Vlazuvius : Writing



A Poem by Vlazuvius

Pop Culture meets the body Politic
2 Birds

2 Birds

A Poem by Vlazuvius

This is a bit of a break in my usual style, in that it was based on the mood I had at the time and an event that happened that day, rather than stuff ..


A Story by Vlazuvius

Talk about a short story..this one's only two paragraphs long. It's really more of a free write, a mental setting of the scene for a story I may or m..
Republic of Cancer

Republic of Cancer

A Poem by Vlazuvius

I have a problem. I'm a symbolism junkie. And I have a hard time not using the jolly old miser himself, Uncle Sam, when I want to take out my frustr..


A Poem by Vlazuvius

Probably one of the bleakest times in my life was living in Kuna, Idaho. I was fresh off the streets, and still essentially homeless, having been tak..


A Poem by Vlazuvius

I guess everyone has at least one contemplating death poem. I tried to look on the bright side of things.
True Believer

True Believer

A Poem by Vlazuvius

I used to have a coworker who clung to his political ideology like a man at sea holding to the last broken remains of a ship. It was frustrating to t..


A Poem by Vlazuvius

A lot of my friends are either hippies or something like it, people who go barefoot and play drums and smoke weed and have no compulsion about hitchhi..


A Poem by Vlazuvius

Not exactly my best bit of writing, but probably a good example of what's going on in my brain. This poem was inspired by a zombie RPG, if that says ..

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