The Only Word In My Mind Was Goodbye.

The Only Word In My Mind Was Goodbye.

A Poem by A Risen Heroine.



Not a single tear has been falling

Held my breath for what feels like an eternity

It feels good to know you're not here,

To kill me from the inside.




I must confess I've been trying so hard

Believe me when I say

I didn't want it to end this way

Not much to do but sit here

Lets watch our memories fade away;
Fade into the eternal dark

Darkness both of us know of.




Both of us knew the end was near

Had to choose

And the only word in my mind was;




© 2012 A Risen Heroine.

Author's Note

A Risen Heroine.
Ignore Grammar Problems.
Honest Opinion As Always.

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This is exactly the type of feeling I feel about my ex very relatable well written fantastic

Posted 11 Years Ago

Inevitable how these things so commonly occur....
great expression...

Posted 11 Years Ago

Wanna talk?

Posted 11 Years Ago

A powerful poem. I could feel the struggle in the words. Sometimes goodbye is the only option. Thank you for sharing the excellent poem.

Posted 11 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Added on December 12, 2012
Last Updated on December 12, 2012


A Risen Heroine.
A Risen Heroine.


Hello my dear readers, I'm so sorry I won't post that much... God bless you all. (: ~A Risen Heroine~ more..


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