

A Poem by 3X3MPLER

What does silence mean

It is golden
Sometimes it is deafening
What does silence mean?
It is the same in different situations?
What does it signify?
Sometimes its cowardice
Sometimes its bravery
It could be arrogance
Or it could be respect
It is golden
But sometimes its hell fire
If need be
Stand tall and speak up
Break the silence
Before humanity is broken
It is golden
But what i really know
Silence is the thin line between bravery and cowardice.

© 2016 3X3MPLER

Author's Note

Have fun reading this

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"Silence" is often unsettling especially when there are two people engaged in a conversation. Personally, I constantly need to have background noise whether it be the outdoors, music, or the television. There is certainly a "thin line between bravery and cowardice." "Bravery" is illustrated when a person does not respond right away to hostility. Evidently, we cannot ignore comments or actions that bother us, but we have the option of choosing how we react. In contrast, "cowardice" reminds me of the criminal field. If the defendant or counselor cannot rebuttal, the case is lost. I consider the accused to be a coward when they can no longer lie if they are guilty.

Overall, "silence" is crucial. Otherwise, we would not be able to listen to others or ourselves. Thank you for sharing!


Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


Hmm, that's interesting. The line between bravery and cowardice. Lets hope it isn't just apathy. I like it.

Posted 7 Years Ago

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Yes silence can have diffirent form and meaning. Sometimes can eat all and sometimes can all let it go. Silence is inside us and we make choice how we use. nicely done

Posted 7 Years Ago

"Silence" is often unsettling especially when there are two people engaged in a conversation. Personally, I constantly need to have background noise whether it be the outdoors, music, or the television. There is certainly a "thin line between bravery and cowardice." "Bravery" is illustrated when a person does not respond right away to hostility. Evidently, we cannot ignore comments or actions that bother us, but we have the option of choosing how we react. In contrast, "cowardice" reminds me of the criminal field. If the defendant or counselor cannot rebuttal, the case is lost. I consider the accused to be a coward when they can no longer lie if they are guilty.

Overall, "silence" is crucial. Otherwise, we would not be able to listen to others or ourselves. Thank you for sharing!


Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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3 Reviews
Added on August 19, 2016
Last Updated on August 19, 2016
Tags: ilenc, wise

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