee) through the halls, the two animals climbing to the top and Lance able to land a swipe on Lee's side. She squeaked, turning into a bat and escaping through the window. Lance enjoying this little game of torment and turning into a raven as he followed. Lee flapped her wings outside the hot air, seeing her people now on fighting ground which had her panic. 
"Eye's on the pride Lee!" Lance said, Lee looking too late as she was batted (ha, pun) out of the air and sent spiraling down. Turning back into a human, she summoned her scythe once more and sunk the blade into the concrete, cutting it clean. She stopped on the ledge and tried regaining her footing. Lance, now returning to his normal form, landed with grace beside the proud flagpole of the goblin kingdom. 
"How does it feel Lee?" Lance asked, watching the war taking place. "Seeing your people being smacked aside and used as shields?" 
Lee could basically hear the screeched of her people. 
"Some Queen you'll turn out to be..." Lance mocked, soon beside her. "But with you at my'll be adiquient." 
Lee smacked him. Elbowing him in the nose neck and grabbing him by the scruff on the cloak as she threw him through the window. The glass shattered and Lance landing with a horrid thud at the impact. He held his shoulder, believing to have dislocated it. Lee hopped down from above and agreed "You're right...I'm not fit to be Queen yet. But being here." 
She got her scythe ready, gripped firmly in her hand as she was ready to make his head roll. 
"But kicking your a*s is the first step." Lee said. 
"Well said." Lance said, suddenly doing a windmill and tangling Lee's legs with his. Lee tumbled back, falling hard on her back as her scythe skidded away. Lee quickly turned over, but Lance had advanced on her and pinned her down. 
"You're mine now!" Lance said, grabbing a tuff of Lee's hair and revealing her neck. He opened his mouth and bit down. Lee screeched, trying to fight him off but slamming her fist into his cranium. She succeeded when he let out a howl of pain and backed away, his tongue bleeding. Lee covered the wound, though she stopped Lance from taking her blood a small dosage of his venom was circulating through her veins. She forced herself up, hand out stretched and the scythe coming at her command. She felt pain prickle up her arm, the scythe was rejecting her. 
" fight.." Lee muttered, shaking her head and looking back. Lance was glaring, rage in his eyes as he got his daggers ready. Lee had to remain matter the cost. 
~ * ~
"DO NOT KILL THEM!" Juno ordered from the skies, Skylar shooting down all the goblins in the sky. The goblins had been defeated but now the Dark Knights had advanced upon them. Juno only hoped the fae's had the will to actually defend them off instead of killing. She cursed as she took out a bottle filled with a green fog, shook it till she heard crackling inside and popped open the cork with her teeth. She chucked it down and the grenade like bottle erupted into a fog. 
"DON'T INHALE IT!" Juno ordered, her plan was to get the Dark Knight confused and bunched into a tight circle where they could subdue them for now until Lee was able to kill Lance. Juno turned her attention to the castle with the now blocked entrance. She cursed under her breath that she couldn't even send communications down to them to ensure they were following the plans.  

Re: Mystic Academy

11 Years Ago

Umm...While catching up on reading, I was wondering what "Fae" meant? Whenever I looked it up on my phone, it said, "Fuel air explosive" :/ Please help me here =_=;

Re: Mystic Academy

11 Years Ago

Basically fairies:)

Re: Mystic Academy

11 Years Ago

...well, I'm not sure that's the right word to use...I finally looked it up on "" and it said the same thing, a fuel air explosive. don't hurt me! >.<

Re: Mystic Academy

11 Years Ago

I'm not sure where the term 'Fae' came from, but it means the same as Fey, a general term for magical creature, at least I think it does...

Re: Mystic Academy

11 Years Ago

(This is my terrible attempt at ending a fight scene. Man I suck at these.)

Solaris and Edwin had been hacking and pounding away at one another for hours. Solaris scowled. She couldn't beat him. Not without going Super-Saiyan, and she didn't want to risk letting loose her legendary form. 
"Edwin Warlock," The Saiyan heir stopped his blade from moving with two fingers. "I cannot beat you as I am, I accept defeat." Solaris let him go and powered down.

"What kind of sense does that make!" Edwin yelled. "You challenge me and give up?" 

Solaris folded her arms across her chest and glared. "I do not like backing away from a fight, especially one I initiated myself. I simply can't beat you without using more power, and I can't do that without losing control at the moment. Thus I acknowledge you as the winner."

She took a small green bean from her sash and ate it. Healing instantly. Putting two fingers to her forehead, the princess focused on Mystery's ki signature. She soon found it, then without a sound she fazed away.

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Re: Mystic Academy

11 Years Ago

To answer everyone's questions actually the word fairies had different ways of spelling before it became fairies. There were spellings such as faeries, fairyes, etc. and fairies is one of the oldest where the ae just make the similar ai sound so it's just shortened spelling.

Re: Mystic Academy

11 Years Ago

so i was rightXD if u just put fae's then ur probably gonna get like a billion different responses, but if u add mythology fae then it'll be easier:) 

Re: Mystic Academy

11 Years Ago

o: OoOoOoOohhh! Thanks :D
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Re: Mystic Academy

11 Years Ago

Welcome :) Sorry, I probably should have explained it earlier :l
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Re: Mystic Academy

