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Re: Mystic Academy

11 Years Ago

(whoa....a little confused but i think i can manage:D I decided to climax because i don't want the war to drone on. So I'll bring some of it to a close)

Lee felt the venom getting pumped through her veins. Her vision was slowly blurring but she shook her head to try focusing on the task at hand. Millions were willing to help avenge her planet and save her people before Lance could actually get to Alpha and take down the empire there. Thinking back to Alpha, Lee was drawn back to Misaki and Sirius who were waiting for any signal. Lance charged, daggers flying at Lee but she deflected them with  the scythe. With every ring, Lee could feel the vibrations rupture through her skull. Looking to her hand, she saw the venom was slowly taking form. Armor was slowly growing over her finger tips and it was almost hard to move. Lance failed to notice. Lee jumped back as he attempted a close range attack, stepping on Lee's foot and trying to slice at her face. Lee was able to dodge, using her own weapon to block the attacks. Every use of her weapon burned. With her other foot, she kicked Lance off her foot and charged, lunging into him and burying her scythe blade into his stomach. 
Lance coughed, blood falling on the back of Lee's head. She slashed, Lance backing away and holding the wound. Lance was panting as blood was trying to gush from the cut. 
"Little b***h!" Lance growled, blood rolling down the sides of his mouth. 
Lee spun the scythe fluently in her hand; the burning being over come by confidence. 
"Because of you...I lost my father." Lee growled, taking another slash at his shoulder. Before Lance could even get a dagger from his sleeve, Lee severed his arm clean off. Lance gave a screech of pain as blood spluttered all over, the gash on his stomach now open and letting blood flow as he tried stopping the blood from his arm. 
"Because of turned Raggy into a monster!" Lee continued, kicking Lance over till he fell to the ground with a thud. A pool began to form as Lee approached him and stepped right on his wound. 
"Please....Lee remember the f-fun times we had!" Lance begged, trying to buy time as his eyes bolted from place to place. 
But the cheerful and gullible Lee that Lance had mistaken her for was gone and staring down at him was an unforgiving Queen ready for execution. 
"Because of you my people had to suffer!" Lee said, rising her scythe into the arm. The Dark Knight armor was creeping up her arm with every ounce of will she was pouring into her scythe. 
"Lance, surviving as Galactic nines vampire race, you were given the chance to change history." Lee announced, the scythed suddenly glowing with electrical colors, the blade suddenly larger in length and the Omegian symbol appearing on the side. "For betraying the Omegians and the cause as the former king, I hear-by sentence you; TO DEATH!" 
Before Lance could scream, Lee brought down the scythe and sliced at his neck. The body shimmered before erupting into binary particle and the head instantly turning to ash. The binary particle seeped into the scythe, the black returning black and back to its normal size. The armor that was once growing on Lee stopped and fell apart, the venom that was once pumping through her veins dying away. Lee was breathing heavily as she looked to the ceiling and for once ever since waking up in Juno's home feeling her emotions return all at once. 
"Lee!" a voice called, Lee suddenly on high alert as she turned but only found Clover-leaf there instead. He spotted the pool of blood, Lee's scratches and some gashes. Her scythe disappeared as she slowly turned. Clover approached her slowly and whispered " did it." 
Lee's eyes began to water and Clover went into a sprint as she suddenly collapsed but caught her before she hit the ground. Lee sobbed into his shoulder, holding him tightly. 
"It's alright..." Clover promised. "It's alright." 
~ * ~
Luis and Aurum were keeping a look out till Ragnarok suddenly started coughing. He began breathing heavily. The armor he wore before peeled off and disappeared. 
"Raggy!" Aurum said, Ragnarok hunched over and trying to take lungfuls in. His both shook as he gave a cough, his eyes returning to normal as he took in the room. Luis was on high alert. Ragnarok looked around, looking to Luis then his eyes falling on Aurum. He gave a smile and said "And you disobey me...good job."
Aurum's eyes began to water. 
"Aury?" Ragnarok asked. "You okay-ACK!" 
He was tackled in a hug that nearly crushed his already bruised organs. 
~ * ~
Juno's eyes widened as she watched the Dark Knights suddenly pause in their raiding, their weapons either dropped or paused in mid swing. Almost all at once the armor peeled off, revealing the Omegians in their rightful selves except looking a bit confused. They took in the scenery but seeing the goblins suddenly charge in they got themselves ready. Each and every one of them suddenly wielding a weapon or rushing to the fae's who were in need of medical attention. Juno gave a chuckle as she said "Knew she'd do it." 
The Omegians may have been unfamiliar with the things taking place but they fought none the less. Electrocuting, using spells, magnetism or gravity into the war was giving the fae's the spare bit of hope they needed. 
"TAKE 'EM ALL DOWN!" Juno ordered, Eld sending a wave of fire as they continued with war. 

(Oh news flash! Imaginator says that she'll try to get in when the war comes to a close. WHOOP WHOOP PAGE 71!!)          

Re: Mystic Academy

11 Years Ago

(WOO~~ XD)
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Re: Mystic Academy

