


You're all I write about lately

Never Let Me Go
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Block Writer Block Writer

About Me


*Everyone can write,
Being able to make something out of that?
That's true talent.*

1. Sometimes, the heart sees
What’s invisible to the eye.

2. Never be bullied into silence.
Never allow yourself to be
Made a victim. Accept no
One’s definition of your life;
Define yourself

3. “I am enough of an artist to draw
Freely upon my imagination. Imagination
Is more important than knowledge. Knowledge
Is limited. Imagination encircles the world.

4. A girl doesn't need to
Tell you straight up
How she feels it’s
Written all over the way
She behaves when
You’re around.

5. The word “imperfect”
Actually spells “I’m perfect”
Because everyone is perfect
In their own imperfect ways.

6. Sometimes it’s best
To stay quiet.
The silence can speak
Volumes without ever
Saying a word.

7. I’m always writing
A story in my head

8. Stop being afraid
Of what could go wrong
And start being positive
About what could go

9. There’s a story behind every person.
There’s a reason why they are
The way they are. Think about that
Before you judge somebody


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Posted 11 Years Ago

Hahahaha yes please dont laugh. We'll get in trouble lawlz. :) I WONT I DONT WANNA LOSE MY PLACE AS AMBROSCH<3 haha and he's russian and i was doing an old western accent. And this time, instead of me looking like a fool trying to climb up the lokers, ill just try to walk away then you yank be back, i fake kick you, you fake slap me, i put fake blood on my nose... :) Hahahaha stuck? lol stuff yeah it was like thick. Ewie. Hahahaha yeah then we can edit on tuesday and we'll be donee!(:

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Posted 11 Years Ago

I WILL NOT spill the blood this time. Just gotta make suree it's closed hehehe. :) That probably sounds awkward to ANYONE else reading this.... ;D

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Posted 12 Years Ago

Message me laters on Facebook(:

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Posted 12 Years Ago

Hey ray wants to know which class he's in....

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Posted 12 Years Ago

hehe more like FIVE movies!!!! Lol. (: haha lmfao this Ethan dude is reeeeeeeeeallyyyyyy weirrrrdddddddd!!

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Posted 12 Years Ago

Hahahaha lol i will(: Waiting now!(: I dont have the movie. Oh well. We still have two others. :D Yay trampoline<3 Haha lol yes victory i get to meet him .Only one from fca. Accomplishment. <3

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Posted 12 Years Ago

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH THATS THE ONE I WAS MOST LOOKING FORWARD TO!!!!!!!!!! Crap. Whatevs maybe I have it ill check. *Crossing fingers*

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Posted 12 Years Ago


Need. Movies. To. Watch. :( Do you have on demand or netflix for wii?? I have netflix for wii. Maybe I could try bringing that????

And what time is your baseball game?????

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Posted 12 Years Ago


Stupid autocorrect. :P

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Posted 12 Years Ago

OLD I CAN'T WAIT its in a week ahhhhh<3