solitare : Writing

Full Spectrum Healing

Full Spectrum Healing

A Poem by solitare

my meditative poem using the chakras
Love life earth me

Love life earth me

A Poem by solitare

not much work on this... just a message :)


A Poem by solitare

I'm meant to be happysheltered in this shellso I smile sedatelyand contemplate misunderstandings.Raspberry curls and eyelashes wideI nod and suppress ..
waiting for you...

waiting for you...

A Poem by solitare

waiting for my true love to find me
i dream hurt

i dream hurt

A Poem by solitare

a little odd tale which may not make sense... basically an imaginative piece of heartache and being rebirthed to find something/one less insensitive.


A Poem by solitare

A bit dark - my soul wants to florish but is finding it difficult in the anorexic stifled body it is shelled in....


A Poem by solitare

losing someone... surviving and hoping happiness will prevail without them
The Willie Wagtail

The Willie Wagtail

A Poem by solitare

Willie Wagtails are a native bird in Australia, they are tiny black and white very cute, constantly active and inquisitive birds.
my majestic

my majestic

A Poem by solitare

about the pure wonder of my divine son
for amethyst eyes

for amethyst eyes

A Poem by solitare

Its said that 'eyes are the windows to the soul' ... here's wishing and hoping I find my soul mate's eyes...