11 Years Ago

(So basically Aurum was to forget a few things about war like they assaulted her and embarrassed her gravely when they ripped her clothing to shreds. She doesn't remember that nor did Larkspur but of course wars always trigger something especially in a state of shock) Larkspur looked around and knew this was just a reincarnation of his situation years back. He looked to his right as his eyes landed on the same hourglass from before…the small weathered thing grains of and rushing through the other side. Larkspur remained unfazed at the sight trying to spin time back a little the sands weren't moving and larkspur took the hint that he was limited and this time he was powerless against the fate that was prepared. Quickly he moved every one of the way, Chuck with the sword already through his neck…Larkspur slowly and steadily removed the long dagger as the fresh blood stained the steel metal as well as Larkspur’s sanity a bit. Jason was removed from the goblins quickly and was set down along with Jason eventually Cylus was pulled free from the rocks, and Giselle was sneaked out from the goblin’s grasp. The sticks that were engraved into Dean’s temples were removed and healed with little energy Larkspur had left. He knew Dean would do something to save Chuck later with his substance mimicry. Finally Larkspur was able to pry the mouths of the beast open and free Max but saw his right hand was severed and a chuck of his side was missing along with the deep bite marks engraved all over his body. Taking him outside, Larkspur set them all down outside of the chamber doors and took one last look at them, but after a while he couldn't really look at their faces, he didn't want that to be the last memory of his friends. Finally he closed the chamber and locked the doors and made sure it was strong enough that not any source of power or strength would let anyone in…or out.
  Time resumed. Everyone let out shouts and yells but then was confused to see themselves on the ground. Jason came out of his pretzel position and then let out a shriek and then rushed over to his brother that he remembered was stabbed in his throat. Giselle was greatly stabbed and Cylus’s snapped into separate pieces in which he couldn't get up anymore. “Giselle,” he croaked extending an arm outwards towards his dear sister. “Cylus!” Giselle cried running racing up towards her brother afraid to move him but held his hand tightly not letting go, not even if he did. Dean was in shock of how quickly there was pain one second and then there wasn't pain the next he looked around and saw they were outside the chamber, and then looked at Max and Chuck. “No, no! NO!” Dean shouted racing over to the two. Dean fixed up a potion as he changed the substances around in form and function. Spreading the liquid upon Max’s and Chuck’s wound, Jason scrambled up finally after coming to his senses and stood next to chamber pushing it open and tried to clap to teleport to the other side yet he couldn't for some strange reason.
  All the goblins were stunned to see their victims had disappeared from their grasps and looked all around for the missing fae but all eyes laid on the spirit before them. Larkspur looked at them, and gave them the “come at me bro” look. The goblins all roared and then pounded at their chests in excitement knowing it was their chance to destroy what had had them defeated years ago. “Take away your comrades from your own personal battle, what a Prince you really are,” the goblin growled in regular English. His voice like a knife against glass was really excruciating. Larkspur shrugged and then grabbed one of Cylus’ javelins and threw it with great force already having it pierce all together as they all were slammed against the walls and pinned down. Larkspur continued to defeat the small minions, even though they managed to hook his calf, and cut the back of his ankle and neck. Larkspur also had a black eye, and a bloody lip, and was left with more bloody bite marks, like the ones he had received early in his lifetime. (Yeah skipping the entire fight because it would be too blasted long!) The Goblin King looked at the fae impressed but mostly angered. He then growled and then roared levitating almost every stalactite and then pushing them and shoving them back in and then clearing everything up, Larkspur watched around him; started to change, glass was dragged in and recollected, walls were repainted, ceilings were pressed higher, tiles were set upon the ground, columns were created, until everything was in a royal ballroom. Right then and there Larkspur looked at himself and saw he was neatly groomed and properly dressed for such an occasion, and soon enough dancers lined up and were waltzing around with odd masks (masks that stick and have things popping out from the mouth, snots, spikes, like that) but not seeming to enjoy each other’s company or evens how emotion for that matter. (I’m sorry if I do like psycho things but…I really can’t write a lot of gore and violent wars for so long I run out of ideas…it’s just how I roll) A disfigured disorientated man appeared before Larkspur and the fae stumbled back in shock and fell. “Let- let me help you- you,” the man suggested letting a hand out. Larkspur didn’t trust anything or anyone in the room at all (so he’s not being prejudice cause the man is disorientated that’d be messed up.) The sprite didn’t do anything but just continue to crawl back and then get confronted by Juno. “What’s wrong?” she asked looking at him with worried yet pestered look. “Juno,” he let out shocked. “Yeah and-?” Juno countered. Larkspur turned around and saw the man come closer. “Please I’m- I’m just trying to help y-you.” Larkspur turned back around and stepped away from Juno. “What are you doing?” she asked frowning. “The beast can take on many forms; it’s in this room right now, even in the most beautiful figure,” Larkspur repeated to himself. He looked around himself and found his weapons lying around. Grabbing his trident, he grabbed it and then stabbed Juno’s neck and then jerked it to this side ripping Juno’s head off. “Larky!” Aurum cried. Larkspur turned around and saw his little sister before him getting grabbed by another disorientated creature. Larkspur’s picked up a chain and then swung it around and then let go as it slashed through Aurum’s stomach and then raised it and brought it over cutting Aurum’s torso and head and slit it down through another fae as the figure of Clover. Using cestus, Larkspur was able to slice and went basically mad on everyone destroying them before they said anything to make him change his mind. Finally after the last familiar face was slaughtered and destroyed, Larkspur calmed down and fell to his knees in exhaustion…he was sooooo busted for not using time manipulation so much. Healing his wounds as best as he could, he waited for what was to come next…the Goblin wasn’t too strong on strategy, but he was good for lasting a long time. Larkspur knew that he had to keep with the endurance and stamina to keep up with the Goblin which was why he kept trying to make him do other countless tasks; to tire him out. The King knew who the Prince was, Larkspur; the one who had destroyed everything for everyone in the Goblin Revolution; but won triumph for the faeries. It didn’t matter whether he was fighting with others or not, he just had to get tired, and then used up and maybe driven over the edge with sanity but other than that it was working. The Goblin reformed itself only was terribly and grotesquely obstructed as if someone gather his shreds and slapped them back together again; all held together by a thin matrix. Larkspur couldn’t take much; he had been fighting for hours non-stop…he finally dropped his sword what he had been battling last and then made his final move. With just droplets of time left he could spare within himself. Waiting for the beat to roar one more time, Larkspur clasped in his hands together and made his last move.  Larkspur grabbed his sword and then ran as fast as he could. He eyed the hourglass holding Time eventually to be slipping through and moving. Larkspur hurried on and ran through, over the bodies he had slain, jumped and climbed on over the beast and then jumped into his mouth ready to tear the beast part from the inside. However time worked against Larkspur, it resumed and soon enough the beast felt Larkspur down in his throat, and finally the beast swallowed.
