Saw You Today

Saw You Today

A Poem by A Risen Heroine.


I saw you today
I saw you, 
Walking down the street
As I caught your eye
As I smiled at you
You brushed me off
My heart broke
Turned to stone
It felt like 
My heart broke,
Into a thousand tiny pieces.
Who is to pick 'em up? 
No one
The one to pick 'em up,
Left me bleeding.

© 2014 A Risen Heroine.

Author's Note

A Risen Heroine.
Ignore any grammar issues.
Honest Opinion.

My Review

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I like it. You describe very well the love sight and break up. Thanks for sharing.

Posted 9 Years Ago

I wasn't to keen on this im sorry to say, i feel it lacked something to reel me in and leave me panting i didn't feel much emotion from the piece , although on the other hand i see what your aiming for and i like the simplicity and i feel yoru repetetion had the desired effect.
I feel the problem with this piece stems from you cutting it short in a way, it feels like it had alot of possible run but it was left in the lurch.
A nice read at any cost. sweet and honest.

Posted 9 Years Ago

Good to read your poetry again. I missed you. I enjoyed the poem. Hard when we see someone who was important and we became not so important. I like the thoughts and the emotion in the poetry. Thank you for sharing the excellent poetry.

Posted 9 Years Ago

That was very great work, you did an impressive work here..
well done

Posted 9 Years Ago

It seems clear that he won't be going your way. Nice ...

Posted 9 Years Ago

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5 Reviews
Added on September 25, 2014
Last Updated on September 25, 2014


A Risen Heroine.
A Risen Heroine.


Hello my dear readers, I'm so sorry I won't post that much... God bless you all. (: ~A Risen Heroine~ more..


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