Scott A. Williams

Scott A. Williams


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GTA, Canada
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Block Writer Block Writer

About Me

Born in Toronto. Raised in the suburbs. Schooled in journalism. Lookin' for meaning in an uncertain world. I spend a lot of time writing for a girl whom I'm not sure exists, but I thought she wasn't really out there, I wouldn't write. Also, I like Coca-Cola. I invite other questions beyond that.


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Posted 14 Years Ago

You'll have to tell me who the other is. Not to sound arrogant (lord knows I'd love to, though), but my initial boner of excited-looking-around quickly turned into a sad flaccid bit of misplaced bowel of disappointment.

Hey ... there's a ballad in that somewhere.

Any pieces of yours that you're particularly proud of that are in need of feedback? Or ego-inflation? Admit it, that's why we're here.

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Hey there, my chewy piece of Canadian jerky.

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Posted 14 Years Ago

it doesn't HAVE to be a 500 word story just close and tell a story if you can achieve that in poetic fashion then more power to ya..:)

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Posted 14 Years Ago

The book is pretty raw ... ideas in passing ... I appreciate any views of course. :)

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Posted 14 Years Ago

"Note that not everyone who's a nut gets to be a writers. Some are just weirdos."

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Posted 14 Years Ago

I have a wonderful friend who made it his new years resolution to post a haiku a day through out 2010 on facebook. I'm always tagged...and it is starting to get to me on day 24.

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Thanks! I agree, I'm pretty quid pro quo on the review thing but there is a fine line...and this site is fun but you really have to seed through it to get something worth reading, so it was a great find tonight when I stumbled onto your four piece poem, excellent! I'm not one to blow smoke either; and it's nice to be read and reviewed by someone I would endorse. I appreciate your comments and of course welcome you to critique at anytime.

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Great thoughts you've got going on here. I have enjoyed my indulging this evening. And yes, coca-cola rocks.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

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