  “Larkspur!” Dean barked out banging against the wall. Finally, Dean stopped pounding and collapsed after hearing a thud a loud, giant, thunderous sound that put everyone into silence. Dean worked harder and then got everyone to join in, with the exception of Cylus, Chuck, and Max: “On three!” “One! Two!-THREE!” Dean shouted however the wall that kept them from entering was on timer and soon enough disappeared, and they fae ran into nothing but into the room that held the destroyed and slayed beast. “Where is he?” Giselle asked looking around. “In his stomach! HURRY!” Chuck shouted from the ground still recovering a bit however he was a bit strong enough to sense Larkspur’s neurons and electromagnetic waves.  
  Larkspur fell through the beast’s esophagus and was put away into the goblin’s stomach ready to be digested. Larkspur felt his skin begin to burn and felt the weight of the gas inside weigh down on him…Larkspur bawled at the pain, the acid cutting his air off. Grabbing onto his sword though, Larkspur dragged it up and let the weight weigh down on him. Taking a few last breaths of what was left he created the strength to stab deeply down out of the stomach and whatever was on the outside. Larkspur felt how the beast roared and continued to stab with great strengths. Blood flooded and squirted and splattered from everywhere finally Larkspur’s eyes rolled back as his skin continued to burn and eventually give up to the acid.
  Eld was able to wipe everyone and everything out and finally after the death of the King everyone stopped and then fell to their knees and accepted death and was eliminated. “That…took a while,” Eld said coming over to Juno. After bodies were recovered and brought out from the lair, Clover had appeared holding Lee bridal style and ran out with her alongside with Luis and Aurum carrying Ragnarok, however with the adrenaline pumping through Aurum along with relief she was able to do that mostly on her own. Juno looked and waited for everyone else to have come to her. Putting Lee down, Clover removed his armor and then looked and waited for everyone else. Lee ran towards her brother and squeezed him harder making Ragnarok cringe terribly but let it go. She then bopped his head and then scolded him for making her worry but then stopped halfway to hug him once more but a little more gently this time. Finally, Jason came out with Chuck on his back, Giselle holding Cylus and Max with Dean. “Where’s Larkspur?” Juno asked frowning. “I’m about to go back for him,” Dean said gently placing down Max. “You left him alone?!” Juno growled. “No, the goblin is dead but-” Dean started. “What happened to him?” Juno asked. If looks could kill, everyone would have been six feet under by now. “He’s fine, I have to go back in though, and then Chuck we’ll get a single for Luis and Jason to come in,” Dean said. “Why?” Juno asked suspicious. “Just trust him!” Dean wanted and then ran back inside. Everyone watched as Dean disappeared back inside and eventually; Chuck croaked out a message: “Force-field, Clover!” “How big?” Clover asked. “Cover this entire area…anti-matter…matter,” Chuck let out. Clover’s eyes bolted open and then created a small field and then created a grand electric field over and under them. “Everyone hold tight,” Chuck said closing his eyes feeling awfully tired (he’s not dying).
  After giving Larkspur a bit of fuel, he used his time forwarding and the use of anti-gravity put together soon made everything stop and put at a standstill. Everyone waited silently in fear, and watched as the lair collapsed and underground falling down all together. And finally there was an explosion. Everyone screamed as they watched the fire engulf over them so greatly and grandly but then get sucked back in and disappear and explode once again in a light crystal blue overpowering and blinding everyone. Everyone watched beneath them the sand light up with blue relámpagos….. (damn I forgot the word in English! ) light up underneath them and then there was a sound like when an airplane in going into full speed, and everything beneath them lit up as if the heavens were opening up downwards. Releasing a light from below and sent a huge wave of force upwards sending dead bodies up and sand storms to cover all, Clover was trying his best to hold on however and it was all so great but with the steady lives and fragile souls; he kept on going despite the great force that could have destroyed the entire city of Manhattan, great gusts of wind blew and tempted to break over the force field but the fae’s will power was mighty. Things flew above them form city hundreds of miles away that was been disturbed by the great force. Juno looked down beneath her feet and looked furiously for her idiotic boyfriend. “What was he doing? He’s going to die! The light was surrounded by black angry storm clouds and then red waves pulsing through and soon enough it all was sucked back in and then back out in greater impact. Everyone looked beneath themselves though and would never forget how scary but yet beautiful it looked. It was if layers of sunset mellowed orange clouds were opening up and a higher deity was the bright blue lit light at the center giving off such a hopeful feeling. Everyone was astounded and frozen and then finally the winds stopped, sand had settled, things topped flying and everyone watched as beneath them the bright light eventually ground beneath them tone down the light diminish and everything turned back to normal. After a while, Clover let go and collapsed exhausted. “Clover!” Lee screeched going to his aid. “I’m fine, just really tired,” Clover said giving a sheepish smile. Lee sighed and hugged him happily until they heard: “Guys….I can’t feel their neurons.”
“What?” Juno screeched. “I’m- I’m- sorry,” Chuck said nearly in tears. “I just can’t hear or feel them,” Chuck said. Juno was silent everyone was. Aurum looked to the side and then saw a familiar figure in the distance… With excellent vision she made out the figure: “DEAN!” Aurum cried seeing him hold a figure covered in a blanket. Juno power walked over and so did everyone else who wasn’t injured. “Guys, we have to go home,” Dean said in a worried tone. “Is that him?” Juno questioned. “Yes, but don’t-” Juno didn’t care and pulled the sheet over and took a step back…it was Larkspur…skin almost everything was burnt. His flesh was a mellow pink scarred his body and other part were charred black covered in thick blood; some other parts were burned off in the acid. His fae was yellow, red, and around his left eyes was white and seemed to have a carcass around it. He was terribly…in bad shape. Everyone was silent but Juno was pissed.
“Put him on the table,” Juno ordered ready to perform some serious magic to heal her boyfriend. “Aurum I might need ya, maybe or maybe not, just be ready,” Juno instructed. “Got it,” Aurum said nodding in assurance ready to panic over her brother. 

