Bob B : Writing

Funny Changes

Funny Changes

A Poem by Bob B

Languages constantly change. English has, and how! If not, we would still Be saying "thee" and "thou." Sometimes advertising And th..
GOP Presidential Debate #6

GOP Presidential Debate #6

A Poem by Bob B

The Republican presidential debates Have become extremely boring. Debaters sidestepped pertinent questions And placed their focus more on sco..
(Not) Wanting and (Not) Desiring

(Not) Wanting and (Not) Desiring

A Poem by Bob B

The foundation of selfishness Has much to do with wanting and desiring And places a heavy focus on Thoughts of obtaining and acquiring. ..
I Read It on the Internet

I Read It on the Internet

A Poem by Bob B

"I read it on the Internet So it must be true. There it was in black and white, With colored photos, too. "Question what I read? W..
They Just Can't Afford to Pay Their Share

They Just Can't Afford to Pay Their Share

A Poem by Bob B

It's funny how in the very odd world Of income and taxes here in the U.S., Those who can afford to pay their share Often end up paying far le..
It's NOT Rocket Science

It's NOT Rocket Science

A Poem by Bob B

All the president has to do Is mention gun regulation that COULD work, And what do we have? Thousands of paranoid Gun-lovers coming out of th..
Where Is Your Head, Mr. Ryan?

Where Is Your Head, Mr. Ryan?

A Poem by Bob B

Paul Ryan can't understand President Obama's breakdown and tears When he discusses Sandy Hook. I can't believe my eyes and ears! If th..


A Poem by Bob B

Just what we need: to waste more money Investigating the Benghazi attacks. Having spent over 5.6 million, We'd like the burden off our backs..
Gunlandia (à la Seuss)

Gunlandia (à la Seuss)

A Poem by Bob B

One day in a land that's quite renowned, Disturbing news was floating around. People cried, "Help! It's happening today: Our leader is taking..
Saudi Justice

Saudi Justice

A Poem by Bob B

Saudi Arabia, our so-called "friend" And ally in the Middle East, Has proved once again it knows How to perform a real blood feast. Fo..