My home in the city

My home in the city

A Story by Faust

I have only been in NYC for a short time, but inthat time, I have grown attached to it.

I can hear the sounds of the city. I am blinded by the lights that gleam and glow, sheilding the people down below from the light of the stars and moon. I listen to the sounds of the people bustlng about there lives, always in a rush to do something or be somewhere. I look at the sights of the compacted buildings separated only by dark alleyways. I watch the strays roam the streets on the hunt for food that had been neglected on the road. The taxis are always in search of paying pedestrians. The cars are always honking at the traffic wanting to pass by each other but being held back by the law. The police are always on the chase, pouncing on criminals like a predator would its prey. 
This is the world that I love. This is the world that I never want to change. I want the familiar aroma of street food. I want to hear the sounds of the busy city. I want the chance to live in a city that never sleeps. 
All that excitement I have grown to love has disapeared. The lights have been replaced by endless sky. There are so few people, I am lucky if I even pass one on the street. The busy roads that I once knew have been replaced by cornfields and farms. It's too quiet and nothing ever happens. But it is peacefull. I like not having to worry about crossing the street or taking the subway. I love how I don't have to bicker with random people sellng drugs. I will miss New York City, but for now, my home is here. 

© 2019 Faust

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Very nice and I can envision how the change from a busy city to a small town for I live the same way as you do now. for if I want to live in the busy city all I have to do is drive 40 miles north and there and back to me corn fields. Crime, however, is everywhere we live.

Posted 5 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on January 28, 2019
Last Updated on January 28, 2019



Sun Prairie, WI

I'm back! I don't think anyone noticed that I closed my account for a short time though lol. Basically my sister was messing with my computer and it screwed up my account more..

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A Story by Faust

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A Story by Faust