Re: Mystic Academy

11 Years Ago

Juno was pissed, instead of tenderly placing him on the surgery table she basically dropped him. She mumbled under her breath, obviously insults, but as she fretted over the little things of his burns and such. She first decided to focus on the bleeding, the gashes basically covering his body; he would have scars no matter what magic was used.
 "Aurum, ashes if you please." Juno ordered, placing a damp cloth over the wounds. Aurum, basically creating them by rubbing her palms together, handed her a handful which was brewed together in a purple, toxic smelling liquid. everyone took a step back. As Juno worked magic on Larkspur, Eld beside her to close any wounds needed with heat or just keep Larkspur awake, Lee ventured off to her people. They all appeared alright, goblin attacks not really a match for aliens. But once seeing their princess walk over, they released a cheer. They surrounded her, all trying to get into a hug. Lee fretted over them, checking each individual and kissing any child's head that might need to comfort. 
"Thank god your all alright." Lee said. Ragnarok was seated somewhere, still feeling a bit of a burn on his chest but aside from that he was fine. His calming thought and seeing his people cheering for Lee's victory was interrupted by a scream. 
"Hold him down." Juno instructed, she sounded merciless. 
Eld and Aurum pinned Larkspur down, Larkspur awake but knocking him out wouldn't serve anything he needed to be awake to take down the potions. 
"Alright now, say ah." Juno said, stuffing a cup of a putrid smelling concoction down his throat. Larkspur gagged, but his burns ebbed away and the gash slowly began to close up thanks to the phoenix ashes. Aurum was whispering reassurance to him, hoping they would calm him but Juno scolded her. 
"Don't pity him!" Juno scolded. "I warned him!"
Larkspur gritted his teeth as Juno re-positioned his broken limbs back into place and putting it into a sling or putting braces into them. Juno was doing an excellent job. She smeared a clear goo along the burns, taking the black away and turning them into a vulnerable red. Once all serious injuries were dealed with, Juno finally decided to put him to sleep. She started stitching up the gashes and bandaging them up, placing ice packs on swollen bruises and adding water to wash the blood. Once deeming him finished, Juno wiped the blood on her hands on a cloth and wiped her forehead. though she didn't show it, she was worried whether she could actually save him. Larkspur's breathing had returned, heart beaten as it should and all wounds closed and healing the minor cuts. 
"Let him rest, he'll need it." Juno said, Aurum taking her brother with the help of Max to the medics. Jason, Chuck and Dean stared at Juno in aw as the breathed out "Amazing..." 
"I know I am." Juno replied and looked to Ragnarok. "Feeling better?" 
"Yeah, much better." Ragnarok replied. "But thanks." 
Juno raised an eyebrow. 
"For helping Lee...and everyone else." Ragnarok said with a sincere smile. Juno gave him a small one and replied "No prob." 
~ * ~
Things had settled down, the war finally over and everyone returning home. The whole army of fae's were moving in various directions as they started trekking home night already over them as the group began making their way back home. Lee was leading her people back to those she knew best. Though she was once happy and excited, it seemed to all disappear once knowing the Omegian's were safe. Ragnarok was given a ride on Minni-Day, his body not really responding, Larkspur sleeping as well. Aurum trotted beside the two boys and re-positioned her brother, before he could fall off. 
"You okay?" Aurum asked. 
"Better then I was before." Ragnarok replied.  
Aurum gave a smile. Ragnarok looked down and said "I'm glad things will quiet down for now." 
"For now?" Aurum asked. 
"Yeah, once the worst of my wounds are healed, Lee will have to return to Omega." Ragnarok replied, looking on ahead and seeing his sister lead the way, the children basically enjoying themselves with every new thing that came their way. 
"Wait, why? Why can't we just go home?" Aurum asked. 
"Well...our dads dead." Ragnarok said. 
"Oh..." Aurum said then realization began sinking in. "Then...that means-" 
"Lee's the new Queen." Ragnarok replied. "I'm proud, I just wish it could've been sometime later though..." 
"But, even if she's queen she'll still come back right?" Aurum asked. 
"Omega needs a Queen or King." Ragnarok said then shrugged. "It's up to her." 
Aurum felt her heart sink as she added "Then...what about you?" 
"Hmm?" Ragnarok asked then went into thought. "Well that depends...will ya miss me?" 
Aurum laughed then said "Of course." 
"More of a reason to go then~" Ragnarok said before he was slapping in the thigh. 
"Don't joke like that!" Aurum scolded. "Seriously though, I wanted to spend time with you...I really thought you were dead..." 
Ragnarok's face saddened. 
"I'm sorry." Ragnarok apologized, seeing Aurum wipe her eyes. "I'd hug you....but I can hardly move." 
Aurum only sniffled as she said "It's okay, so you'll return to Omega?" 
"Yup." Ragnarok said. "Get the funeral ready and the ceremony done." 
Ragnarok looked down and said "Wanna come?" 
Aurum's eyes sparkled. 
"A-Are ya sure, what about Larky?" Aurum asked. 
"Omega has better technology there, Juno's paradise when it comes to medicine." Ragnarok said. "Plus you are my mate and it would be a shame for you not to experience it." 
Aurum smiled then looked over at Clover who was chatting with Giselle. 
"Does Clover know?" Aurum asked. 
"Probably not, Lee will probably disappear in the night when we're settled. "Ragnarok said. "Don't worry, we'll invite everyone." 
Aurum smiled and said "I look forward to it." 
~ * ~
Lee looked back every now and then to ensure her people were keeping up. The children appeared to be having a fun time despite being a Dark Knight before hand. She inspected the elder folks, eyeing them closely. One of them...her own people, were the one who killed her father and forced Ragnarok for a second dose. But trials couldn't be held, the people probably didn't even know the king was dead. Lee released a sigh, looking to the sand and suddenly thinking How will they react? 
"Something bothering my princess?" an elderly voice asked. Lee turned, a little shocked she was suddenly beside her but smiled none the less. 
"No, you shouldn't worry about me." Lee said with a smile to mask the pain. 
"Your highness...all you Royals ever think about is the people." the elder said. "Why not worry about yourselves?" 
Lee just looked at her. 
"You don't need to tell me, just curious." the elderly woman said with a smile and turned back to join the others. 
"Because we care." Lee whispered but continued on. As she walked, she felt Clover's beads in her pocket. Shuffling through, she pulled it out and looked at the colorful beads. She smiled at the memory. She was so gullible when she first arrived.  

Re: Mystic Academy

11 Years Ago

((Gosh! I haven’t posted in a MONTH!! D: Gomen!!! I hope I don’t seem too rusty…))

Crona was walking down the halls with Saint Valentine as the sun began to show it was rising ((wait, was it? I forgot…)). Gazing down below she noticed there were figures down below.
     “W-wait is that-” She started, noticing a familiar hybrid, “-E-Edwin!” She raced down the halls but was caught off guard by Axel who sprung out of nowhere and so she ran into her boyfriend, Axel. She closed her eyes and when she opened them, he was on top of her. Crona blushed madly from the situation she was in, unable to get a word out.
     “Oh, hi Crona~” Axel sang happily, Crona replying in stutters and mumbles. “What’cha doin’?” Footsteps were soon heard and Axel was quick enough to pull Crona to her feet and drag her away.
     “I swear I heard someone here just now.” Mystery said appearing, hands on her hips.
     “Mystery! There you are!” A voice cheered. Turning it was Zak with a big grin on his face.

