Beautiful Contrast.

Beautiful Contrast.

A Poem by A Risen Heroine.



Lying awake

Thinking of what we had

Thinking of you

The way we used to be

Memories are sneaking up on me.


Sadness’ cold hand tightening the grip

The cold hard grip in my stomach

Did it really have to end this way?

What went wrong?

Do you still think of me?

Do you still talk about me?

Do you even miss me?


We once swore not to let go

Yet here we are

Separated from each other

Within my heart you have a special place

You will be there as long as my heart keeps beating.


Thought I was stronger

Thought I wouldn’t end up this way;
An emotional wreck

Wanting to see the red liquid run;

Run down my bare pale skin

Creating a beautiful contrast.

© 2013 A Risen Heroine.

Author's Note

A Risen Heroine.
I know I haven't been writing in 6 months or so... I decided to give it a try... Tell me what you think, it'll be appreciated.
Ignore any grammar issues, and honest opinion.

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It hurts when someone you were once so in love with suddenly leaves you. I appreciate the honesty in this poem. Good job

Posted 10 Years Ago

Missing this s**t...
So whos it about?
Wanna talk about it?

Posted 11 Years Ago


Posted 11 Years Ago

Good to read your words again. Old memories make us wish for better endings. I like the honest thoughts and emotion in the words. The ending left the reader with a open ending. Good to have the reader wanting more. Thank you for the excellent poetry.

Posted 11 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Added on June 13, 2013
Last Updated on June 13, 2013


A Risen Heroine.
A Risen Heroine.


Hello my dear readers, I'm so sorry I won't post that much... God bless you all. (: ~A Risen Heroine~ more..


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