

A Poem by {A}shley {B}lack @-;-

A poem requested by a work friend



Strict rules apply to earn this love
Her angelic perfection
Sent from above

Past mistakes make her weary
Why not try once more?
My only query 

This woman eludes me
A shadow I give chase
But at the end there is no finish line
To her I’m not even in the race

Her smile releases my heart
Her touch makes me weak
Her laugh is so contagious
But my chances remain bleak

For we work together
A rule I must abide
Don’t date within work
My feelings I have to hide

She recognises my talent 
Always has positive things to say
But I question if I’m even her type
I can’t be end of the day

I can give you all my heart
But that’s not what you pursue
I’m best of disappearing
Hidden from your view

You have a thirst for life
A wild side I adore
I can give you the world
But I fear you crave more

So live your life and be happy
But for you my love is eternal
I need no sleep for you are my dream
Leaving this poet nocturnal

© 2011 {A}shley {B}lack @-;-

Author's Note

{A}shley {B}lack @-;-
A poem for my dear friend who supports my writing thanks hun

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i really like this, the message behind it and the flow through the whole thing. it's so sickly sweet, and here, that's wonderful.

third stanza is great. the last line of stanza six is kind of... it doesn't quite make sense to me, i don't know if i'm just missing a beat because of lack of punctuation or if you're missing a word. stanza seven: do you mean "best off?" i love the eighth stanza. "but i fear you crave more" is just brilliant.

*cough* punctuation? *cough cough*

Posted 13 Years Ago

4 of 4 people found this review constructive.


this is really good. Kat24

Posted 13 Years Ago

0 of 5 people found this review constructive.

This was beautiful. The best poems are the ones inspired by those around us and how we see them. We as poets have such a unique way of interpretation that sometimes we see things in others that they don't see in themselves. I'm sure this girl will love this poem.
I might add, you sound a bit defeated in this. Giving up so soon?

"I need no sleep for you are my dream
Leaving this poet nocturnal" This is my favorite line.

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

We can be touched by a beautiful Angel, but in the end we know the darkness will take us. A beautiful poem my friend.

Posted 13 Years Ago

0 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Beaytiful. Epitomy of emotional eloquence. Must be tough working alongside such temptation?

Posted 13 Years Ago

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I don't know for sure, but i think just about everyone can relate to this, in one way or another.
You portrayed the feeling well. Nice one.

Posted 13 Years Ago

Love breaks all the rules... writes love poems to work colleagues. Well-expressed and i love the idea expressed within it too... love against the odds... though shame it has to end on a sad note... maybe there will be an unexpected sequel ?

Posted 13 Years Ago

It can be torture liking someone at work and you know that you can't indulge it because it isn't acceptable. Still the feelings are there and the more they are denied the stronger they grow. We really desire that we can not have more than that which we can. I think this is a very real write.

Posted 13 Years Ago

this is really insiring, your such a gifted writers, i'm sure your friend is going to love this!

Posted 13 Years Ago

i really like this, the message behind it and the flow through the whole thing. it's so sickly sweet, and here, that's wonderful.

third stanza is great. the last line of stanza six is kind of... it doesn't quite make sense to me, i don't know if i'm just missing a beat because of lack of punctuation or if you're missing a word. stanza seven: do you mean "best off?" i love the eighth stanza. "but i fear you crave more" is just brilliant.

*cough* punctuation? *cough cough*

Posted 13 Years Ago

4 of 4 people found this review constructive.

Such sweet emotions flow so easily through this piece. Its the pefect mix of romance and feeling without being too mushy. Great job!

Posted 13 Years Ago

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22 Reviews
Added on March 24, 2011
Last Updated on March 24, 2011


{A}shley {B}lack @-;-
{A}shley {B}lack @-;-

Sheriffhales, Shropshire , United Kingdom

I Am Ashley Black (an alter ego ) I have a dark mind when it comes to my poetry as the strongest emotions come from negative RETURNING- I have been distant from this site for a while but I am fina.. more..


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