((Gomen. This is all I can come up with for now =_=;))

Re: Mystic Academy

11 Years Ago

Solaris fazed in front of Mystery. "Mystery I did as you asked and did not fight Edwin." She drawled. It was then she noticed the boy next to her friend. "Who are you?" She asked. "This us my friend Zak." Mystery answered. "Zak, Solaris. Solaris, Zak." Zak stuck out his hand. "Nice to meetcha." Solaris shook his hand gingerly.

Re: Mystic Academy

11 Years Ago

(I'm sorry it's so short! I can't think of anything else) Zak energetically pumped Solaris's hand up and down. "Nice to meet you, where are you from?"

Re: Mystic Academy

11 Years Ago

Solaris was a bit taken aback by Zak's sudden friendliness. "I just came here from planet Kai." She answered him. "Planet Kai? Never heard of it, where is that?" Zak asked. "In Otherworld at the end of snakeway." The Saiyan told him. "I'm not surprised you haven't. Usually you'd have to be dead to even get there."

Re: Mystic Academy

11 Years Ago

"Makes sense" Zak commented. "Apaih Elves tend to gravitate to healing and earth."

Re: Mystic Academy

11 Years Ago

"I see. So what are you two doing?" Solaris asked.
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Re: Mystic Academy

11 Years Ago

“OH! Before I forget!” Aurum said digging in her armor. “Close your eyes! Close your eyes!” Aurum said in a hurry looking for the metal. Ragnarok merely covered his eyes. “Now open wide!” Aurum cheered. “Wha-og!” Ragnarok let out after taking in a mouthful of plutonium, but after savoring the taste of the metal he bit into it and started to chew it slowly, taking the rest into his hands. “You like it?” Aurum asked wide eyed. Ragnarok nodded happily, having been craving plutonium since the Spa trip and his heart’s content munched on the metallic substance. “Aurum!” Chuck and Jason cried out to the sprite. The phoenix spun around recognizing the voices, her golden eyes catching sight of them who were still alive thankfully. The phoenix got tackled down and received bear hugs and noogies. Ragnarok watched and smirked knowing the case with the “Three Musketeers” and so let the three idiots have their united moment. “Everyone’s organized,” Chuck said pulling away from a hug happily yet with a tinged bit of sadness in his voice “We’ll have to bury them soon, so everyone needs to evacuate the area,” Jason said. “How big of a radius are we talking about?” Aurum asked.
“At least 109 acres of land,” Jason explained.  
    “Ready?” Aurum yelled at the top of her lungs keeping herself in midair. A thousand feet below the rest of the fae had moved out of the way as Clover was busy creating the colossal force field to be able to conceal the locked out area, and then hurled a stone into the atmosphere allowing Aurum to catch notice of stone flying around her. The phoenix took the signal from below and then transformed to her Phoenix form screeching as a warning. The tips of her wings ignited into a blazing red as she dove down collecting great speed from the dive. Clover created an empty hole within the force field allowing the sprite to enter in the fall through. Aurum continued to shoot down like a bullet and then finally crashing into the force field and into the sand in which fae were buried Clover locked everything inside. The fae that were within the borders had written Last Wills for their bodies and their possessions. Everyone circled round and watched as the burial took place when Aurum crashed into the Earth creating and then circling round creating sand storm. The sand circled into fire that was set ablaze and whips of black fae ashes alongside. Survivors watched as their loved ones were returned back to their natural form of energy and offered to Earth. Inside the whirlwind, Aurum watched as she burned young ones who weren’t supposed to battle get returned back to the Earth and then watched as she burned elders, couples holding hands, siblings holding onto each other all disappearing into the Earth. The winds grew stronger as if in stillness and finally everything collapsed leaving a spiraled indentation deep into the sand. Tired, Clover let go of the field and saw Aurum far in the distance returning to her regular form. The ashes of the many bodies were driven down into the sand’s depths blending; Aurum raced back with everyone else.
  The group of phoenixes had already gone off to the remaining countries with the war to perform the same ritual with bodies that chose to be cremated and returned to Earth at their battlefields. Meanwhile, the Jackal’s leader; Shawn had strolled on over to Clover, the entire gang gathering around him and Giselle. “Nice to see you’re, doing well Clover-leaf,” Shawn started, “It was also a pleasure to be fighting with your gang; I respect your values in not using powers,” Shawn said in approval crossing his arms and whipping his long brown hair to the side to see Clover and Giselle better. “Thanks, Shawn,” Clover said a bit weary. “Thank you,” Giselle replied cringing a bit towards the end of the statement seeing as how she was able to regain and use her dormant power in the end. “You’re doing a good job within the Resistance; it was a pleasure working with you and with other gangs,” Jack said watching as everyone was collecting themselves and making orders to travel back home. “Plus it’s great to see you have a girlfriend now!” Bryce cheered turning Clover around as they both spotted Lee, tending to her people like a great leader would; walking with them, talking and comforting. “Yes I do,” Clover responded smirking. “That reminds me, I should go check on Luis,” Giselle said as she walked away. “So I guess you guys are leaving now,” Clover said turning back to the Jackal. “Yeah, our work is done here, and we did our share of cleaning, but we’ll be back for proper burials,” Shawn finished as he and the rest of the Jackals morphed into Black Death ghouls and traveled away. Clover turned and saw everyone ready with remaining bodies ready to be buried at their original home. “Come on, we’re returning home,” Gabriel said patting Clover’s back hinting to hurry up. “How are we going to head back home?” Juno asked looking towards everyone and how transportation would be difficult with everyone and the dead bodies as well. Everyone from each gang turned around to hear a soft chuckle. “I learned a small trick over the years,” Corinne said as she walked among everyone. “This will be passed a miraculous phenomenon but that’s the best part about being a fae, humans never know it’s us. Even if they believe, half believe or don’t believe at all,” Corinne explained as she waved her old arms out for one last trick up her sleeve. Everyone closed their eyes and finally they watched as they were turning into pixelated figures from the feet and the head slowly veering off into different directions. Corinne blew and everyone’s pixels smoothed into silk into the Aurora Borealis crossing the oceans.
    Human World:   Day 1: “All talk has been on the mysterious occurrence of the Aurora Borealis that took place just yesterday around Midnight. Civilians from all around the world had gathered to watch the rare appearance as it was able to stretch out from all over the world crossing continents through. Everyone starry eyed went into a strange tranquility as the phenomena passed:   One eye witness describes (Translated into English): “It was very strange, but it was quite magical. It felt as if the higher one commanded that an army of angels or something were to see us and take care of us from whatever. A few minutes earlier, I was arguing with my mother, but... then we stopped…and were under a trance and we felt a bit better, I can't explain how, I can't explain why but it cured and saved many lives in my village. I think I speak for everyone when I say: “It was truly beautiful and nothing felt more saving.”   Videos have been released from all over the world showing even animals giving up a little bit of their time to show respect for the phenomena. Lions stop and stare at the sky; birds flying beneath the aura, in this video image you can actually see whales, dolphins, orcas jumping to be able to touch the haze. Scientists are stumped to describe this natural occurrence however the people have spoken to rather NOT let this be explained by science but rather letting it be just another wonder of Earth’s creations. This was Margoux Natiello reporting to you live from Channel 21 News, back to you Gabe.” Fade out…
  The Aurora Borealis had faded away into nothing and then on land turned into the regular fae they were before. “Home,” Aurum breathed happily as she looked around and saw it the same as she left it. “Come on time for burials,” Clover said pulling Aurum from heading directly back home.
  Burial did not take too long, Chuck only lifted the grounds and Dean levitated the ashes into the ground. After the entire ceremony everyone returned home, for the next stage of post war or most likely the end of it all; emotional recovery.

