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midnight reaper : Writing

The Itch

The Itch

A Poem by midnight reaper

An itch that tears apart you from the inside, drives depression deep into your mindAn itch that is driven by insanity within yourself yet your mind dr..
The Dog House

The Dog House

A Poem by midnight reaper

In the dog house, I wait for the king's men to lay their swordsIn the dog house, the king's men come to dethrone meIn the dog house, I have been actin..
Operation Brainwash

Operation Brainwash

A Poem by midnight reaper

Step one break their soulsStep two drill a hole with lectures and grades the size of a lobotomy, let the creativity seep out like the bloodStep three ..
Our generation

Our generation

A Poem by midnight reaper

They try to force you to follow their way, their system. March in line they say and those who don't will be punished, but yet those who do march have ..
Ode to an egg

Ode to an egg

A Poem by midnight reaper

Mr. Brave you are a brave egg. Even so many of your friends and coworkers were slain in this line of work you still prevail. Your bravery will get you..
The man's last verse

The man's last verse

A Poem by midnight reaper

A man, alone and again crying sits with a drink in hand.A drink that smells like whiskey people would say as they walk by.A man alone takes a swig, hi..
The decaying mind

The decaying mind

A Story by midnight reaper

Slumped in a black and tall office chair is a man with a two day old shirt and sweatpants and his hair and face was unkempt to the point where it didn..
The dome

The dome

A Story by midnight reaper

A massive dome lurks in the back of a bright green and well tended garden filled with many fountains and trees yet those who built such beauty ended i..
The Pain in Inside

The Pain in Inside

A Poem by midnight reaper

Go home, a day of work passed what's so wrong?Why the bed which I lay in is becoming a pit I dig with my bare hands just to make it deeper every day a..
The System

The System

A Poem by midnight reaper

Does this education matter when only you are thrown into a pit of endless bureaucracy and political matters?Does it matter that no man nor women could..