sixXx : Writing

song for the fresh flesh faint

song for the fresh flesh faint

A Poem by sixXx

we should be together. forever. alone. we should be together. take off your clothes bathing in the moonlight while dancing in the rain tasting ..


A Poem by sixXx

i saw the future within your eyes, i lost my reasons. ive gone blind. when i left them all behind. when i, leftit all behind. i broke a fever ..


A Poem by sixXx

just a thought in the early light of dawn
cryptic writing #1

cryptic writing #1

A Poem by sixXx

found myself lost in a deep red sky
a cold cup of coffee

a cold cup of coffee

A Poem by sixXx

the infinte sadness and longing for rhyme and reason
morality adventure tales of trust, security and hope v.I

morality adventure tales of trust, security and ho..

A Story by sixXx

this story is about little jimmy
cryptic writing #5

cryptic writing #5

A Poem by sixXx

caught myself in a daydream while standing in line at a mcdonalds


A Poem by sixXx

of rhyme. frustration? love? hate? admiration? lust? fire? failure? shame? desire?

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