Re: Mystic Academy

11 Years Ago

(I'm back!! Surprise surprise!! :D ) 

They all parted with lighter feelings than before, and Juno headed towards her house to get ready for the funeral for the late King of Omega. Eld came with Juno and as they walked back Eld--surprisingly--started a conversation. 
"Juno. Thank you."
"For what?" Juno asked, although she already knew where this conversation was going. 
"For talking to me, I guess. I'm sure you've guessed already, but after the funeral, I'm going back to my planet to take my proper place as queen now that I've experienced other things. We probably won't see each other anytime soon but--I just wanted to tell you." 
Juno grinned. "Oh, I think we'll see each other sooner than you think. I have my ways after all."  
Eld gave a small smile in reply, and they parted ways as they came upon a fork in the road, each going to their own house. 

Re: Mystic Academy

11 Years Ago

Ragnarok felt at peace finally, at home with his friends and girlfriend for a much needed rejuvinating. Ragnarok was helped to the couch, Larkspur being sentenced to his room by Juno who still wasn't all too happy that he nearly got himself killed. Lee was outside, he could hear his people taking in the sights of Earth. They all acted like Lee when she first arrived, like a five year old given their first monthly allowence. He took a deep breath in and exhaled, feeling that real hell would be coming in soon. He felt the couch move and turning he was greeted by Jason. 
"Ya okay?" Jason asked. 
"I've been through worse." Ragnarok admitted. 
"Well Ragy it's good to see ya on our side again!" Jason said merrily. Though Ragnarok was crippled, Ragnarok landed a firm kick on his shin making Jason yelp in pain. 
"Don't call me that." Ragnarok said, an evil aura coming off him. 
"Right, right, only the lady can call ya that." Jason said, rubbing his shin. "Just wanted to check in and see how your doing." 
"Fine." Ragnaork replied. "Just sore..." 
Jason only smiled and went off to cheer up other people, wanting them to get past their emotional pains. Ragnarok, however, was more worried about Lee. Though she was slowly mastering the ways of hiding her emotions, he could feel her pain and guilt also some panic. She would have to announce to her people that the king was officially dead and that he was killed. Only option was to blame Lance, it was his damned fault this all started in the first place! Ragnarok released a sigh and looked to the ceiling. 
What would mom do? Ragnarok thought. Aurum then arrived with a fresh set of bandages and some medicine Juno whiped up and said "Come on, lets clean your wounds." 
~ * ~
Lee had gotten her people to settle, finding a good spot to make camp which was all packed inside a small cube but once operated to open only greeted the world with a five star hotel. They all went inside, cleaning their wounds and feeding the children who droned on and on about how hungry they were. Lee couldn't bring herself to smile, unless forced. 
"Lee." a voice called. 
Turning she was welcomed to Eld. She approched Lee and put a hand out, Lee looking to it in slight confusion. 
"What's this?" Lee asked. 
"I wish to tell you it was an honor working with you." Eld explained. "Though your ways do greatly confuse me, I've learned much." 
"I'm glad you did." Lee replied and shook hands. Eld departed after the brief conversation and Lee looked to the remaining families who went inside their quarters. Once everyone was inside, Lee knew it wastime to really started planning the funeral. Her father would want her to send his binary molecules into the milky ways neverending channels. He would join their mother in the universe. He liked something traditional which called for all black, blue flames, a large gathering and an abundence of flowers around his tomb. The body would still be on Omega and Lee could still remeber where he was slaughter. The feast would be the only bright light in the mourning.
"There you are!" Clover called making Lee jump slightly in place. She was so engrossed in her thoughts she didn't hear him. 
"Oh...Clover-leaf, hi." Lee replied, giving a small smile. 
"We were just about to regroup on what to start next." Clover said. "I was hoping you'd join us." 
"" Lee replied. "I need to tend to my people and keep watch until morning. It takes a full day for them to fully charge and as their princess I must watch them." 
Clover looked at Lee and asked "Everything...okay?" 
"Yes. everythings fine." Lee replied. "You should go." 
Though Clover didn't question it, he knew something was bothering her. But being a good boyfriend, he left her be to keep watch. Lee watched him go and refused to let tears fall. She knew tomorrow might as well be the last time they actually call themselves "mates".    

Re: Mystic Academy

11 Years Ago

Happy valentines day! I give you my all my love! And virtual chocolates. (Cause I can't send you real chocolates)

♥Mystic Valentine to all members♥

11 Years Ago

(@ GhostlyAuthor: Hehe, I see what you did there, 1,414 posts =u= And please let Jamillet re-join, *she made a new profile and needs to be accepted into the group again to post anything*) Happy (belated) Valentine's Day!!!