11 Years Ago

Chuck and Jason skillfully worked together and to attract more goblins, to b wipe out, Chuck diminished his visibility towards the Goblins and then completely disappeared behind Jason. Goblins spotting the solo warrior were instantly attracted to their prey, seeing his back wide open for attack which was their terrible mistake. The powdered white beasts were met with slits at their neck leaving fresh open wounds at their necks going down to their chests. He was also able to hook two other goblins by the neck. All the way through with a single thin long dagger like finger. “Crap!” Chuck growled as he tried to shake the goblins off of his scythes but the dagger just continued to slice and dice whatever lie inside of their necks and cut everything to bits. After Chuck did remove the scythes bits of steaming organs were all hooked onto it like a shish kabob. Eventually, the Goblins caught notice of what the two brothers were doing and then a whole entire flock of them ganged up on the two. With ease, they were able to tear apart the two brothers and with that they were on their own. The same thing happened to the other fae except for Larkspur who was getting tired however the sympathy over empathy from Giselle and Cylus. Unfortunately things became nasty quite suddenly while Larkspur hadn’t taken notice. Jason and Chuck were ripped apart from each other, Chuck’s thigh was pierced as another had managed to stab his tracheotomy from the back of his neck. “CHUCK!” Jason cried. Larkspur who was busying himself carving at the beast’s sides and for little itches of pain he slit the skin in between the beast’s fingers and toes and managed to get under his knees, armpits, and sides which should cause blood loss in due time. After hearing Jason’s cry, Larkspur turned around and watched as the Goblins were ready to stab Chuck one more time, Jason was grabbed by their arms and eventually Goblin’s grabbed each part of his body and were pulling the limbs in different directions as the fae screamed out in pain. Giselle and Cylus were working hard to keep the aura of the room up however Cylus was caught off guard after seeing his sister pulled by the hair and Cylus on the verge of getting thrown against the wall. Max was trying to open the mouth of the few goblins that had merged into another great beast and had grabbed to take a chew at Max. Dean was practically unstoppable but he too using two powers at the same time had him start to lose energy and then taking note of his brothers soon enough had sticks jabbed through his temples as a goblin pounced on his shoulders smashing the sticks in between. Larkspur made a full circle and then stopped time before anyone could die…. His eyes widened open as if he was about to go mad everyone frozen in place screaming in terror or suffering in pain.   Flashback: A few years back: Goblin revolution of 563 AST. “Larky! I’m scared!” Aurum cried as she was huddling herself squatting down behind the couch. Aurum and her twin were both hiding in the secret rooms that Humility and Chase had created the first time they had children. It was like water well with books, boxes, and library shelves. (This room was described earlier if you don’t remember it was when Jin, Joisu, and Junichi were around and Aurum and Ragnarok had entered through the mirror into this location and hung out there for a while. Aurum didn’t remember the place because….well you’ll see.)   “Shhh, Aury. Mom and dad are coming back don’t worry,” Larky assured holding his twin.
“NO! Something’s wrong! I feel it!” Aurum sobbed holding her face in her hands.
“Nothing’s wrong! Aury trust me!” Larkspur warned holding his little sister tightly. As they sat there quietly, Larkspur heard a noise from upstairs and then ordered his sister to stay there until he signaled for her to come up. “But…” Aurum let out but knew there was way that Larkspur was going to let her win the argument whatsoever.   ~*~   Larkspur had gone upstairs and eventually found what was making the sound. He picked up the fallen pots and then straightened everything out disappointed to have not seen his mother or father insight all. The small sprite looked outside and was blinded when blood splattered all over the window shield and couldn’t see a thing through the wreck. Panicking, Larkspur ran outside and then was caught in the middle of war. He watched as men were beheaded, friends were slaughtered and spitting and gargling out blood. (If you don’t remember how the faes were treated it was like scene in which Aurum looks into her locker and finds all the slaughter going on as well as for her tortured ballet shoes) Larkspur then found himself battling for his life and was badly beaten and took quite the blows. “MOM! DAD!” Larkspur called finally finding them. “LARKSPUR!” the two called out. “LARKSPUR!” another voice called. Larkspur turned around and saw Cherry Blossom battling herself having done the same situation Larkspur caught himself in. In a panicked rage, Larkspur froze time. He cried simultaneously as he tried to move people out of the way from their deaths and from struggling. He had been in that time for nearly hours trying to get Goblins to suffer, until he stumbled over something…something unnoticed. Looking back he saw it was an hourglass. “NO! I’m not done yet!” Larkspur cried. However it had been hours already and time resumed. His parents and Cherry Blossom were placed far away from the war and the three had gone back to return to retrieve the fae.  Larkspur saw almost everyone stand in confusion and others hardly noticed but they managed until he heard the terrible shriek from behind. It was the end of his parents as they were caught and then crushed their bodies exploding in impact and blood flying with their clothes and armor and weapons. Cherry was chewed like gum and her hand was left hanging out of the beast’s hands but he then slurped it in and happily enjoyed the fun sized bite. Larkspur fought his way as he went back home and then found Aurum had snuck out and was getting nibbled on her chest. She yelled and screeched as the beast also started to slice at her going from the side of rib cages all the way down to her thigh. Her dress was getting torn open exposing the small little girl. “LARKY HELP! PLEASE!” Aurum yelled as she fought the beasts off from cutting her open and luckily managed but they continued to tackle her down and continue to feed. Larkspur still in shock had adrenaline pumping and bludgeoned the beasts to death with his bare hands. He nearly went as mad Clover would have, (Clover was with his own parents) and murdered the Goblins. Aurum was gathering her cloth pieces and then watched as Larkspur went over beaten had gotten a knife. “Larky?” Aurum asked a little nervous. Without blinking, Larkspur flung the knife with ease having it spiral and stab Aurum’s forehead. Aurum wide eyed crashed against the floor her eyes still bolted in shock as the blood pooled out of her head.
  Larkspur knew time manipulation was dangerous. Fate was always a variable. Time was already written out, and no matter how different you tried to change things they would alternate back in any perverse form back to what it should have been in the first place if played with too much. He didn’t want to take chances but, he had to make sure they would be safe. Larkspur spiraled time backwards and then used his energy for what he was about to do next.