Sorry Ladies!

Sorry Ladies!

A Poem by AJNJ

You already know this....


A man is never a riddle 
Too tough to interpret 
Ladies, what you see 
Is just what you will get!

If he says he cannot stay
Or that he fears to love
He's just not into you
No sign needed from above

If he says he's just a friend 
And may not stick around 
Do believe him and get off
That silly merry-go-round 

'Darkness within' is a ploy
If he wants to keep you at bay
Such ruses he will employ 
If he wants to stay away

Coz when he's head o'er heels
He doesn't play hide n seek
He'll follow you to Mars
Or Venus's tallest peaks

And if for you he cares
He'll camp outside your door
Stuck like gum in your hair
Getting tangled more n more

A man is clear as glass
When he's mad about a dame 
He'll sign and seal the deal
He won't risk playing games 

Trust me, nothing's hidden
No hinting, no manipulating 
What is said is what is meant
No point in complicating 

So if the guy has an excuse
It only means, you're not 'the one'
He's simply toying with you 
Till he finds the 'special someone' 


Thus, what you can't edit
Don't you ever ever forget 
Ladies, what you see
Is just what you will get! 

© 2020 AJNJ

Author's Note

I'd really like a female perspective on this :)

He's Just Not That Into You is a self-improvement book written by Greg Behrendt and Liz Tuccillo that was published in 2004 and later adapted into a film by the same name in 2009

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Yessss, AJ! Just as Queen Bey sang, if a man was truly into his lady, he would put a ring on it. Those that hesitate are just playing games and passing the time. I have seen the film that inspired your poem, (haven't read the book) and it reminded me of a certain friend of mine who was with a guy for 8 years and he never once spoke of the future. When she finally put the question to him, he went awfully cold, blaming this same darkness and disturbed soul you write of here, and he broke it off 3 weeks later. She wasted 8 years for a player. So your poem, especially giving us ladies a male perspective, is one to be applauded. If he is a time waster, move him on. Fine wisdom, my friend. Your 9 stanzas flow effortlessly here. Good to read you again.

Posted 3 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.


3 Years Ago

Thanks a ton Madame! Its awesome to hear from you on my poems always. The itch to write this poem wa.. read more


Loved that book -- read it the moment it came out. Movie is great, too. This concept can never be hammered home hard enuf & your well-rhymed rhythmic efforts make this message clear as a bell. Men get a bad name for being aloof when many times the woman is being delusional, intending to change him. People have a bad habit of trying to change others (a big reason I'm a loner). If anything, your poem hammers this home to an obsessive degree, but the message may still not be getting thru! Artful work that does the original material justice (((HUGS))) Fondly, Margie

Posted 3 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


3 Years Ago

Indeed, Ms. Margie, You're very right that the message may not get through. Most of my girlfriends h.. read more

3 Years Ago

I never got married or had kids in 64 years & also haven't been in any kind of relationship for a fe.. read more

3 Years Ago

A very symbolic date for you then! Freedom is exhilarating and watching many of my friends hitched t.. read more
Absolutely love this poem! When I was young I learned this the hard way, wasting many years of my life with guys who were never serious. It took me along time but I figured it out. What you see is what you get! So right! Thanks for sharing!

Posted 3 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


3 Years Ago

I guess it works both ways. WE leave some and some leave us. I think its easy enough to read the oth.. read more
22 Reviews and counting, you have hit a topic many are willing to weigh-in on, myself included;

😊 I watch my grown children and others, fumble about looking for a lasting connection. Which is not easy to find when everyone measures success in what they can squeeze out of the moment. Once the moment cast a shadow, they are off to sunnier days. Girls chase the hope of a intimacy while many males just chase, and in old age both find they have caught nothing but heartache.

The ego of the narcissist flourishes in this new age of ‘give me.’ They don’t seem to know the difference between self-value and self-gratification via projection. As long as people only have time to meet their own needs, the notion of love cannot grow, and to a generation of people that don’t see the process broken will not see the need to rethink such things.

Posted 3 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


3 Years Ago

I agree with you wholeheartedly on this. We are indeed a very self-centered kind of generation, our.. read more
I don't remember what they call it nowadays, but I do know it's against the law to latch yourself onto a woman! Your prose is perfect.

Posted 3 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


3 Years Ago

Indeed. It should be illegal. Thanks a ton dear sir.

3 Years Ago

I've remembered - at last! It's called stalking!
Some men can carry quite a baggage of hurt from the previous relationships and which takes a long time to heal. But that doesn’t mean they will never heal. It takes time for some men to open up but they are still good human beings. How do you know whats going on in their hearts and minds. Everyone is not uniformly made by god like products of a factory line. So one must never give up on the people they love and no matter what mixed signals they give initially, love and devotion always win. Yes, there are some men also that think committing themselves to a relationship means they must meet certain expectations. These men are usually perfectionists. So again its a fear of failure rather than intended avoidance. So I kind of beg to disagree. But a nicely written poem all the same.

Posted 3 Years Ago


3 Years Ago

As far as I know its not. Its a quote by anonymous. I live Mirza Ghalib too. Nice to see he's still.. read more

3 Years Ago

But how will we appreciate Mirza Ghalib together in English 😜?

3 Years Ago

You have a point :)
Many a Dame has lost her Fame by carrying a Torch too Hot to handle... There is a “Catch” in the Sea when the Tide is ready to concede. truly, Pat

Posted 3 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


3 Years Ago

That's such a beautiful way to put it. Thanks a ton, dear Ms. Pat for such gracious words on this po.. read more
Patricia Wedel

3 Years Ago

🌈 🎶🦋 blessings

3 Years Ago

Thank you....💐😊 💕......
Hey man stop giving away our secrets! okay okay your right they aren't exactly secrets:/ I have only truly loved once it was a horrible affliction and do not wish to repeat it:) that's not to say i don't love anymore but that... here is my heart it will only beat if you hold it sort of love it's not gonna happen again:/ I think we only ever get one of those perhaps because it would kill us for it to happen twice

Posted 3 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


3 Years Ago

You have busted the secret, dear sir! We guts have weaker hearts and couldn't take that kind of thin.. read more

3 Years Ago

.......oops I meant "guys" not guts ..... sorry for the typos.....
I think we all play that game in the beginning, the sweetie jar is full and you want to get to the bottom of it. How many times do you see a girl, and think to yourself, I would love to spend the night with you, but that's all I want to do. Strangely enough, I find women are more mercenary at this. There seem to be a new species of women who go out for sex then go home to a loving cat.

Posted 3 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


3 Years Ago

Yes. The tables are kind of turning these days. The cats are making it easier for them :) Thanks a .. read more
Paul Bell

3 Years Ago

Women, the weaker sex, never.
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Mr Right is never Mr Right until he has been moulded into what SHE really wants. My wife has been remoulding for nigh on 28 years now :))
Enjoyed this well written, humorous, rhyming piece

Posted 3 Years Ago


3 Years Ago

Thanks a ton dear sir 😊
Thanks for writing this. Will the ladies learn something from it? Probably not. They continue to think it's possible to housebreak a tomcat.

Posted 3 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


3 Years Ago

I too doubt this will be of much use, dear sir, but at least I have the satisfaction of having done.. read more

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35 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on September 6, 2020
Last Updated on September 7, 2020



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