Re: Mystic Academy

11 Years Ago

They were about to answer, but Solaris cut them off. "Sorry, but I must leave now." Without another word she fazed out of existence. Solaris appeared behind a boy with light silver hair. His ki... it was different. Where as Mystery's had a shifty feel to it, his felt dark, but light at the same time. "Hey you." The boy turned around, showing her his orange eyes. "Yes?" He asked. She narrowed her eyes. There was another ki signature extreemly close to him. "What are you?" He pointed to himself. "Me? I dunno..." he shrugged nonchalantly. "Tch. Then what's your name?" She questioned. Solaris knew he wasn't lying, otherwise his ki would have fluctuated. Though the question was, why didn't he know what he was? The smiled brightly showing slightly fanged incisors. "My name's Lux! Lux Tenebris, nice to meet ya!" He held out his hand for her to shake. "Solaris Saiyajin." She replied carefully shaking his gloved hand.

Re: Mystic Academy

11 Years Ago

"Would you like to be friends?" The boy asked her out of the blue. Solaris examined his ki extensively, she would not have friends who were weak. She sweat a bit at his signature. You couldn't tell unless you knew what you were looking for, but he had two ki pools. If she was right he could possibly combine the separate energies into one big reserve. "W-what are you?!" She cried startled. He was definitely as powerful as her Super-Saiyan form, maybe even Super-Saiyan 2. And that wasn't even considering the second ki near him. Lux cocked his head to the side. "Eh? What do you mean. I told you my name." This boy, if properly trained he could potentially be as powerful as Mystery and herself. Though his innocence puzzeled her. Any other Saiyan she knew that was even close to his power level always used their superiority against the low class warriors. "I mean, what species are you? I am a Saiyan." "A Saiyan? I've never heard of a Saiyan." He put his finger to his chin in a thoughtful pose. "As to what I am," at this gave her a silly grin, "I have no idea!" Solaris furrowed her brows. "You don't know? Why not?" Surely he knew what he was or had been informed when he enrolled. "Heheh nope!" He glanced around a bit. "But between you and me, that's why I'm here." It was meant to be said in a conspiratorial tone, but with his innocent face he looked like a child. Solaris smiled softly on the inside. Was this what her little brother would have been like? She hoped so, Lux seemed very nice. However on the outside she frowned. His whole purpose here was to find out what he was? Then again she was at Mystic academy to learn how to not blow people to pieces with energy. "Anyway, like I said, would you be my friend? I don't have any except Xi." Lux said exuberantly. "Who is Xi?" The Saiyan asked. "Here lemme show ya!" Lux dug into his pocket and tanked out a beautiful butterfly knife. He let the dark energy he had flow into the weapon. To her surprise it grew bigger and bigger until it was the size of a longsword, though it was similar to a buster sword. He twirled the beautiful weapon a few times to get used to the weight. "This," he stopped twirling the sword. "is Xifos, but I call him Xi." The sword have off it's own ki signature. Solaris had never seen anything like it before. "May I see it for a minute?" She asked politely. Lux looked confused. "Aren't you seeing it now?" Solaris shook her head at his strangeness. "I meant could I hold it." She corrected herself. "Oh yeah, sure! He won't mind!" He handed the sword to her and she accepted it. It's craftsmanship was incredible. Solaris couldn't tell what the blade was made out of, but the ebony metal was amazingly sturdy. The only blade that could rival it was Tapion's. "You said he wouldn't mind. Does that mean it's sentient?" She asked while running her hand along the flat of the blade. "Senti-what?" Solaris lookedaway from the blade. "Sentient. It means the sword can speak to you and such." Realization dawned on Lux's face. "Yeah, he can do that! It's not a bad thing is it?" "No, not at all." She reassured him. "So long as you're not enemies it's actually a good thing." Lux released a breath of relief. "Me and Xi are buds. I'm actually helping him." He told her. "How?" She questioned as she handed him back Xifos. "Xi cant remember his past, so I'm going to help him." He explained. "I know personally what it's like to not know one's origins." Solaris' eyes softened. "You can't remember your past." She stated more than asked. He nodded. "Yep. Can't remember anything before waking up in a crater, and that was only a week or so ago." "Hmm..." Solaris faced the afternoon sky. "I think I will." She said. "Will what?" She gave the boy a small smile. "Be your friend if course."

Re: Mystic Academy

11 Years Ago

(okay, Jamie made a new account and she hasn't been accepted in this group yet. Since Internet mom -Jamie, same person~ is chalk full of ideas she has asked me to post for her until she is accepted. so hope its soon and u all welcome her back with happy smiles and open arms ....digitally. so here's her post) 

 Jason had volunteered to help Aurum out and had transported the two to phoenix’s room and left them at peace.
“See ya, my bee watches,” Jason said before Aurum would burn his rump on the spot. After he left though the sprite resumed everything and was able to carefully place the crippled Omegian on her bed, letting him relax as she got everything else arranged.“How bad does it hurt?” Aurum asked.“Enough to not move,” Ragnarok responded stiffly.Aurum turned around examining her boyfriend looking at him from top to bottom, which wasn’t new since she’s been doing it forever now. Aurum concentrated hard and finally Ragnarok caught notice of her stare.“Aurum?” he asked feeling a little awkward now.Aurum remained as she was and had a faraway look in her eyes and then the alien felt a tugging.  He watched as his clothes were carefully slipping off of him and the thousand threads of cloth begin to unravel, revealing bare skin. Ragnarok watched as his clothes began to slip away from him leaving him in his boxers. Aurum substantially blinked once and then a few times and summoned up with a shakings of her head.“There we go,” Aurum said accomplished returning to her old self.“How come I’ve never seen you do that?” Ragnarok asked confused looking at his bare self.“Well, Fae do have magical powers but we don’t use them as often as they say in fairytales or myths, we’re not that lazy of people, if humans had this power…..this world would have been destroyed ages ago,” Aurum explained as she walked over to her boyfriend.“Plus I have done it, but you’ve just been asleep, when I do,” Aurum admitted as she was carefully cleaning Ragnarok’s wounds. Ragnarok eyes bolted wide open and turned a violent shade of red despite his dark color as Aurum was dabbing his arm. Aurum chuckled sensing the stare.“Don’t worry, it was when you crashed on my bed without changing and I wasn’t tired enough to crash too,” she assured looking at her boyfriend with her brilliant eyes.“Oh,” Ragnarok said calming a little.Aurum chuckled maliciously which made Ragnarok once again look at her on edge but then let it slide as she made sure he got all bandaged up and got clean clothes on him. Looking over the wounds, Aurum snapped her fingers igniting her index and placed the small fire over her mate’s open cut just barely touching it. Ragnarok felt the warm sensation at his tough skin immediately but then winced a little at the heat but then loosened his muscles still feeling sore. Aurum continued to climb over her boyfriend to reach places she couldn’t after numerous times of getting up. Finally after his body was left small burns, Aurum calmly sat next to him, her warmth added some sort of comfort towards the Omegian, as she carefully massaged his body.  Ragnarok inhaled slowly and then exhaled as Aurum’s warm hands ran past his body, his muscles easing as he was taking in the warmth.
 Clover was chilling upon his bedspread, it felt lonely but he was used to it from before he had Lee. He was able to heal himself without Aurum and wondered what was going through Lee’s head. The Princess of Omega to now takeover and explain to her people what has happened….that means…Clover shook the thought of his head before progressing for the thought of Lee eventually led to the war and the fact that it was finally over. He remembered those who fought and granted them his share of peace to them. (Fae don’t wish they make wishes come true.)Of course with good there is evil so something will pop up; in the future, something always does. He buried his head in his pillow and then crashed for the night….it was the best he could do, too much trauma for one day…
 Juno had paid Larkspur a visit up in his room to make sure he wasn’t doing anything hero like or stupid.Quietly entering his room, she was skilled in walking like a cat and closed the door behind her. He was asleep in his bed, the same way as before, as if he hadn’t moved. Juno made his way towards him and checked his pulse, and saw it was normal as was his breathing. She frowned a bit looking at his body and then dismissed herself from his room and went home.
 Aurum snuggled up close to her boyfriend after the full massage. The warmth radiated off her body allowing an all-night relaxation for the two of them. Ragnarok wasn’t asleep though he watched as Aurum was curled up like a small kitten but then looked beyond the door. He knew Lee hadn’t come home…Home….home was Omega, but this was home too…maybe…
 Jason, Chuck, and Dean were all asleep upon their parents’ bed. Dean nearly lost his brothers but was thankful that it was all over now. This would be the last time they ever fought, and he was going to make sure of that, and promise his parents that. 

Re: Mystic Academy

11 Years Ago

(and this is my post)

Lee was welcomed to sunrise and she gave a large yawn. She knew ways to keep herself awake, it was one way she never enjoyed but she would need Ragnarok's help in the procedure. She heard her people coming in and all well rested. They would need to be stationed here a bit longer until further notice. They gathered around and Lee announced "Do not fret, we shall remain here until I can open the portal leading back to Omega. Prince Ragnarok will assist me in opening it so in the mean time please do not venture too far. Remain in human form and have a partner and have the Omegian symbol on your hand so that when I call you back you will return, understand?"
Her people nodded. 
"Good, now make a line please." Lee said and her people followed orders. 
~ * ~
Ragnarok woke up first, shockingly, and draped the covers over Aurum. He could walk again but his wounds were still painful all the while. He threw on some baggy pants and made his way out. He decided to check on Lee, knowing she would be taking first watch that she would need to charge. He was about to go to the door and into the woods but instead found Lee there. She had bags under her eyes and was swaying a bit. Before she could fall on her face, Ragnarok caught her and called "CLOVER! YOUR GIRLFRIEND NEEDS YOU!" 
"No..." Lee mumbled, pushing herself up and trying to find her footing. "I need you." 
Ragnarok raised an eyebrow. 
"I need to recharge." Lee said. 
"Oh." Ragnarok said. He helped Lee over to the bathroom and closed the door. Lee set herself on the tubs rim with her back to her brother. 
"You remember how to do this right?" Lee asked. 
A tentacle emerged from from Ragnarok's back but this one resembled a battery. Long talons were on the plus side and Ragnarok replied "Yeah I remember. Dad used to do it often....Ya know this'll hurt like hell right?" 
Lee removed her top and had her bare back to him mumbling "Lets just get this over with..." 
Ragnarok ran a finger down her spine until coming to an extra part in her vertebrae and got the battery ready. 
"Grit your teeth." Ragnarok warned and struck her. 
~ * ~
Clover was just heading downstairs, he heard Ragnarok but found him gone. He raised an eyebrow, rubbing his eyes and he asked "Where's-" 
"GYAAAAAHHHHHHAAAAAA!!!!" a screamed screeched, making Clover jump, Aurum fall out of bed and Juno smack her head against the head board (she had slept over the previous night). The three ran down to the bathroom, finding Ragnarok gone and the screaming was coming from the downstairs bathroom. 
"Wha-what's that?!" Aurum asked. 
"Lee." Juno replied. "But we shouldn't-" 
"LEE'S IN TROUBLE?!" Clover instantly said and kicked the door open only to find Ragnarok holding steady a rather large battery into Lee's spine and Lee digging her fingers into the tub which was being crushed. Ragnarok noticed and pulled the battery from her back and said "...You're all probably curious as to what's going on." 
"Recharging her?" Juno asked. 
"Yup." Ragnarok replied, his sister currently unconscious on the floor. "She'll be out for a couple minutes but she'll be rejuvenated like she had a full twenty four hours of sleep."    
"So...a power nap?" Clover asked, relief evident in his voice.
"Technically yes." Ragnarok said. "Just leave her be." 
"You shouldn't be moving around too much!" Aurum scolded. 
Ragnarok rubbed the back of his head and said "Sorry." 
"To bed now!" Aurum scolded, Ragnarok picking his sister up and heading back upstairs. 

Re: Mystic Academy

11 Years Ago

Lux walked along side Solaris. She seemed... familiar somehow. Xi couldn't explain it either. He wondered, could he have known her before his memory loss? She had said she was a Saiyan, is it possible that he was too? So many unanswered questions and so little answers... "What's your favorite colour Solaris?" He inquired. She looked at him weirdly before she answered, "Either gold or blue." "Mine's red! What's your favorite fruit?" He replied. Solaris allowed a small smile to grace her face at his game. He really was a child. "Apples." They continued the game and learner about one another. Solaris liked fighting strong opponents and training. Lux didn't know what he liked, though he found himself growing ever fond of the flute. The Saiyan was a princess, albeit a warrior princess. Lux however had been told that the possibility of him being a Saiyan were zero. Before they parted ways Solaris had made him promise to train with her the following morning.